Waurika News-Democrat, 1913 Feb 28 - Jefferson County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Nita E. 13 Nov 2005 Return to Jefferson County Archives: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ok/jefferson/jefferson.htm ========================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ========================================================================== Originally posted at: http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec/msg/rw/CaB.2ACI/736 Waurika News-Democrat Waurika, Jefferson County, Oklahoma Friday, February 28, 1913 Some Items Front Page Three Arrested for Larceny--R. H. CLASBY, JIM CLASBY, Mrs. R. H. CLASBY BURGESS is Victim of Knife Attempted to Blackmail--Ex-sheriff JOHN WRIGHT and attorney GUY GREEN captured C. and B. WRIGHT for attempting to blackmail L. D MAJOR Two Are Held without Bond Jeff. County District Court List of jurors: W. F. SPAIN, W. F. GUEST, S. W. CORBY, O. B. ADDINGTON, E. G. BARRETT, W. C. BURGESS, R. J. CREEL, GEORGE TYSON, A. T. BLACKWELL, JIM CARNAHAN, E. C. MORRIS, J. T. JONES, J. O. LINGON, E. D. BERRY, C. H. CATHEY, J. J. MARSHALL, C. C. CROSS, J. J. WHEELER, E. C. TRUE, J. R. HAYS, J. R. BROWN, P. F. BRISCOE, J. M. REED, S. E. DICKEY, J. C. EDGAR, JOHN MITCHELL, H. LANGFORD, G. E. HIBBERT, J. H. BURKETT, E. C. GRACE, E. COUNTISS, W. E. ALEXANDER, R. W. DAVIEL, R. G. RYALS, C. J. CRAVEN, J. D. DOWNEY, J. M. BOUNDS, R. J. D. GORDON No Relation The report has been circulated that the Wright boys, recently arrested, are not relatives of ex-sheriff John Wright. New Furniture Store GEORGE ANTRIM informs us that he has leased the Harris Building on the corner of E and Main and will engage in the new and second hand furniture business after March 1. 10 cent load of bread. COSTEN's Bakery He Stayed with Them In the chase with blood hounds the other day when D. WITT was endeavoring to escape, ELSIE JOHNSON, a fifteen year old boy, got with the hounds and made the entire circuit with them on foot. Married MISS RENA SMITH and H. C. MORRIS were married in Oklahoma City last week. They will reside at Parsons, Kansas. Stolen. One dark bay Clydesdale mare, one sorrel mare. Reward of $20 for recovery of mares. ROY MARTIN, Randlett. CHARLES ECKLES of Wheeler, Texas, brother of J. R. ECKLES, has been here for a visit. On Wednesday he accompanied LYMAN ECKLES in a chase of a coyote. Lyman finally succeeded in getting a shot that brought him down. J. L. CUPP, car foreman for the Rock Island at this place, made a business trip to Fort Worth. Local News H. V. BIRD of Ryan was in the city. J. D. HUFFMAN is in Kansas City this week. T. N. PATTERSON and BEN YOUNG were here from Ryan. MRS. L. B. UPHAM is still confined with lagrippe. D. S. HUFFMAN attended a rural carriers convention at Lawton Saturday. MISS MARTHA BIFFLE, who is teaching school near Cornish, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. BIFFLE here. Several friends of MRS. ROMIE DAVIS tendered her a kitchen shower Wednesday afternoon at which time Mrs. Davis was the recipient of many handsome and useful articles. MRS. R. E. SCHOOLFIELD and MRS. S. J. MURPHY were in Duncan attending a district meeting of the Women's Home Mission Society of the M. E. church. J. O. OSBORN has succeeded L. P. HOWARD as local agent and manager of the Singer Sewing Machine Co. Since Mr. Osborn has assumed charge of the business, his territory has been extended to include the entire county. Mr. Osborn is well known in Waurika and the territory contiguous to the city. He owns considerable property in Waurika and is an enthusiastic booster for the town. School Notes The Duncan-Waurika debate is scheduled to take place at Duncan, Friday evening, March 7... MRS. HEACOCK and MRS. NEWMAN were school visitors Wednesday. Six of the rooms had no tardies for the entire month. The room taught by MISS MABEL HOBBS had the highest percentage of attendance at Irving school while MISS ALETHA DAVIS' room carried off the honors at the high school. MISS EFFIE HEACOCk entertained the high school graduating class at Washington's birthday party last Saturday evening at the home of MRS. FRED PEPIN. The evening was very pleasantly spent in a contest on incidents connected with the life of Washington. PROF. STORMS was awarded the prize. Last Friday closed the sixth month of the present school year and the following is the honor roll for the month. High school: ALTA MOORE, KATE FELTS, GEORGE WOOLDRIDGE, DOTHE SHANKLE, LOMA KIRK, MARY LOUISE GREEN, MARCELLA JONES, NORA MAUPIN, BESSIE HILL, REBECCA GREEN, WINFRED DILLARD, HILL DILLARD. At the Irving school: EFFIE MCCULLOCH, ALBERTA CHERRY, THELMA STUARD, COMRY WILLIAMS, VELMA MELTON, HELEN LANG, ROY ECHOLS, MARJOIRE OSBORN, HAZEL TURNAGE. LEONA ANDREWS, wife of BROOKS ANDREWS, caused a commotion. Brooks Andrews is the manager of the Midway Hotel, established for the benefit of the colored population. Notice of Delinquent Taxes Bourland Township J. P. ALVEY E. M. BRATCHER ROY BOOTHE W. H. CLIFT FRANK BURRIS J. F. DREW O. P. GANT R. J. GARRISON G. M HADDOCK F.B. HEARN J. J. JONES E. W. JOHNSON W. F. KNIGHT F. M. MARTIN J. G. MURRAY L. W. MYERS HOMER O'NEAL J. W. PHILLIPS R. C. RATLIFF L. R. STORMS J. L. THOMPSON B. E. VANBIBBER W. A WELFONG LOUIS WOOD P. C. WELDON R. E. WELDON C. B. WEBB H. G. WELLS Blackburn Township D. L. BLIVENS JOSEPH BRINKWORTH J. W. CARTER B. R. COBB J. D. DOWNEY FRENCH & COBB W. V. GENTRY E. C. GROVES J. C. JORDAN C. LINTON J.H. MCCOY HENRY MCCORY G. W. MITCHELL T. W. MORRIS T. N. MITCHELL H. P. O'CONNOR N. M. OWENS C. H. PANNELL J. D. SEWELL W. B. SIES W. H. SPARKMAN J. T. SMITH W. F. THOMPSON G. L. TROTTER Brown Township D. J. ALLEN T. W. CHAPMAN W. E. CAMPBELL B. CULBERSON B. C. DRAGO A. R. FAULKNER I. C. HICKS J. L. HILL W. A. JOBE J. B. JENKINS D. S. LESTER MRS. M. E. MEELER W. B. NEWMAN J. A. OVERSTREET J. C. PHILLIPS C. H. RICHERSON E. C. RICH J. R. SANDERS L. S. STAFFORD F. M. WITT T. F. WILLIAMS Patterson Township J. L. ALLEN W. W. BATES A. G. COLLINS JR J. W. CHAFLIN J. I. DERR W. P. GLAZNER T. A. GILCHRIST R. J. HOLMAN W. S. HILL W. V. MCCLURE W. T. MCCOY W. M. PIERCE J. P. REID J. W. ROUTT R. D. ROBERTS D. M. STANLEY A. J. STANLEY E. D. STOVALL L. E. TUCKER W. L. THOMPSON Grayson Township G. W. ARNER H. W. ARNER I. M. BRUNER L. A. BRYSON L. M. BRYSON S. R. BURGIOUS J. V. BIRDWELL W. E. CLINE W. E. CONNER DICK COLEMAN H. H. COEFIELD J. T. CUNNINGHAM CRUMLEY BROS. S. VV. CUMMINS DAVID SMITH C. G. DUNFORD T. J. DOGGETT J. J. EMBREY T. C. EVANS MRS. FLORENCE GAINES F. M. GIBSON J. B. HENDERSON SAM HOWELL T. C. HARRELL J. T. HENDERSON S. R. HILL R. H. HARRELL C. T. HUTCHISON W. D. JONES T. B. KELLY J. A. LOWE G. E. LOWE F. F. LEWIS W.J. W. MCBEE R. C. MURPHY ARTHUR MOON H. L. MARTIN JESS MELTON W. H. MUSICK JOHN MOORE DICK MCCURRY E. J. MOORE E. C. MOORE J. D. MAYNARD J. E MCKEE J. W. OGLE W. B. OLDHAM BOB POSEY W. T. PERRY C. I. RUSSEL S. H. SMITH J. T SULLIVAN W. C. SULLIVAN CAL TINDEL J. F. TAYLOR J. N. TALLANT R. F. TALLY DAVE TALKINGTON M. T. WILLOUGHBY J. T. WALLER MRS. L. C. WATKINS W. F. WELCH ARTHUR WELCH W. S. WHITE J. V WELCH G. W. WELCH Wray Township JODIE BLAIR D. C. BAILEY J. E. BURCH G. R. BEAM T. B. BUTLER C. C. BRAGG P. F. BRISCO CHARLEY COFFEE G. H. CATHEY J. F. CARGON O. G. CARSON J. E. CAMPBELL R. E. DURRETT W. A DELANEY R. A. DELANEY W. T. DUNCAN W. M. ELLIS E. T. EMBREE W. B. EDGEMAN JOHN HUFF G. L. HARRISON R. H. JOHNSON M. C. HENDERSON J. R. JERVIS J. T. JENNINGS W. D. LYNCH J. W. V. MINOR D. R. MUSICK C. M. MAYS W. T. MANESS S. C. POKEJOY H. A. POOLER L. W. PATTERSON A. ROBNETT N. B. ROBISON W. L.RIGGS H. C. REAVES C. B. RIDDLES W. T. SKINNER R. E. SADDLER M. W. TURNER I. M. WALDRUM W. L. WHITE L. J. WALTERS J. W. YOUNG Price Township FRANK BRANCH L. M. BOREN E. M. BOND HENRY CRANE JOE CARNEY R. P. COTTON G. A. CAMPBELL G. W. CAMPBELL ALF DYE J. H. DOSS ANNIE EVANS R. A. FITZGERALD R. E. HARVILLE J. C. HINES J. A. HUNTER T. J. HARTZOG E. N. JOSEPH R. R. LLEWELLEN J. J. LYAN C. L. LEATHERMAN D. F. MCFALL E. H. MULLEN A. F ORMSBY A. B. PLANT C. A PATRICK P. A. PARKER J. S. ROWLAN W. R. RIDDLES J. M. RILEY J. W. SUMPTER EARNEST SCOTT I. A. TAYLOR A. J. WHITMAN Wright Township M. A. ASHURT J. M. ASHURT J. B ANDERSON L. M. AUGLE J. P. ARTHUR H. E. BURGESS T. A. BRIDGES T. C. BURKETT J. H. BARKER R.H. DUNCAN DOWD BROS. JOHN DAVIS J. S. GREEN R. C. GARRETT R. L. GREGORY D. C. HOLLIDAY W. F. HAYGOOD E. HODGES DAN JONES D. A. KING J. A. KING C. N. KELMER S. M. LYLE W. M.LYLE D. W. LEWIS W. G. MOORE H. C. MAY M. O. PARKER H. Z. PRICE W. E. PRIVETT J. M. SHELL JOHN SHELTON ZACK STIDHAM A. R. WILLIAMS T. J. WRIGHT W. H. WRIGHT A. P. WADE Earl Township I. M. ALSUP D. H. BURNS CRROM BROS. J. M. COLESON BANREY DAY E. D. DILLON JOHN DARNELL JOE EVANS W. C. FARRIS A. H. FOLSOM J. F. FREIS BOB GENTRY J. T. GRAY O. T. GRAY L. C. HUTNER L. L. HARRIS HAMMONDS & NEWTON J. J. HANCOCK W. J. HACKELY HULSEY BRSO. B. F. JENKINS M. M. KERN K. W. LATHAM J. L. LEWIS J. H. MAHAFFEY CLYDE MOORE J. T. MORRIS G. L. MCFARLAND G. S. PERRY A. L. RAUSE ENNIS SELLERS M. SELLERS B. THATCHER J. C. TAYLOR J. W. THORBURG W. L. WOODS WHITMORE BROS. J. D. WADE JIM WHISENANT L. W. WARLOW Addington JOE HUFFER JEFFERSON COUNTY TEL. CO. JAMES H. THOMPSON J. F. WAYMIRE Terral H. C. COLE E. D. SHORT Cornish L. E. BARNWELL B. D. COLE B. S. CUMMINS A. H. FOLSOM W. D. HORN M. E. HARRIS SID HALL J. R. JOHNSON J. T. LANGFORD CLYDE MOORE R. F. RICHARDSON E. A. ROCHELLJ. H. SMITH H. T. SMITH J. W. THOMPSON ED WILLIAMSON Sugden T. L. BEAVER H. F. BEAR T. A. HARRIS B. LOOPER J. A. MYERS PETERS & THOMPSON R.D. ROBERTS J. R. RHODES SOCIALIST SIGNAL J. S. THOMPKINS TIFFIN WAGON CO. M. JOHNSTON Hastings A. J. BARRETT O. E. CLEMENTS C. C. CAMPBELL J. M. DYRE W. V DIXON E. HUSER HASTINGS HARDWARE CO. J. R. HEARN HARAWAY & JONES HASTINGS NEWS H. H. JONES jr. H. C. JAMESON D. L. KINNAMAN E. PETERS C S. PHIPPSS E. F. PARKER PETERS 7 SON M. SCOTT J. T. SANDLIN MRS. M. J. TINDAL F. M. TINDALL P. E. WAID Ryan A. B. ADAMS T. J. CARLISLE C. E. DAVIS W. E. EVANS J. W. HAYS J. H. HARPER FRED HEMPHILL J. L. KEHOE J. D. MCREYNOLDS S. K. MONTGOMERY W. P. MOBERLY B. T. PRICE E. D. STEPHENS S. R. STEPHENSON GEORGE SIMONS JOHN WRIGHT Waurika J. P. ADAMS B. D. ANDERSON BRODDUS & MIZE J. W. BALDWIN J. M. BEAER FRED BOZZHARDT CRISWELL & HARVILL W. E. CONNER B. V. CUMMINS E. V. CAMPBELL J. I DERR J. W. DUNKIN DUNKIN & WALKER TALLEY GRAVES J. A. HEENAN J. H. HAMNER R. E. HODGES P. T. HAMILTON J. W. HORN S. A. HARRIS W. R. HUDLOW J. E. JORDAN MRS. J. N. JOHNSTON J. A. KIMES S. R. LITTLE M. J. MOORE W. H. MULNEE S. J. MURPHY M. B. MOLLOY W. F. MEGGINSON J. W. MELTON HAL OWENS MRS. MAUDE PARKER W. S. PENNELL N. L. REED W. J. RABB L. W. TARKENTON GEORGE L. TABOR R. O. TUCKER MRS. M. B. TALLEY WOODIE STUARD E. S. WISEMAN WAURIKA BAKERY E. R WOOLDRIDGE F. E. WEBB GRANT WILKINS J. F. WAYMIRE MRS. A. M. WISEMAN Local News CHARLES GODSEY left Tuesday for Galveston, Texas where he will watch the maneuvers of Uncle Sam for the next few days. MRS. FRANK BARNES and daughter Miss MYRTLE of Lampasas, Texas, returned to their home after visiting MRS. FRANK BEAUMAN here. MRS. J. W. DUNN is spending a couple of weeks with her brother S. M. DAUGHRAN at Elk City. J. W. says he is trying to behave himself, but to say the least, is trying to look pleasant. DR. W. A. WILSON, former practicing physician of this city but who has reside in Cornish the past two years, has returned to resume his practice here. In a letter to the News-Democrat from REV. W. F. HARRIS, who with his family, is located at Rio Vista, Texas, enclosed a money order for this newspaper for another year. MISS OPAL ACTON Is a Bride MISS OPAL ACTON, a former resident of this city, is now a bride and the following clipping from a Decatur, Illinois paper is self-explanatory: MISS OPAL ACTON and HORACE E. SCHWEHM, both of Weldon, were married at 4:00 Friday afternoon by REV. E. M. SMITH, pastor of the First Christian Church, at his residence, 345 West Packard Street. They were accompanied by MISS MARY K. SCHWEHM, sister of the bride, and R. S. SHAVER of Weldon. Mr. Schwehm is a clerk in a store at Weldon and the couple will make their home at that place. They leave Decatur today, after spending several days in this city. Tries to Escape from Jail BILL STANBROGH made an unsuccessful attempt to break jail. Setting Hen Is Robbed The henhouse of S. J. MURPHY was ransacked late Saturday and all the eggs were stolen, even those under from underneath a setting hen. MRS. MURPHY had been out of town for a few days and seemed disappointed that anyone should come and rob the hen's nest of eggs, so the following morning, she went next door to her sister's house, MRS. R. A JOHNS, to impart the happenings. Before the story ended, Mrs. Johns laughed very heartily, the preacher blushed and Mrs. Murphy returned home without further comment. The eggs were decided unfit for cooking purposes and were returned to the hen with apologies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Jefferson County Archives: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ok/jefferson/jefferson.htm