The Ringling Eagle 17 Dec 1931 - Jefferson County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Nita E. 13 Nov 2005 Return to Jefferson County Archives: ========================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ========================================================================== The Ringling Eagle 17 Dec 1931 Thursday, December 17, 1931 Everything Is Recovered and BERNICE DICKEY Is Arrested Culver Motor Is Looted Again For the first time in several months, thieves again were active in Ringling Monday night and the Culver Motor Company again was the victim… Oil Field Conference Formed by Six Schools Rexroat, Graham, Wheeler, Lone Grove and the Woodford schools have banded together to form a new high school athletic conference, known as the Oil Field Conference, to sponsor regular high school athletic activities. ARTHUR W. JONES of Wheeler was elected president; EDWARD TURNER of Graham vice president, O. A. RICHARDS of Plainview secretary. Resolution in Honor of J. T. KING of Orr, Who Departed This Life on December 3 To the memory of Brother J. T. KING who died on the third day of December, 1931...the Orr Lodge No. 167 A.F.&A.M…. Committee R. D. RAUSIN, EDD BLACK, W. C. HODGSON, W. BAIRD, sec. ROLAND-MORRIS A wedding of interest to the Ringling folk and which was a surprise to their friends was that of MISS JOY PEARL ROLAND to J. T. MORRIS, which took place last Friday evening at 10:00 in Wilson. Justice of Peace OTTO HIGH read the marriage vows. Mrs. Moors is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. HOLAND of Dundee and has been employed at the THOMAS Cash Store for several years. Mr. Morris is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F MORRIS and is employed in the Morris Grocery. HAMMONS-LEE Miss LYDIA B. HAMMONS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. HAMMONS of Ringling, and GLEN LEE, son of MRS. FRANK BAKER of Grady were united in marriage Tuesday evening December 16 at 7:30 with Justice of Peace J. L. HARPER performing the ceremony. They will be at home in Grady where Mr. Lee will be employed with his stepfather, FRANK BAKER, in farming. Local MRS. C. W. JONES spent a few days this week with relatives in Ardmore. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. SHAW of Cornish announce the birth of a baby boy born December 15, 1931. Farm for rent, 110 acres, half in cultivation, the rest in pasture. Cash rent $100 per year. MRS. SUSIE COPELAND. MRS. RAYMOND STEWART and son BILLIE RAY returned to their home in Oklahoma City after spending a week in Ringling with Mr. and Mrs. SMITH HARWELL and family. Mr. and Mrs. LOUIS WILLIAMSON are receiving congratulations on the birth of an 8 ½ pound baby boy born Thursday, December 17, 1931. MISSES CORINNE BEAN and OUIDA JACKSON were in Wilson Tuesday. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Jefferson County Archives: