Greer County, OK - Letters from Old Greer County, Letter 5 Thusday, July 26, 2007 Submitted by: (James M. Milton) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Jan 16 -- Dear folks: I took your letter to mail, got one from you so am send- ing another installment. Tell George that when you had that Dr. when Jimmie was born, I made a mistake when I told him that he was born near Cloud Chief. Navajo was our P.O. at that time. Indian Tery 1892. Feb 8th, if they ask your mother's maiden name it was Williams. My Dads name, Levi Williams, my Mothers name Alice Wilson (maiden name) guess that will do,for my side of the house. Your Mother can tell better the other side. Sure am glad the little 10 helped out, as children like new clothes. am glad that all got a bite of the bacon. that was a product of Enid, Saturday I went in town for our weeks supply of gro, began to snow before we started and by the time we got to town, it was coming down thick, soon the wind started and we had a real snow storm. Was glad to get home without a misshap, and by 10 it was clear as a bell, but the snow drifted so bad the roads were blocked and just East of the house a deep drift stalled cars so they had to be dug out. I washed yesterday & had to shovel snow to get to the line to hang the wash- froze stiff but all got dry by night-- thank goodness. Guess I'll have to stop now and go the mail box. the snow is deep will have to pick my way thro. Write soon-- Oh, yes You did have a nice Christmas, and I know you are proud of your rug your mother made for you. Love and the best of luck for all Mother!!