Harper County - Lutheran Cemetery Submitted by: Donna Shepherd donna@shepherd.ms -------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please email donna@shepherd.ms to add to the list and/or provide additional information regarding the burials in this cemetery. Complete listing of Harper Co. Cemeteries may be found at http://www.usgennet/usa/ok/county/harper/cemtrans.html Surname First Maiden Cemetery BARROW Elizabeth Dies Lutheran BAUGH Marie Lutheran BURGHARDT Edward Lutheran BURGHARDT Minnie Lutheran CRISSUP George children Lutheran DIES Alexander Lutheran DIES ChrIstina Lutheran DIES Christina Lutheran DIES Henry Lutheran DIES Isaac Lutheran EWING Mrs Lutheran HINTHER Eva Yauk Lutheran HINTHER John Fred Lutheran HINTHER Reinhard Walter Lutheran HOPP Dave Lutheran HOPP David Lutheran HOPP Emma A Lutheran HOPP John E Lutheran HOPP Susie Lutheran HUENERGARDT Mary Lutheran INDERLIED Herman Lutheran INDERLIED Lena Rahe Lutheran INDERLIED WillIam Lutheran KING Eva Vauk Lutheran Krause Sol chIldren Lutheran Krenz Catherine E Lutheran Krenz Fredrich Lutheran Krenz John Lutheran Krenz John M Lutheran Krenz Leah Lutheran Martin David Lutheran Martin Dolly Lutheran Martin Ella N Lutheran Martin Fredrich Lutheran Martin George H Lutheran Martin Inf George/Geraldine Lutheran Martin Jacob Lutheran Martin Jacob Lutheran Martin Katherlna Lutheran Martin Maria E Lutheran Martin Ruben Lutheran Martin Wilhelm H Lutheran Miller Bill’s wife & Baby Lutheran Miller Carl Lutheran Miller George H Lutheran Miller Harold G Lutheran Miller Henry L Lutheran Miller Katherine E Lutheran Miller Katy Lutheran Piesters Conrad’ wife Lutheran Ring Carl Lutheran Ring Emma S Lutheran Ring Jacob Lutheran Ring Katie £ Lutheran Rodkey Almira J. Lutheran Schneider Anna Yauk Lutheran Stebbens Roy 0. Lutheran Stieben Charlotte Rein Lutheran Stieben John Jacob Lutheran Talley Craig Allen Lutheran Yank Katherina Elizabeth Lutheran Yank Reinhart Lutheran Yank Reinhart B Lutheran Yank Ruben G Lutheran Yank Walter E Lutheran Yauk Alma Lutheran Yauk Amelia Lutheran Yauk Anna Elizabeth Lutheran Yauk Emil L Lutheran Yauk George Lutheran Yauk Gottlieb Lutheran Yauk Harold A Lutheran Yauk Henry Lutheran Yauk Inf. of R. R. Lutheran Yauk Johann Gottlieb Lutheran Yauk Katherine M. Lutheran Yauk Katie Lutheran Yauk Katy E. Lutheran Yauk Leon Lutheran Yauk Marie Lutheran Yauk Mary Lutheran Yauk Philip Lutheran Yauk Reinhardt Lutheran Zehner Adam H. Lutheran Zehner Albert P Lutheran Zehner Daniel Lutheran