m450 Obit of Esau Moline - Grady County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Sandi Carter SandKatC@aol.com ========================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ========================================================================== The Verden News March 17, 1911 SHIPPED HERE FOR BURIAL A telegram was received here Sunday evening stating that Esau Moline, a Mexican boy 18 years of age, formerly living with Ben Roach, had died Sunday morning in Ladro, Old Mexico with consumption. The boy had made his home with Ben Roach since early childhood and they had become greatly attached to him. The body will be shipped here for burial. Submitted by Sandi Carter -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Grady County Archives: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ok/grady/grady.html