Obit of Dee Foliart (aaa) - Canadian County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Jean Kyle 31 Dec 2002 Return to Canadian County Archives: ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter information is included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ==================================================================== Originally posted at: EL RENO TRIBUNE - NOV 27, 1930 FOLIART'S DEATH MOURNED BY MANY Thanksgiving Vacation is Sadly Halted A planned Thanksgiving vacation to be spent with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Foliart at Keota, Okla., was sadly halted when Dee Foliart, 28, El Reno High School instructor, succumbed to a gun shot wound at the El Reno Sanitarium at 10:15 o'clock Wednesday night. He had been shot Wednesday noon when he entered the First National Bank to deposit his salary check while an attempted holdup was in progress. Death came before his father arrived at 11 o'clock last night. A wire was sent to Dee's mother, who was visiting in Missouri, following the accident Wednesday, but was relayed to Iowa where she had gone. Details of the accident were wired to her at Kansas City and was delivered to the young man's mother at the Union station. Mrs. Foliart wired back and said "Going to Keota, Thanks for your services. Ona Foliart". The body is to be taken to Keota for the funeral services. He is survived by his parents and a brother, John, who arrived in El Reno from Amarillo, Texas about 2 o'clock Thursday morning. He also has a sister living in California and one living in Texas. News of the death of the popular high school assistant coach threw a dark cloud over the entire city as he had made a host of friends, during his short residence here, among the high school students and the business men and citizens of the city. He was only an innocent customer of the First National Bank who was entering the building to deposit a warrant when the bandit opened fire. November 28th - The body of Dee Foliart, 28 El Reno high school assistant coach who died Wednesday night of a gunshot wound in the chest alleged to have been inflicted by Henry Lovett, who was attempting to rob the First National bank was sent to Keota by the Wilson Funeral home Friday morning., etc. etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Canadian County Archives: