1920 Federal Census Coal County, Oklahoma (ED 3: Page 1 of 5) ************************************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwcensus.org/ http://www.usgwcensus.org/cenfiles/ ************************************************************************** The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. All submissions become part of the permanent collection. Abstracted by Sue Couey from public records. Edited and formatted by Kathy Grace, October 2005. Submitted by Sue Couey. A volunteer has not yet been found to proofread this transcription. If you are interested in doing this please contact the USGenWeb Census Project. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded. ___________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: For more information on Coal County, Oklahoma, Please visit the Coal County OKGenWeb page at http://www.rootsweb.com/~okcoal/ ____________________________________________________________________________ This work follows all guidelines of the USGW Census Project http://www.usgwcensus.org/. ____________________________________________________________________________ Key to Census Columns: LN Line # S Attended School STREET Street R Can read HN House # W Can write DW Dwelling # BIRTHPLACE Person's Place of Birth FN Family # LANGUAGE Person's Mother tongue LAST NAME Last Name FATHER Father's Place of Birth FIRST NAME First Name LANGUAGE Father's Mother tongue RELATION Relationship to head of household MOTHER Mother's Place of Birth O Home Owned or rented LANGUAGE Mother's Mother tongue M Free/Mortgaged E Speaks English? S Sex Trade Trade of profession C Color or race Industry Type of business AGE Age M Marital Status Sched Farm Imm Year of immigration Sndx Soundex Code N Naturalization REMARKS Transcriber Remarks Nat Year naturalized ____________________________________________________________________________ This is the 1920 Federal Census for Coal County, Oklahoma ____________________________________________________________________________ --- Year: 1920 State: Oklahoma County: Coal ED: 3 Sheet No: 17B Reel No: T625-1457 Division: Ash Flat SD: 4 Page No: 1A Enumerated on: January 3, 5, 6, 1920 by: D. S. Dobson Transcribed by Sue Couey for USGenWeb, http://www.rootsweb.com/census/. Copyright: 2005 ======|=======================|=============|=================================|=================|============|====================|==============|=============|=================================|=================================|=================================|=====|====================================|=====|======|========================================================= LINE | STREET HOUSE | DWELL FAMIL | LAST NAME FIRST NAME | RELATION | OWN MORTG | SEX CO AGE MA | IMMI NA NATU | SCH REA WRI | BIRTHPLACE LANGUAGE | FATHER | MOTHER | ENG | TRADE INDUSTRY EM | NUM | SOUN | REMARKS ======|=======================|=============|=================================|=================|============|====================|==============|=============|=================================|=================================|=================================|=====|====================================|=====|======|========================================================= 1 | | 1 2 | Morgan B. F. | Head l | Rent | M W 33 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Arkansas | Alabama | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 1 | M625 | 2 | | 1 2 | Morgan Delois | Wife | | F W 27 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | none | | M625 | 3 | | 1 2 | Morgan Albert | Son | | M W 8 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | none | | M625 | 4 | | 1 2 | Morgan Veneta | Daughter | | F W 7 S | | yes | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | none | | M625 | 5 | | 1 2 | Morgan Orela | Daughter | | F W 5 S | | | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | | none | | M625 | 6 | | 1 2 | Morgan Blingman | Son | | M W 1 S | | | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | | none | | M625 | 7 | | 1 2 | Morgan J. M. | Father | | M W 70 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Kentucky | Kentucky | yes | Farmer Gen Farm w | | M625 | 8 | | 1 2 | Morgan Emma | Mother | | F W 64 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Alabama | Alabama | yes | none | | M625 | 9 | | 2 3 | Holland R. J. | Head l | Rent | M W 28 M | | yes yes | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 2 | H453 | 10 | | 2 3 | Holland Josephine | Wife | | F W 36 M | | yes yes yes | Texas | Texas | Texas | yes | none | | H453 | 11 | | 2 3 | Brown Bertha M. | Step Daug | | F W 14 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | Texas | yes | none | | B650 | 12 | | 3 5 | Robbins W. H. | Head l | Own Mortg | M W 72 M | | yes yes | Indiana | Indiana | Indiana | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 3 | R152 | 13 | | 3 5 | Robbins Amanda | Wife | | F W 65 M | | yes yes | Kentucky | Kentucky | Kentucky | yes | none | | R152 | 14 | | 3 5 | Robbins A. S. | Head 2 | | M W 48 M | | yes yes | Kentucky | Indiana | Kentucky | yes | Farmer Gen Farm w | | R152 | 15 | | 3 5 | Robbins Marry | Wife | | F W 38 M | | yes yes | Ohio | Ohio | Ohio | yes | none | | R152 | 16 | | 3 5 | Robbins Percy | Son | | M W 14 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Kentucky | Ohio | yes | none | | R152 | 17 | | 3 5 | Robbins Chandler ? | Son | | M W 1 S | | | Oklahoma | Kentucky | Ohio | | none | | R152 | 18 | | 3 5 | Robbins James D. | Brother | | M W 46 S | | | Kentucky | Indiana | Kentucky | yes | Farm Work Gen Farm w | | R152 | 19 | | 4 6 | Harris J. F. | Head l | Own Free | M W 52 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 4 | H620 | 20 | | 4 6 | Harris Alice | Wife | | F W 54 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | none | | H620 | 21 | | 4 6 | Harris Raymond | Son | | M W 18 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | farm work w | | H620 | 22 | | 4 6 | Harris Jessie | Daughter | | F W 18 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | none | | H620 | 23 | | 4 6 | Harris Edner | Son | | M W 16 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | none | | H620 | 24 | | 4 6 | Harris Lorean | Daughter | | F W 12 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | none | | H620 | 25 | | 4 6 | Smith Nellie | Step Daug | | F W 28 Wd | | yes yes | Arkansas | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | none | | S530 | 26 | | 5 7 | Gray Eva | Head l | Own Free | F W 36 Wd | | yes yes | Kansas | Kansas | Kansas | yes | Farmer Gen Farm | 5 | G600 | 27 | | 5 7 | Gray Jarrid | Daughter | | F W 18 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Kansas | Kansas | yes | none | | G600 | 28 | | 5 7 | Gray Eldridge | Son | | M W 15 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Kansas | Kansas | yes | none | | G600 | 29 | | 5 7 | Gray Lucile | Daughter | | F W 13 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Kansas | Kansas | yes | none | | G600 | 30 | | 5 7 | Gray Alford | Son | | M W 10 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Kansas | Kansas | yes | none | | G600 | 31 | | 5 7 | Gray Frank | Son | | M W 7 S | | yes | Oklahoma | Kansas | Kansas | | none | | G600 | 32 | | 5 7 | Gray Louis | Son | | M W 3 S | | | Oklahoma | Kansas | Kansas | | none | | G600 | 33 | | 5 7 | Shanes Billy | Brother | | M W 25 S | | yes yes | Oklahoma | Kansas | Kansas | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 6 | S520 | 34 | | 5 7 | Edens Elizabeth | Boarder | | F W 21 S | | yes yes | Oklahoma | Italy Italian | France French | yes | Teacher School | | E352 | 35 | | 5 7 | Burr Juanita | Boarder | | F W 21 S | | yes yes | Indiana | Indiana | Indiana | yes | Teacher School | | B600 | 36 | | 6 8 | Selers Tony | Head l | Own Free | M B 58 Wd | | | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 7 | S462 | 37 | | 6 8 | Finley Siyerly ? | Sis-In-Law | | F B 60 Wd | | | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | yes | none | | F540 | 38 | | 6 8 | Finley Ema | Gr Daug | | F B 6 S | | | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | | none | | F540 | 39 | | 6 8 | Stevens Louis | Boarder | | M B 25 S | | yes yes | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | yes | farm work Gen Farm w | | S315 | 40 | | 7 9 | Pyle CA | Head l | Rent | M W 67 M | | yes yes | Missouri | Kansas | Texas | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 8 | P400 | 41 | | 7 9 | Pyle Amanda | Wife | | F W 63 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Alabama | Alabama | yes | none | | P400 | 42 | | 7 9 | Pyle Nathan | Son | | M W 18 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Missouri | Arkansas | yes | none | | P400 | 43 | | 7 9 | Taley Buler ? | Daughter | | F W 17 M | | yes yes | Oklahoma | Missouri | Arkansas | yes | none | | T400 | 44 | | 7 9 | Taley Sidney | Son-In-Law | | M W 24 M | | yes yes | Texas | Texas | Texas | yes | farm work Gen Farm w | | T400 | 45 | | 8 10 | Sniger J. J. | Head l | Own Mortg | M W 49 M | | yes yes | Virginia | Virginia | Pennsylvania | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 9 | S526 | 46 | | 8 10 | Sniger Cadia ? | Wife | | F W 49 M | | yes yes | Illinois | Maryland | Scotland Scotch | yes | none | | S526 | 47 | | 8 10 | Sniger Thelma | Daughter | | F W 14 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Virginia | Illinois | yes | none | | S526 | 48 | | 8 10 | Sniger Nellie | Daughter | | F W 18 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Virginia | Illinois | yes | none | | S526 | 49 | | 8 10 | Sniger Ruby | Daughter | | F W 6 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Virginia | Illinois | yes | none | | S526 | 50 | | 9 11 | Guest Selnet ? | Head l | Own Free | M W 24 M | | yes yes | Texas | Texas | Arkansas | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 10 | G230 | ======|=======================|=============|=================================|=================|============|====================|==============|=============|=================================|=================================|=================================|=====|====================================|=====|======|========================================================= --- Year: 1920 State: Oklahoma County: Coal ED: 3 Sheet No: 18A Reel No: T625-1457 Division: Ash Flat SD: 4 Page No: 1B Enumerated on: January 3, 5, 6, 1920 by: D. S. Dobson Transcribed by Sue Couey for USGenWeb, http://www.rootsweb.com/census/. Copyright: 2005 ======|=======================|=============|=================================|=================|============|====================|==============|=============|=================================|=================================|=================================|=====|====================================|=====|======|========================================================= LINE | STREET HOUSE | DWELL FAMIL | LAST NAME FIRST NAME | RELATION | OWN MORTG | SEX CO AGE MA | IMMI NA NATU | SCH REA WRI | BIRTHPLACE LANGUAGE | FATHER | MOTHER | ENG | TRADE INDUSTRY EM | NUM | SOUN | REMARKS ======|=======================|=============|=================================|=================|============|====================|==============|=============|=================================|=================================|=================================|=====|====================================|=====|======|========================================================= 51 | | 9 11 | Guest Mattie | Wife | | F W 33 M | | yes yes | Texas | Texas | Texas | yes | none | | G230 | 52 | | 9 11 | Carter Jonna | Sis-In-Law | | F W 28 Wd | | yes yes | Texas | Texas | Texas | yes | none | | C636 | 53 | | 9 11 | Carter Loreta | Neice | | F W 9 S | | yes yes yes | Texas | Texas | Texas | yes | none | | C636 | 54 | | 10 12 | Guest J. M. | Head l | Rent | M W 66 M | | yes yes | Texas | Tennessee | Missouri | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 11 | G230 | 55 | | 10 12 | Guest Mattie | Wife | | F W 63 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Tennessee | Missouri | yes | none | | G230 | 56 | | 10 12 | Guest Lisa ? | Son | | M W 32 S | | yes yes | Texas | Texas | Arkansas | yes | farm work Gen Farm w | | G230 | 57 | | 11 13 | Horton Alice | Head l | Own Mortg | F W 59 Wd | | yes yes | Texas | Tennessee | Tennessee | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 12 | H635 | 58 | | 11 13 | Horton Ranch ? | Son | | M W 16 S | | yes yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | Texas | yes | farm work Gen Farm w | | H635 | 59 | | 12 14 | Hampton Abel L. | Head l | Rent | M W 53 M | | yes yes | Missouri | Alabama | Illinois | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 13 | H513 | 60 | | 12 14 | Hampton Louisa | Wife | | M W 36 M | | yes yes | Texas | Alabama | Alabama | yes | none | | H513 | 61 | | 12 14 | Hampton Annie | Daughter | | F W 17 S | | yes yes yes | Texas | Missouri | Texas | yes | none | | H513 | 62 | | 12 14 | Hampton Otto | Son | | M W 11 S | | yes yes yes | Texas | Missouri | Texas | yes | none | | H513 | 63 | | 12 14 | Hampton Edmond | Son | | M W 1 S | | | Oklahoma | Missouri | Texas | | none | | H513 | 64 | | 13 15 | Donaldson W. T. | Head l | Own Free | M W 60 M | | yes yes | Tennessee | Tennessee | Tennessee | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 14 | D543 | 65 | | 13 15 | Donaldson Caddie | Wife | | F W 37 M | | yes yes | Tennessee | Tennessee | Tennessee | yes | none | | D543 | 66 | | 13 15 | Donaldson Carl | Son | | M W 14 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | Tennessee | yes | none | | D543 | 67 | | 13 15 | Donaldson Devorta | Daughter | | F W 10 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | Tennessee | yes | none | | D543 | 68 | | 13 15 | Donaldson Dana | Son | | M W 7 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | Tennessee | yes | none | | D543 | 69 | | 14 16 | Holland William | Head l | Rent | M W 29 M | | yes yes | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | yes | Farmer farm work em | | H453 | 70 | | 14 16 | Holland Coria | Wife | | F W 39 M | | yes yes | Illinois | Illinois | Kentucky | yes | none | | H453 | 71 | | 14 16 | Holland Laura | Niece | | F W 10 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Illinois | yes | none | | H453 | 72 | | 14 16 | Holland Dellia | Moth-In-Law | | F W 76 Wd | | yes yes | Kansas | Illinois | Kentucky | yes | none | | H453 | 73 | | 15 17 | Rowe J. S. | Head l | Own Free | M W 48 M | | yes yes | Tennessee | Tennessee | Tennessee | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 15 | R000 | 74 | | 15 17 | Rowe Ermin | Wife | | F W 41 M | | yes yes | Texas | Oklahoma | Alabama | yes | none | | R000 | 75 | | 15 17 | Rowe Eunice | Daughter | | F W 18 S | | yes yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | Texas | yes | School Teaching | | R000 | 76 | | 15 17 | Rowe Floyd | Son | | M W 16 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | Texas | yes | none | | R000 | 77 | | 15 17 | Rowe Olare ? | Son | | M W 13 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | Texas | yes | none | | R000 | 78 | | 15 17 | Rowe Vernon | Son | | M W 11 S | | yes yes yes | Texas | Tennessee | Texas | yes | none | | R000 | 79 | | 15 17 | Rowe Minnie May | Daughter | | F W 9 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | Texas | yes | none | | R000 | 80 | | 15 17 | Rowe Estela | Daughter | | F W 6 S | | yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | Texas | yes | none | | R000 | 81 | | 15 17 | Rowe Othella | Daughter | | F W 6 S | | yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | Texas | yes | none | | R000 | 82 | | 15 17 | Rowe Edward | Son | | M W 2 S | | | Oklahoma | Tennessee | Texas | | none | | R000 | 83 | | 16 18 | Washburn Otto | Head l | un | M W 22 M | | yes yes | Texas | Texas | Texas | yes | farm work Gen Farm w | | W216 | 84 | | 16 18 | Washburn Salay | Wife | | F W 21 M | | | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | none | | W216 | 85 | | 16 18 | Washburn Della | Daughter | | F W 1 S | | | Oklahoma | Texas | Oklahoma | | none | | W216 | 86 | | 17 19 | Welton Henry | Head l | Rent | M W 32 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 16 | W435 | 87 | | 17 19 | Welton Willa | Wife | | F W 24 M | | yes yes | Texas | Texas | Texas | yes | none | | W435 | 88 | | 17 20 | Cummings W. A. | Head l | Own Free | M W 63 M | | yes yes | Maryland | Maryland | Maryland | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 17 | C552 | 89 | | 17 20 | Cummings Orlessa | Wife | | F W 58 M | | yes yes | Kentucky | Kentucky | Kentucky | yes | none | | C552 | 90 | | 18 21 | Northcutt R. H. | Head l | Own Free | M W 56 M | | yes yes | Tennessee | Tennessee | Tennessee | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 18 | N632 | 91 | | 18 21 | Northcutt Rebbecca | Wife | | F W 48 M | | yes yes | N Carolina | N Carolina | N Carolina | yes | none | | N632 | 92 | | 18 21 | Northcutt Fay | Daughter | | F W 23 S | | yes yes | Texas | Tennessee | N Carolina | yes | Teacher School | | N632 | 93 | | 18 21 | Northcutt George | Son | | M W 18 S | | yes yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | N Carolina | yes | none | | N632 | 94 | | 18 21 | Northcutt Clide | Son | | M W 11 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Tennessee | N Carolina | yes | none | | N632 | 95 | | 19 22 | Hicks W.C. | Head l | un | M W 66 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Tennessee | Arkansas | yes | farm work w | | H220 | 96 | | 19 22 | Hicks Marens | Wife | | F W 66 M | | yes yes | Wisonsin | Tennessee | Tennessee | yes | none | | H220 | 97 | | 20 23 | Knight Morgan | Head l | Rent | M W 19 M | | yes yes | Texas | Alabama | Alabama | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 19 | K523 | 98 | | 20 23 | Knight Sarah | Wife | | F W 21 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Texas | Alabama | yes | none | | K523 | 99 | | 20 23 | Knight Elvin | Son | | M W 2 S | | | Oklahoma | Texas | Arkansas | | none | | K523 | 100 | | 21 24 | Dicks Nelson | Head l | Rent | M W 25 M | | yes yes | Texas | Texas | Arkansas | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 20 | D220 | ======|=======================|=============|=================================|=================|============|====================|==============|=============|=================================|=================================|=================================|=====|====================================|=====|======|========================================================= --- Year: 1920 State: Oklahoma County: Coal ED: 3 Sheet No: 18B Reel No: T625-1457 Division: Ash Flat SD: 4 Page No: 2A Enumerated on: January 10,12, 13, 1920 by: D. S. Dobson Transcribed by Sue Couey for USGenWeb, http://www.rootsweb.com/census/. Copyright: 2005 ======|=======================|=============|=================================|=================|============|====================|==============|=============|=================================|=================================|=================================|=====|====================================|=====|======|========================================================= LINE | STREET HOUSE | DWELL FAMIL | LAST NAME FIRST NAME | RELATION | OWN MORTG | SEX CO AGE MA | IMMI NA NATU | SCH REA WRI | BIRTHPLACE LANGUAGE | FATHER | MOTHER | ENG | TRADE INDUSTRY EM | NUM | SOUN | REMARKS ======|=======================|=============|=================================|=================|============|====================|==============|=============|=================================|=================================|=================================|=====|====================================|=====|======|========================================================= 1 | | 21 24 | Dicks Oda | Wife | | F W 20 M | | yes yes | Texas | Texas | Tennessee | yes | none | | D220 | 2 | | 21 24 | Dicks Lillian | Daughter | | F W 2 S | | | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Missouri | | none | | D220 | 3 | | 22 25 | Hicks Sherry | Head l | Own Mortg | M W 32 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Arkansas | Missouri | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 21 | H220 | 4 | | 22 25 | Hicks Nanoy | Wife | | F W 28 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | none | | H220 | 5 | | 22 25 | Hicks William | Son | | M W 10 S | | yes yes yes | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | yes | none | | H220 | 6 | | 22 25 | Hicks Sular | Daughter | | F W 8 S | | yes | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | | none | | H220 | 7 | | 22 25 | Hicks James | Son | | M W 6 S | | yes | Oklahoma | Arkansas | Arkansas | | none | | H220 | 8 | | 23 26 | Hicks Joe J. | Head l | Own Free | M W 34 M | | yes yes | Arkansas | Arkansas | Missouri | yes | Farmer Gen Farm oa | 22 | H220 |