Obit of Eliza Winfree - Grady County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Sandi Carter 8 Apr 2000 Return to Grady County Archives: ===================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ===================================================================== ::Verden Cemetery--Verden OK The Verden News May  5, 1922 Mrs. Eliza Winfree, 90 years old, mother of Mrs. T. C. Graves living four miles south of town, passed quietly away Monday, April 24. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church Wednesday afternoon and was laid to her final rest in the silent city of our dead. A large concourse of friends and relatives paid her their last respects, the floral offerings were many and beautiful. Grandma Winfree lived long and well, she served her generation and at the ripe old age to which few attain she goes to her maker. She leaves to mourn her departure one daughter and a number of grandchildren. Submitted by Sandi Carter --------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Grady County Archives: