Johnson Co., OK - Obits: Ben Ross ******************************************************* This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Janet Perkins USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved ******************************************************* August 3, 1905 Wapanucka Press Newspaper Killing at Ego - Wayne Baker Shot and Killed Ben Ross Saturday Evening Last Saturday evening about 5 o'clock the little town of Ego, eight miles south of Wapanucka, was the scene of a sensational tragedy, the result of which one man is dead and another is evading arrest. About 5 o'clock Saturday evening Wayne Baker shot and mortally wounded Ben Ross. Baker shot Ross three times, the first shot taking effect in the man's head, the second in the shoulder and third in the breast just above the heart, from which he died at 2 o'clock Sunday morning. The two men, it is said, had some words a few days ago about an ax. They met at Ego and the old quarrel was renewed. A few bad words were passed between them and Ross started towards Baker. Baker told him to stand back and when he again advanced a step Baker pulled a pistol and fired three shots into Ross' body. After having been mortally shot Ross turned around and walked over to a doctor's office where he died after a few hours of suffering. Ross was unarmed. After the shooting Baker rode away on his horse and has not been seen since. Officers are still out after him but at the time of going to press he had not been apprehended. Ross and Baker were close friends before the difficulty over the ax. They were both married and had four children each. Both men were prominent farmers. This was the first killing that the quiet little town of Ego has ever had and the tragedy is deplored by all. A reward of $100.00 has been offered by the dead man's brother for Baker's arrest. ------------------------------- Article from another Newspaper from surrounding area (Title page had not been saved) dated Aug 1905 - [News] From Ego .... Ego has been in the midst of great excitement since the tragedy of Saturday evening in which Ben Ross was killed. It appears that Ross was crowding onto Baker after Baker had told him to stand back. Baker drew a revolver and fired at Ross, inflicting wounds from which he died about eight hours afterwards. Baker has not been apprehended. Both parties have many friends who regret both the death and the trouble which brought it about. The remains of Mr. Ross was laid to rest in the Ego cemetery Sunday evening, the funeral services being conducted by T. N. Moore.....