Obit of Everett, Earl Clinton (e163) - Grady County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Deborah 29 Sep 2004 Return to Grady County Archives: ========================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ========================================================================== The following obituary is taken from "The Davis News," Thursday, June 22, 1995: EARL CLINTON EVERETT Funeral services for Earl Clinton Everett, 88, of Chickasha were June 10 at Western Oaks Christian Church. Interment was at Memory Lane Cemetery, Anadarko. Everett was a principal, coach and teacher at Davis during the 1930's. He taught and coached 45 years in the public schools of Oklahoma and was a charter member of the Davis Kiwanis Club. Everett was born August 6, 1906, at Mt. View, Ark. to Lone and Pearl (Freeman) Everett. He served in the U. S. Air Corps for four years and in the active reserves and was discharged with the rank of major. He became a member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at an early age and was honored by Western Oaks Christian Church, where he was named Elder Emeritis. Survivors include his wife of 52 years, Josephine (Corbin), twin daughters, four grandchildren and a great-grandson, four sisters and a brother. Typed exactly as spelled and printed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Grady County Archives: