1910 Federal Census Kiowa County, Oklahoma (ED 164: Page 9 of 9) ************************************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwcensus.org/notices/ http://www.usgwcensus.org/ http://usgwcensus.org/cenfiles/ ************************************************************************** Abstracted by Sue Couey from public records. Not proofread. Submitted by Sue Couey. Edited and formatted by Kathy Grace. ************************************************************************** All above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ************************************************************************** NOTE: For more information on Kiowa County, Oklahoma Please visit the OKGenWeb page at http://okgenweb.net/ ========================================================= ALSO visit the OKGenWeb archives at http://usgwarchives.net/ok/okfiles.htm ************************************************************************** --- Year: 1910 State: Oklahoma County: Kiowa ED: 164 Sheet No: 120B Reel No: T624-1257 SD: 5 Division: Dill Township Sheet No: 21A Enumerated on: May 21, 1910 by: Fred W Hall Transcribed by Sue Couey for USGenWeb, http://www.usgwcensus.org/. Copyright: 2008 =====|===================|=============|=================================|========================================|============================|===========================================|=========|=========|==================================|========|=================|==============|===========|======|================== LINE | Street House | Dwell Famil | LastName FirstName | Relationship | S Co Age Ma Year Bo Li | BirthPlace Father Mother | Immi Na | Languag | Trade Industry Emp | unE mo | Rea Wri School | Own M F Sche | C Bl Deaf | SNDX | REMARKS =====|===================|=============|=================================|========================================|============================|===========================================|=========|=========|==================================|========|=================|==============|===========|======|================== 1 | | 116 117 | Whitten Thelma | Daughter | F W 6 S | Texas Texas Texas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | W350 | 2 | | 116 117 | Whitten Chenia ? | Daughter | F W 4 S | Texas Texas Texas | | English | none | | no no no | | | W350 | 3 | | 116 117 | Whitten Othel | Son | M W 2 S | Texas Texas Texas | | English | none | | no no no | | | W350 | 4 | | 116 117 | Whitten Olea A | Daughter | F W 2/12 S | Oklahoma Texas Texas | | English | none | | no no no | | | W350 | 5 | | 117 118 | Harris Clayborn W | Head | M W 44 M1 18 | Arkansas Tennessee Virginia | | English | Gen Farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | R F 94 | | H620 | 6 | | 117 118 | Harris Loretta | Wife | F W 34 M1 18 9 5 | Texas Alabama Alabama | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | H620 | 7 | | 117 118 | Harris John W | Son | M W 15 S | Oklahoma Arkansas Texas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | H620 | 8 | | 117 118 | Harris Claborn E | Son | M W 9 S | Oklahoma Arkansas Texas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | H620 | 9 | | 117 118 | Harris Jessie W | Son | M W 5 S | Oklahoma Arkansas Texas | | English | none | | no no no | | | H620 | 10 | | 117 118 | Harris Ernie O | Son | M W 4 S | Oklahoma Arkansas Texas | | English | none | | no no no | | | H620 | 11 | | 117 118 | Harris James G | Son | M W 1 4/12 S | Oklahoma Arkansas Texas | | English | none | | no no no | | | H620 | 12 | | 118 119 | Switor Robert L | Head | M W 48 M1 29 | Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi | | English | Gen Farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | R F 95 | | S360 | 13 | | 118 119 | Switor Lena A | Wife | F W 49 M1 29 12 9 | Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | S360 | 14 | | 118 119 | Switor Joe H | Son | M W 10 S | Oklahoma Mississippi Mississippi | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | S360 | 15 | | 118 119 | Switor U | Son | M W 8 S | Oklahoma Mississippi Mississippi | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | S360 | 16 | | 118 119 | Switor Dollie G | Daughter | F W 5 S | Oklahoma Mississippi Mississippi | | English | none | | no no no | | | S360 | 17 | | 119 120 | Switor Spaulding W | Head | M W 21 M1 1012 | Texas Mississippi Mississippi | | English | Gen Farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | O F F 0 | 0 0 0 | S360 | 18 | | 119 120 | Switor Alice | Wife | F W 19 M1 1012 | Texas US US | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | S360 | 19 | | 120 121 | Davis Walter F | Head | M W 30 M1 7 | Missouri Missouri Missouri | | English | Gen Farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | R F 96 | | D120 | 20 | | 120 121 | Davis Eva B | Wife | F W 25 M1 7 4 4 | Kansas Indiana Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | D120 | 21 | | 120 121 | Davis Harold | Son | M W 5 S | Oklahoma Missouri Kansas | | English | none | | no no no | | | D120 | 22 | | 120 121 | Davis Marie | Daughter | F W 4 S | Oklahoma Missouri Kansas | | English | none | | no no no | | | D120 | 23 | | 120 121 | Davis Minnie | Daughter | F W 2 S | New Mexico Missouri Kansas | | English | none | | no no no | | | D120 | 24 | | 120 121 | Davis John C | Son | M W 6/12 S | New Mexico Missouri Kansas | | English | none | | no no no | | | D120 | 25 | | 121 122 | Davis Carroll M | Head | M W 55 M1 31 | Missouri Tennessee Missoouri | | English | Gen Farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | O F F 97 | | D120 | 26 | | 121 122 | Davis Mary F | Wife | F W 51 M1 31 6 5 | Missouri Indiana Tennessee | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | D120 | 27 | | 121 122 | Davis Otto L | Son | M W 18 S | Missouri Missouri Missouri | | English | home farm farm labor oa | | yes yes no | 0 | 0 0 0 | D120 | 28 | | 122 123 | Hammond John P | Head | M W 38 M1 17 | Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee | | English | Gen Farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | R F 98 | | H553 | 29 | | 122 123 | Hammond Ida M | Wife | F W 37 M1 17 4 4 | Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | H553 | 30 | | 122 123 | Hammond May A | Daughter | F W 15 S | Texas Tennessee Tennessee | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | H553 | 31 | | 122 123 | Hammond Charles D | Son | M W 10 S | Texas Tennessee Tennessee | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | H553 | 32 | | 122 123 | Hammond John | Son | M W 2 S | Oklahoma Tennessee Tennessee | | English | none | | no no no | | | H553 | 33 | | 123 124 | Eldridge Sarah | Head | F W 57 Wd 37 10 1 | Missoouri Tennessee Missouri | | English | Gen Farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | O M F 99 | | E436 | 34 | | 124 125 | Polly Vigil | Head | M W 30 M2 812 | Missouri Tennessee Tennessee | | English | Gen Farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | R F 100 | | P400 | 35 | | 124 125 | Polly Sarah A | Wife | F W 17 M1 812 | Texas Texas Texas | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | P400 | 36 | | 124 125 | Polly John S | Son | M W 11 S | Missouri Missouri Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | P400 | =====|===================|=============|=================================|========================================|============================|===========================================|=========|=========|==================================|========|=================|==============|===========|======|================== 37 | Blank Line | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 38 | Blank Line | | | | | | | | | | | | | | =====|===================|=============|=================================|========================================|============================|===========================================|=========|=========|==================================|========|=================|==============|===========|======|================== 39 | | | HERE ENDS ENUMERATION OF DILL TOWNSHIP ED 164 | | | | | | | | | | | =====|===================|=============|=================================|========================================|============================|===========================================|=========|=========|==================================|========|=================|==============|===========|======|================== 40 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Lns 40-50 blank. =====|===================|=============|=================================|========================================|============================|===========================================|=========|=========|==================================|========|=================|==============|===========|======|==================