Anniversary of Lynn, Arthur Bryan & Linda Gail [Cates] - Grady County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Sandi Carter 17 Jul 2005 Return to Grady County Archives: ========================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ========================================================================== The Chickasha Express-Star 13 February 2005 ARTHUR BRYAN & LINDA GAIL [CATES] LYNN LYNNS CELEBRATE 40TH ANNIVERSARY By Carolynn Lynn Elliott Bryan and Linda Lynn will be honored with a reception celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday, February 20, from 2-4 p.m., in the parlor of the First Baptist Church located at 324 Colorado Avenue. All family, friends, and acquaintances of this caring and giving couple are invited to come and share this time of celebration. If you would like to share a special memory or humorous story about Bryan or Linda, it would be appreciated. The memory could be written inside a card and would be the perfect keepsdake to place inside their 40th wedding anniversary scrapbook. Arthur Bryan Lynn and Linda Gail Cates were united in marriage at the First Assembly of God Church, then located downtown, with Reverend Charles Sullivan, pastor of First Baptist Church, officiating. At that time, the First Baptist was in a building program and the new sanctuary had not been completed. They have been faithful members of First Baptist throughout their marriage. Soon after their marriage, they both received their degrees from OCLA before it became USAO. Bryan was employed as a computer programmer at Fort Sill, and Linda, an elementary school teacher at Grand Avenue school here in Chickasha. Desiring to be at home and devote her time to raising her sons, Linda retired from teaching in 1976. Bryan continued commuting to Fort Sill until his retirement in 2000. About this same time, he also retired with the rank of Commander from the United States Naval Reserve after over 30 years of service. Bryan is currently co-owner and manager of Lynn Natural Health Food Center where he wears many hats of responsibility. His vast knowledge in business and computer technology has been a tremendous asset to the continuing success of the family business. As his parents, who began the business with a desire to provide their family and the community with access to natural dietary supplements and whole organically grown foods to build and secure total health, Bryan, through many hours of unselfish labor, has worked to continue to fulfill this important need. He diligently strives to keep quality, fresh merchandise on the shelves at the store while providing a compassionate ear to the customer’s requests. Completely dedicated to God’s direction for his life, Bryan has developed many lasting relationships due to his genuine concern for the lives of others. Linda Joyfully spends many hours of her life volunteering her time and creative abilities to loved ones, friends, or whomever may have a need. Whether it is a special event or a small gathering of family or friends, it is not unusual to see Linda coming with her camera in hand, happily smiling and politely asking you to pose for a picture. Linda is an excellent photographer and creates beautiful scrapbooks and albums full of pictures she has taken or gathered from vintage family collections. She delights in finding that special gift for someone she loves and receives great joy in surprising them even when it is not a special occasion. Linda is a precious and beaufitul person who possesses a peaceful and quiet spirit and does all these acts of kindness from her heart. Bryan and Linda are a wonderful blessing to their family, church and community. God has blessed them with a lovely, growing family: son Bryan Lynn and his wife, Diana, of Plano, Texas, sons Kerry Lynn and Jared Lynn of Chickasha, and grandchildren, Jamie and Jacob Lynn of Plano, Jeffrey Lynn, Brittany and Seth Dirickson of Anadarko. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Grady County Archives: