The Wapanucka Press Jun 1902 - Johnston County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Mary Achterhof 27 Jan 2008 Return to Johnston County Archives: ===================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ===================================================================== The Wapanucka Press, 5 June 1902 CARD OF THANKS We extend through the Press our sincere thanks for the kindness and assistance extended us during our late bereavement, the loss of our infant son. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Walton. A 12 pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Russell Saturday. It is reported that our old friend Jim Seeley has married recently. Rev. Dicky of Durant will preach at the Presbyterian church Saturday night, Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. Emery Walton’s mother of Arkansas arrived in the city last week to assist in caring for her little grandson. Dr. J. I. Philpot, of Boggy Depot was in the city Tuesday. J. D. Messer and P. K. Wall had a little scrap Tuesday evening in which Wall hit Messer one on the side of the face with a rock. Deputy Criswell escorted them to Atoka yesterday to stand trial. Little Edith Loomis is slowly recovering. We are glad to note her improvement. Frank Williams was arrested on the charge of forging a check of $400 on Mr. Wilkerson, of Hobart. Mrs. Horton is sick this week. Mrs. Shelton is reported by Dr. McRae as being very sick. Mrs. Edge returned from Lehigh last night. He sister accompanied her home. See J. E. Benson when you have any hauling to be done. He runs two wagons and will deliver goods promptly and carefully. LOCAL ITEMS S. O. Wright went to Coalgate the first of the week. Mr. Bosley, of Ada, was in the city this week. A. I. McAlester has moved into his beautiful new home. John Moore was very sick last week but is not recovering. H. B. Prichard is suffering with blood poison in one of his hands. Mrs. Os M. Stevens left for Hartshorne Tuesday to visit her mother. Mrs. Lon Edge left Tuesday morning for a short visit with relatives and friends in Lehigh. Lon Sims was here from Ego Tuesday. Albert Surrell, of Atoka, was in the city Tuesday, visiting his brother John. Dr. Loomis left Tuesday to look after his cattle interests at Harrison, Oklahoma, to be gone for a week. Mr. Cunningham is now permanently located in Wapanucka and will soon have his dental parlor open for business. Miss Kate Wright who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Richardson, returned to her home in San Antonio Tuesday. John Bailey who lives a mile east of town is very sick with typhoid fever. It is said that the whole family is sick and badly in need of attention. Mr. Coffman the prescriptionist at the City Drug Store was called to his home at Rush Springs on account of the serious illness of one of his children. W. F. Hargrove who was lodged in jail from here some months ago for shooting at Bob Johnson at Olney, pleaded guilty at South McAlester last week and was given two years in the pen at Atlanta. James Noel, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Walton, died last Thursday evening. The little one was about a year old and had been dangerously sick with fever for several days. Remains were interred Friday evening, Rev. S. J.Clark, of the M. E. Church South, conducting the funeral service. We extend sympathy with numerous other friends, to the bereaved relatives. The wife of Albert Erwin died with typhoid fever at 4 o’clock Tuesday evening. They live a mile and half east of the city. C. A. Skeen and wife went down to Sherman Saturday to accompany their daughter, Cora, who has been attending North Texas Female College, home. BOGGY CLIPPINGS Joe Maytubby of Wapanucka was in our village Sunday. Mr. Huse, is visiting his cousins, Dr. Philpot this week at Boggy Depot. Mrs. C. J. Murrer is visiting friends and relatives in Lehigh this week. Dr. Sullivan’s brother and family of Woodville, were visiting here this week. E. J. Wright has come over from the Chickasaw country to gather up his horses. Mrs. Dwight will move to her sons farm this week. MILBURN BRIEFS Aunt Dela Colbert, colored, who 107 years old was in town last week. She is hale and hearty. Dixie Lenard, her grandson who is a grown boy only 84 years old, was here with her. Messers. Ed Ray, Plant Polle, Burch Read, Green and Stevenson went fishing Sunday and had a gay time but fisherman’s luck. COPE DOTS Roy McCurdy and wife have moved to town. George Milligan went to Coalgate last week. Messrs Palquit and Milligan were in town Saturday night. Messrs, Milligan, Parker, Johnson and Marrir went fishing on Blue Saturday night and made a good haul. Miss Collie Cope is visiting in Coalgate. Mrs. Cole of near Wapanucka was visiting here last Sunday. VIOLA ITEMS – June 2nd John Hale is around again after a few days of sickness. Mr. Moore and family of Wapanucka is visiting Dr. Provine this week. J. H. Long has gone to Mill Creek. Frank Simpson was in town this morning and says the ground is so soft he cannot run his reaper and his wheat is ruining. Oats are also in a bad condition. I understand that my friend, Roy McCurdy, has moved to Darthie. I hope he will contribute regularly. J. G. Attaway leaves Saturday for Jesse where he goes to teach school. The people of Jesse are to be congratulated upon their good fortune in securing the services of Prof. Attaway. The Wapanucka Press, 12 June 1902 LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Waganath of Coalgate was in the city last Tuesday. Miss Bertha Ball and little sister, Nona, left Friday for a visit in Texas. Mrs. Lindsey left Friday evening for Sulphur where she will visit relatives. J. D. Messer moved his fixtures to Holdenville last week where he will engage in business. Levi Clevenger, an old gentleman of about 70 years of age and well known to the older residents of the city, died in Wells Valley last week. A. M. Williams, S. L. Barnes and Ollie Davidson returned Saturday from a trip to Davis. Mrs. John Ellis and daughter, of Holdenville are in the city visiting Mr. Ellis and friends. J. R. Williams spent Sunday at Nail Crossing. J. L. Bayne made a business trip to Milburn Saturday. Joe Maytubby returned from a trip to Tishomingo Saturday. John Ellis and little son, Johnie, went over to Holdenville Sunday. Dr. Cunningham and Miss Carns Addington returned from a pleasant trip to Tishomingo Saturday. P. K. Wall and J. D. Messer were taxed ten dollars each at Atoka last Thursday for violating the patent right on scrapping. Elijah Stone who has been visiting his parents here for some time returned to his home in Magazine, Arkansas, last Saturday. Vic Bonham the proprietor of the big flour mill at Coalgate, was in the city Saturday, having been inspecting the wheat yield in the Wapanucka valleys. Vick says wheat is fine around here and that many fields will yield thirty bushels to the acre. The dancing school closed Monday night with a big ball. A large crowd was present and Miss Phillip Chamberlain won the prize as making the most advancement among the new beginners among the young ladies and Mr. Musgrave among the gentlemen. The prizes were a pair of gloves and a cravat. Killed In A Quarrel Cornish, I. T.: Henry Dorsett shot and killed Drew Wade at the home of the former, near the mouth of Mud Creek, south of here. A quarrel about Dorsett’s wife arose between the two men and it is reported that Wade made a move as if to draw a gun when Dorsett pulled a 45- calibre revolver and shot him once through the body, killing him. Wade was a single man, and was a neighbor to Dorsett. Dorsett went to Ryan and surrendered to the officers there. MILBURN BRIEFS M. I. Milburn went to Tishomingo Saturday. H. G. Beard & Co. are moving their store from Ravia to Milburn, J. L. Bayne and Arch K. McGill, editor of the Press, of Wapanucka, were looking at the sights in Milburn last Friday evening. Mr. Bayne was here looking after business interests, and McGill was talking for the Press. JOHN BAILEY IS DEAD John Bailey who had suffering untold misery with fever for several days, passed over the dark river of death to meet with love ones recently gone before, at 4 o’clock Friday morning. He was a fine young man about 21 years of age, and was the son of the late well known F. J. Bailey who died last November, and brother of Mrs. Alvin Erwin who was buried only a few days ago. This makes the fourth death in the Bailey family within the past few months. The Press with many friends extend sympathy to the grief stricken family. The Wapanucka Press, 19 June 1902 Samuel O. Fraley was drowned while attempting to ford a creek near Wagoner. A JAIL DELIVERY Five Prisoners Made Their Escape From Federal Jail at Chickasha Jailer Bound, Gagged and Locked In Two of the Escaped Men Came Back – The Three at Large are Tough Characters – Overpowered the Jailer When Meal Was Being Served. Chickasha: A jail delivery occurred from the federal jail here in which five prisoners made their escape. Two of them came back, however, but the worst characters succeeded in getting away. Those who made their escape and are now at large are Booth, Sargent and Hurley, all three of whom were awaiting the action of the grand jury on the charge of having bounced a young man from the country of $500 a short time ago. One of them is an old crook, and is well known as a shell game manipulator all over the country. The method of escape was daring. When Jailer Simpson took a meal to the prisoner they made a concerted attack upon him, bound and gagged him, locked him in the jail, ant threw the key into the yard. It was some time before the escape was discovered and the fugitive had a long start of the officers, who are now on the trail. All three of those who made their final escape are known as tough characters. LOCAL ITEMS Dr. Loomis returned from Oklahoma Friday. J. Brooks Wright came in from the north Friday. W. N. Shofner made a trip to Fort Worth this week, Jack Williams made a trip to Tishomingo the first of the week. Drs. McRea and Stamps made a trip to Caddo Saturday. J. C. Fahrney and daughters, Misses Grace and Emma, were over from Boggy Depot last Friday. B. F. Stroud left Friday for Center where he is spending this week. Mrs. Sid Robertson and Mrs. Carnahan have returned from a pleasant trip to Davis. R. O. Rose has returned from a trip to Durant and Denison. Prof. J. G. Attaway came in from Jesse Saturday and spent Sunday with homefolks. He informs us that his school at Jesse has started off with very bright prospects. Dr. J. P. McRae has moved to Ego. J. R. Witte, of Fort Worth, father of C. L. Witte our popular furniture dealer, arrived in the city last week. He may decide to locate here. The property of F. J. Bailey, deceased, was sold at public sale last Saturday morning. Several head of cattle and horses were sold at good prices. L. B. Rutherford conducted the sale. Miss Hattie Goben returned to Wapanucka last week and will spend the summer teaching music at this place. Miss Goben is a splendid musician and we hope she will secure a nice class. Mayor C. A. Skeen went over to Pontotoc Friday where he delivered the baccalaureate address at the closing of the schools at that place. When it come to oratorical ability Wapanucka is among those at the top. Mr. Skeen’s address was a brilliant one and was appreciated by an immense audience. Mrs. Skeen and daughters accompanied the Professor. A woman of a traveling party died in the Kelly wagon yard last Sunday morning. The storehouse and stock of goods of J. R. Dood, at Hunton, was burned Friday night, partly insured, BOGGY CLIPPINGS Prof. Shipley and others went fishing last Friday. No Luck. Mr. Ratree sold his dwelling house to Mr. Tyler this week. Messrs. R. O. Rose and Rev. Clark came down on their way to Atoka this week. Mr. Willis Beene’s brother, from Arkansas is visiting him this week. Mr. Ratree contemplates moving back to Arkansas. Mr. Sanders made a flying trip to Caddo this week. Mr. Crowell made a flying trip to Lehigh on business last week. D. A. Nix, Bob Branster and C. A. Skeen left yesterday for Durant to attend the Woodman logrolling. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Johnston County Archives: