Kay County, Oklahoma - Ponca City, OK Scrapbook Info PONCA CITY, OK ODDS & ENDS FROM SCRAPBOOK OF JUANITA FRANCIS FRYER Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Karen Cotter, cotterkaren@yahoo.com ================================================================== Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm =================================================================== * PONCA CITY, OK ODDS & ENDS FROM SCRAPBOOK OF JUANITA FRANCIS FRYER Copyright. This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. Cotterkaren@yahoo.com The information comes from the scrapbook of Juanita Francis Fryer. The family moved around while the children were growing up so they attended more than one school. The scrapbook was among the family papers inherited by her daughter, Karen White Cotter. The information came from programs, etc, clippings. ********************************************************************** The 1930 Ponkus Staff -----presents------- First Annual Stunt Night ----High School Auditorium---- -----------8 o'clock-------------- ORDER OF ACTS WILL BE ANNOUNCED La Danse de la Balle -- Dynamiters Director --Polly Dinning Sponsor -----Anne Louise Cowan Barbara Pickerel, Charlene Handley, Edith Craghead, Marky Willa Heald, Frances McGowen, Jane Browne, Lucern Washborn, Maurine Bennett, Ona Cates, Charlotte Crockett, Helen Reynolds Sweethearts on Parade --Historical Drama Sponsor --Celeste Noel Josephine Martin, Elsie Hasz, Lorene Martin, Pauline Randel, Lillian McGee, Esta Grimes, Juanita Fryer, Edith Craghead, Violet Hunt, Jennieve Yeaman, Katherine Rankin, Louise England, Mary Willa Heald, Barbara Browne, Fern Johnson, John Early, Mercedes Batholomew. The Fatal Quest --Speakers Bureau Sponsor -- Floyd D. Focht Leo Dixon, Donald Bowles, Lucile Covington, Virginia Smith, John Hardin, Joe Leo Dixon, Donal Bowles, Lucile Covington, Virginia Smith, John Hardin, Joe Sanders, Bob Smith, Henrietta Boylan Gas Hound Gayeties--Gas Hounds Director -- Lucille Moore Sponsor -J. H. Crosby Accompanist -- Mercedes Bartholomew Elbert Baldwin, Max Starr, Max Wieck, Murray Woolford, Arthur Lusk, Bill Miles, Joe Gunn, Kenneth Stanley, John Oliver, Sam Kanclakos, Victor Callan, Bob Hohstadt The 1930 Ponkus Staff -----presents------- First Annual Stunt Night ----High School Auditorium---- -----------8 o'clock-------------- The Barn Scene from "Arkansas" --, Future Farmers of Oklahoma Sponsor -- R. N. Wall Roy Baker, Adolphus Crane, Howard Wealand, Clyde Broadway, Earl Warren Gay Cabellero -- Spanish Club Sponsor --Mrs. F. A. Jennings Gareth Muchmore, Billy Nickles, Tony Cohlman, Geneva McHaffie, Elsie Hass, Jim Kiser, Grace Callan, Carl Warren Homo Qui Longe Domo Suo Est -- Ordo Patriciorum Sponsor -- Catherine Nowlin Carl Dwyer, Elizabeth Cotschall, Leanora Riggs, Sarah Simcox, Barbara Waggoner, Eileen Norton, Jeannette Richey, Virginia Smith, Thelma Mott, John Hardiner, Eileen Norton, Jeannette Richey, Virginia Smith, Thelma Mott, John Hardin By the Beard of the Prophet, or Romance, Robbers, Riches --Yorick Troupe Sponsor - Woodson Tyree Scenery - Christine Elrod Vernon Heinze, Esther Rich, John Cole, Marion Rich, Idabelle Bennett Valentine Box - Girl Reserves Sponsor--Maudie Stacy Juanita Sidles, Lucille Fader, Mildred Worden, Clarice DeSpain, Ona Cales, Helen Kimball, Ila Dickson, Minnie Ford, Miildred Stockton, Jeannette Richey, Maudie Randal, Mary Kathryn Maquire, Isabel Inscott In Old Joe's Barroom--Yorick Workshop Sponsor - Woodson Tyree Tony Cohlman, John Cole, Elbert Baldwin, Ivan Plunkett, Marjorie Armstrong, Charles Loveless, Evans Newman, Victor Callan GRAND FINALE - CORONATION OF QUEEN OF HEARTS ------------------------------------------ Edna Carr, Julia Elkouri, Elvira Parker ----------------------------------------- Cards: Freeman Yount, Ralph Abbott, Gurney Cox, Joe Sanders, Murray Woolford, Elbert Baldwin, Neal Callahan, Kenneth Stanley, J. D. Evans, Leo Dixon Music by Heartless Harmony Hounds --------- Business Manager -- Gayle Harris Assistant Business Manager -- John Early Scenery and Staging--Christine Elrod and the stagecraft class under direction of Woodson Tyree Adviser -- Betty McBrien Hurt Sponsor--Farron E. Turner CLIPPING - Newspaper Unknown Related to 1930 STUNT NIGHT FROLIC QUEEN CORONATION PAGEANT CLIMAXES STUNT NIGHT FROLIC Yorick Players Present Oriental Selection to Win Prize As the climax to the first annual Stunt Nite, n Valentine Day, Elvira Parker, senior, was crowned Queen of Hearts, and Queen of the Ponkus. Stunt Nite was sponsored by the yearbook staff, under the direction of Farron Turner, Supervisor of the annual, to defray expenses. The coronation served as the last act of the entire show, and was introduced as a game of cards, in which Ralph Abbot, as the King of Hearts, discovered that the Queen of Hearts was missing, and with the aid of the Jack of Hearts, Gurney Cox, and the Deuce, Leo Dixon, saw three cards in a large lace valentine behind which were the three candidates for Ponkus queen, Julia Elkouri, Elvira Parker and Edna Carr. Wear Card Costumes Other cards who played in the game were Freeman Yount, Joe Sanders, Murray Woolford, Elbert Baldwin, Neal Callahan, Kenneth Stanley and J. D. Evans. Each character wore pieces of cardboard with reproductions of the face and back of the card he represented. Of the ten acts entered by high school clubs, "By the Beard of the Prophet" staged by the Yorick Troupe was given first place by the three judges. This was a play written by Woodson Tyree, dramatics instructor, and presented by Vernon Heize, Esther Rich, John Cole, Marion Rich, and Idabelle Bennett. "The Fatal Quest", a farce given by the Speakers Bureau, won second place. Characters in this stunt were Leo Dixon, Jane Browne, Lucile Covington, Virginia Smith, John Hardin, Joe Sanders, Bob Smith, and Henrietta Boylan. "La Danse de la Balle", sponsored by the Dynamiters under the supervision of Miss Anne Louise Cowan and Miss Polly Dinning, won third place. It was a dancing basketball game in which Barbara Pickerell, Charlene Handley, Edith craghead, Mary Willa Heald, Frnces McGowen, Lucerne Washborn, Maurine Bennett, Ona Cales, Charlotte Crockett and Helen Reynolds took parts. Others Give Stunts "Sweethearts on Parade", a pageant of beautiful women in history, was given by the Historical Drama club, under the supervision of Miss Celest Noel, its sponsor. A dance and song act, in which a ballet chorus of boys took part was presented by J. H. Crosby's Gass Hounds. The F.F.O. club, sponsored by R. N. Wall, gave the barn scene from "Arkansas", and the Spanish club, under Mrs. F. A. Jennings, dramatized a song, "The Gay Cabellero". 'Homo Qui Longe Domo Suo Est", the Latic club's stunt, sponsored by Miss Catherine Nowlin, was a play in which all characters spoke in Latin. The Girl Reserves staged a play, "In a Valentine Box", sponsored by Miss Maudie Stacey, and Yorick Workshow gave a skit called "In Old Joe's Barrom". Scenery for the coronation was painted by Miss Christine Elrod and the show was staged by Woodson Tyree and the stage crew. Gayle Harris was business manager for the production.