1910 Federal Census Kiowa County, Oklahoma (ED 175: File 7 of 7) ************************************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwcensus.org/notices/ http://www.usgwcensus.org/ http://www.usgwcensus.org/~cenfiles/ ************************************************************************** Abstracted by Sue Couey from public records. Not proofread. Submitted by Sue Couey. Edited and formatted by Kathy Grace. ************************************************************************** FORMATTERS NOTE: This census book, probably a number of years after the clerks transferred the census information, was rebound out of order. After the book was rebound, the sheets were numbered at various times about 80 years later with both stamped and handwritten numbers. These numbers tend to perpetuate the out of order presentation of this enumeration, and when filmed the jumbled order was maintained. In this transcription the pages have been painstakingly renumbered so that the Dwelling and Family Numbers flow in order. The original page and sheet numbers are included. (This explanatory note and the transcription order used in these files Copyright 2007 by Maggie Stewart.) ************************************************************************** All above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ************************************************************************** NOTE: For more information on Kiowa County, Oklahoma, Please visit the OKGenWeb page at http://okgenweb.net/ ========================================================== ALSO visit the OKGenWeb archives at http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/ok/okfiles.htm ************************************************************************** --- Year: 1910 State: Oklahoma County: Kiowa ED: 175 Sheet No: 52A Reel No: T624-1257 SD: 5 Division: Mountain Park Township (Part of) Sheet No:: 26B Enumerated on: May 19, 1910 by: Grant Mitchell Transcribed by Sue Couey for USGenWeb Archives Census Project, Copyright: 2008 =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== LINE | Street House | Dwell Famil | LastName FirstName | Relationship | Sex Co Age Ma Ye Bo Li | BirthPlace Father Mother | Immi Na | Languag | Trade Industry Emp | unE mo | Rea Wri Sch | Ow M F Sched | C B D | SNDX | REMARKS =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== 51 | | 349 356 | Giles Lottie | Sis-in-Law | F W 15 S | Iowa US New York | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | G420 | 52 | | 350 357 | Pond Alice | Head | F W 32 Wd 3 3 | Wisconsin Wisconsin Iowa | | English | Own Income | | yes yes no | R H | | P530 | 53 | | 350 357 | Pond Bertha | Daughter | F W 14 S | Iowa New York Wisconsin | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | P530 | 54 | | 350 357 | Pond Pearl | Daughter | F W 11 S | Oklahoma New York Wisconsin | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | P530 | 55 | | 350 357 | Pond Alberta | Daughter | F W 9 S | Oklahoma New York Wisconsin | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | P530 | 56 | | 351 358 | Danberg Warner ? | Head | M W 35 M1 8 | S Dakota Wisconsin Iowa | | English | farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | O M F 279 | | D516 | 57 | | 351 358 | Danberg Lena | Wife | F W 26 M1 8 3 3 | Iowa Nor/Norwe Nor/Norwe | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | D516 | 58 | | 351 358 | Danberg Reuben | Son | M W 7 S | Oklahoma S Dakota Iowa | | English | none | | no no no | | | D516 | 59 | | 351 358 | Danberg Charles | Son | M W 5 S | Oklahoma S Dakota Iowa | | English | none | | no no no | | | D516 | 60 | | 351 358 | Danberg Joe | Son | M W 2 S | Oklahoma S Dakota Iowa | | English | none | | no no no | | | D516 | 61 | | 352 359 | Newell John W | Head | M W 32 M1 12 | Tennessee US US | | English | farm Farmer emp | | yes yes no | R F 280 | | N400 | 62 | | 352 359 | Newell Liza | Wife | F W 29 M1 12 5 4 | Tennessee N Carolina Tennessee | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | N400 | 63 | | 352 359 | Newell James | Son | M W 10 S | Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | N400 | 64 | | 352 359 | Newell Anna | Daughter | F W 6 S | Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee | | English | none | | no no no | | | N400 | 65 | | 352 359 | Newell Lottie | Daughter | F W 3 S | Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee | | English | none | | no no no | | | N400 | 66 | | 352 359 | Newell Grady | Son | M W 1 2/12 S | Oklahoma Tennessee Tennessee | | English | none | | no no no | | | N400 | 67 | | 352 359 | Stalbook James | Bro-in-Law | M W 34 S | Tennessee N Carolina Tennessee | | English | on farm Laborer w | yes 0 | yes yes no | | | S341 | =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== --- Year: 1910 State: Oklahoma County: Kiowa ED: 175 Sheet No: 52B Reel No: T624-1257 SD: 5 Division: Mountain Park Township (Part of) Sheet No:: 27A Enumerated on: May 20, 1910 by: Grant Mitchell Transcribed by Sue Couey for USGenWeb Archives Census Project, Copyright: 2008 =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== LINE | Street House | Dwell Famil | LastName FirstName | Relationship | Sex Co Age Ma Ye Bo Li | BirthPlace Father Mother | Immi Na | Languag | Trade Industry Emp | unE mo | Rea Wri Sch | Ow M F Sched | C B D | SNDX | REMARKS =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== 1 | | 353 360 | Harmes Frike | Head | M W 43 M2 15 | Iowa Tennessee Tennessee | | English | farm Farmer emp | | yes yes no | R F 281 | | H652 | 2 | | 353 360 | Harmes Mary | Wife | F W 38 M1 15 6 5 | Missouri Tennessee Tennessee | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | H652 | 3 | | 353 360 | Harmes Algie | Son | M W 17 S | Missouri Iowa Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | H652 | 4 | | 353 360 | Harmes Eula | Daughter | F W 14 S | Alabama Iowa Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | H652 | 5 | | 353 360 | Harmes John | Son | M W 12 S | Missouri Iowa Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | H652 | 6 | | 353 360 | Harmes Charles | Son | M W 9 S | Missouri Iowa Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | H652 | 7 | | 353 360 | Harmes Bess | Daughter | F W 5 S | Oklahoma Iowa Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | H652 | 8 | | 353 360 | Harmes Willis | Son | M W 21 S | Missouri Iowa Missouri | | English | on farm Laborer w | yes 0 | yes yes no | | | H652 | 9 | | 353 360 | Harmes Andy | Son | M W 18 S | Missouri Iowa Missouri | | English | Odd Jobs Laborer w | yes 0 | yes yes no | 2 | 1 0 0 | H652 | 10 | | 354 361 | Davis James C | Head | M W 44 M1 22 | Tennessee Tennessee US | | English | farm Farmer emp | | yes yes no | O M F 282 | | D120 | 11 | | 354 361 | Davis Sarah C | Wife | F W 41 M1 22 9 7 | Louisiana Texas Mississippi | | English | none | | no no no | | | D120 | 12 | | 354 361 | Davis James H | Son | M W 21 S | Texas Tennessee Louisiana | | English | farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | 283 | | D120 | 13 | | 354 361 | Davis George W | Son | M W 16 S | Texas Tennessee Louisiana | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | D120 | 14 | | 354 361 | Davis William E | Son | M W 12 S | Texas Tennessee Louisiana | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | D120 | 15 | | 354 361 | Davis Mary F | Daughter | F W 13 S | Texas Tennessee Louisiana | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | D120 | 16 | | 354 361 | Davis Anna C | Daughter | F W 11 S | Texas Tennessee Louisiana | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | D120 | 17 | | 354 361 | Davis Mollie M ? | Daughter | F W 4 S | Oklahoma Tennessee Louisiana | | English | none | | no no no | | | D120 | 18 | | 354 361 | Davis Clarence Lee | Son | M W 3 S | Oklahoma Tennessee Louisiana | | English | none | | no no no | | | D120 | 19 | | 354 361 | Davis Lon | Brother | M W 21 S | Texas Tennessee US | | English | Pub School Teacher w | yes 0 | yes yes no | | | D120 | 20 | | 354 361 | Neamel James | hired man | M W 30 S | Eng/English Eng/English Eng/English | | English | on farm Laborer w | yes 0 | yes yes no | | | N540 | 21 | | 355 362 | Sanford Barney F | Head | M W 48 M1 21 | Georgia Georgia Georgia | | English | farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | O F F 284 | | S516 | 22 | | 355 362 | Sanford Florence | Wife | F W 41 M1 21 10 8 | Missouri Tennessee Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | S516 | 23 | | 355 362 | Sanford Ethel | Daughter | F W 20 S | Texas Georgia Missouri | | English | Pub School Teacher w | yes 0 | yes yes no | | | S516 | 24 | | 355 362 | Sanford Floyd | Son | M W 18 S | Texas Georgia Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | S516 | 25 | | 355 362 | Sanford Vera | Daughter | F W 16 S | Texas Georgia Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | S516 | 26 | | 355 362 | Sanford Lew | Son | M W 12 S | Texas Georgia Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | S516 | 27 | | 355 362 | Sanford Lilith | Daughter | F W 11 S | Texas Georgia Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | S516 | 28 | | 355 362 | Sanford Carol | Daughter | F W 8 S | Texas Georgia Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | S516 | 29 | | 355 362 | Sanford Ruth | Daughter | F W 6 S | Oklahoma Georgia Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | S516 | 30 | | 355 362 | Sanford Sybil | Daughter | F W 4 S | Oklahoma Georgia Missouri | | English | none | | no no no | | | S516 | =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== --- Year: 1910 State: Oklahoma County: Kiowa ED: 175 Sheet No: 52B Reel No: T624-1257 SD: 5 Division: Mountain Park Township (Part of) Sheet No:: 27A Enumerated on: May 20, 1910 by: Grant Mitchell Transcribed by Sue Couey for USGenWeb Archives Census Project, Copyright: 2008 =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== LINE | Street House | Dwell Famil | LastName FirstName | Relationship | Sex Co Age Ma Ye Bo Li | BirthPlace Father Mother | Immi Na | Languag | Trade Industry Emp | unE mo | Rea Wri Sch | Ow M F Sched | C B D | SNDX | REMARKS =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== 31 | | 356 363 | Eoccin ? Charles O | Head | M W 49 S | Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky | | English | farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | O F F 285 | | E25? | 32 | | 357 364 | Brand Harry | Head | M W 33 M1 11 | Ohio Ohio Ohio | | English | farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | R F 286 | | B653 | 33 | | 357 364 | Brand Mamie | Wife | F W 36 M1 11 4 4 | Mississippi S Carolina Mississippi | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | B653 | 34 | | 357 364 | Brand Shulock | Son | M W 10 S | Arkansas Ohio Mississippi | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | B653 | 35 | | 357 364 | Brand Murl | Son | M W 8 S | Arkansas Ohio Mississippi | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | B653 | 36 | | 357 364 | Brand Kirk | Son | M W 6 S | Arkansas Ohio Mississippi | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | B653 | 37 | | 357 364 | Brand Terry | Daughter | F W 5 S | Arkansas Ohio Mississippi | | English | none | | no no no | | | B653 | 38 | | 358 365 | Knob George W | Head | M W 47 M1 22 | Louisiana Texas Mississippi | | English | farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | O M F 287 | | K510 | 39 | | 358 365 | Knob Emma | Wife | F W 39 M1 22 3 2 | Texas Louisiana US | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | K510 | 40 | | 358 365 | Knob Magie | Daughter | F W 20 S | Texas Louisiana Texas | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | K510 | 41 | | 358 365 | Knob Leonard | Son | M W 16 S | Oklahoma Louisiana Texas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | K510 | 42 | | 359 366 | Burton Luster | Head | M W 40 M1 13 | Mississippi S Carolina S Carolina | | English | farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | O F F 288 | | B635 | 43 | | 359 366 | Burton Emma ? | Wife | F W 38 M1 13 4 4 | Arkansas Indiana Arkansas | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | B635 | 44 | | 359 366 | Burton Opal | Daughter | F W 11 S | Oklahoma Mississippi Arkansas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | B635 | 45 | | 359 366 | Burton Coy | Son | M W 10 S | Oklahoma Mississippi Arkansas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | B635 | 46 | | 359 366 | Burton Dave | Son | M W 8 S | Oklahoma Mississippi Arkansas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | B635 | 47 | | 359 366 | Burton Ruby | Daughter | F W 6 S | Oklahoma Mississippi Arkansas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | B635 | 48 | | 360 367 | Rhoads Claud | Head | M W 28 M1 2 | Texas US US | | English | farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | R F 289 | | R320 | 49 | | 360 367 | Rhoads Stella ? | Wife | F W 21 M2 2 2 2 | Texas Texas Missouri | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | R320 | 50 | | 360 367 | Williams Floyd ? | Step Son | M W 5 S | Oklahoma Texas Texas | | English | none | | no no no | | | W452 | =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== --- Year: 1910 State: Oklahoma County: Kiowa ED: 175 Sheet No: 53A Reel No: T624-1257 SD: 5 Division: Mountain Park Township (Part of) Sheet No:: 27B Enumerated on: May 20, 1910 by: Grant Mitchell Transcribed by Sue Couey for USGenWeb Archives Census Project, Copyright: 2008 =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== LINE | Street House | Dwell Famil | LastName FirstName | Relationship | Sex Co Age Ma Ye Bo Li | BirthPlace Father Mother | Immi Na | Languag | Trade Industry Emp | unE mo | Rea Wri Sch | Ow M F Sched | C B D | SNDX | REMARKS =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== 51 | | 360 367 | Rhoads Iva | Son | M W 1 8/12 S | Oklahoma Texas Texas | | English | none | | no no no | | | R320 | =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== --- Year: 1910 State: Oklahoma County: Kiowa ED: 175 Sheet No: 53B Reel No: T624-1257 SD: 5 Division: Mountain Park Township (Part of) Sheet No:: 28A Enumerated on: May 21, 1910 by: Grant Mitchell Transcribed by Sue Couey for USGenWeb Archives Census Project, Copyright: 2008 =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== LINE | Street House | Dwell Famil | LastName FirstName | Relationship | Sex Co Age Ma Ye Bo Li | BirthPlace Father Mother | Immi Na | Languag | Trade Industry Emp | unE mo | Rea Wri Sch | Ow M F Sched | C B D | SNDX | REMARKS =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== 1 | | 361 368 | Teishfeld Fred C | Head | M W 39 M1 18 | Nebraska Ger/German Ger/German | | English | Groceries Salesman w | yes 0 | yes yes no | O F H 6 | 2 3 x | T214 | 2 | | 361 368 | Teishfeld Anna | Wife | F W 39 M1 18 | Illinois Ger/German Ger/German | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | T214 | 3 | | 362 369 | Fisher Baneder H ? | Head | M W 59 M1 35 | Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania | | English | farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | O F F 290 | | F260 | 4 | | 362 369 | Fisher Virginia | Wife | F W 60 M1 35 4 4 | Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | F260 | 5 | | 362 369 | Fisher Roy F | Son | M W 30 S | W Virginia Pennsylvania Pennsylvania | | English | Railroad PO Mail Clerk w | yes 0 | yes yes no | 0 | 2 x 7 | F260 | 6 | | 362 369 | Fisher Lillian | Daughter | F W 23 S | W Virginia Pennsylvania Pennsylvania | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | F260 | 7 | | 363 370 | Snell Samuel W | Head | M W 80 M2 18 | Ohio Pennsylvania New Jersey | | English | Own income | | yes yes no | O F F 291 | | S540 | 8 | | 363 370 | Snell Susan E | Wife | F W 66 M2 18 6 2 | Tennessee Virginia Virginia | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | S540 | 9 | | 363 370 | McNeely Della | Step Gr Daug | F W 12 S | Texas unknown Texas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | M254 | 10 | | 363 370 | McNeely Eula | Step Gr Daug | F W 9 S | Oklahoma unknown Texas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | M254 | 11 | | 364 371 | Parish Frank E | Head | M W 42 M2 15 | Missouri Indiana Missouri | | English | Fire/Tornado Ins. Agent w | | yes yes no | R H | | P620 | 12 | | 364 371 | Parish Georganna | Wife | F W 32 M1 18 5 3 | Illinois Illinois New York | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | P620 | 13 | | 364 371 | Parish Gerta | Daughter | F W 14 S | Kansas Missouri Illinois | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | P620 | 14 | | 364 371 | Parish Lester | Son | M W 11 S | Kansas Missouri Illinois | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | P620 | 15 | | 364 371 | Parish Eugene | Son | M W 5 S | Oklahoma Missouri Illinois | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | P620 | 16 | | 365 372 | McNeely Chester | Head | M W 52 M1 22 | Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana | | English | Odd Jobs Laborer w | yes 0 | yes yes no | R H 2 | 1 0 0 | M254 | 17 | | 365 372 | McNeely Lee | Wife | F W 39 M1 22 8 8 | Texas Missouri Tennessee | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | M254 | 18 | | 365 372 | McNeely Ganie | Son | M W 21 S | Texas Louisiana Texas | | English | Odd Jobs Laborer w | yes 0 | yes n no | 2 | 1 0 0 | M254 | 19 | | 365 372 | McNeely Shelby | Son | M W 19 S | Texas Louisiana Texas | | English | Odd Jobs Laborer w | yes 0 | yes yes no | | | M254 | 20 | | 365 372 | McNeely Laura | Daughter | F W 15 S | Oklahoma Louisiana Texas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | M254 | 21 | | 365 372 | McNeely Chester | Son | M W 7 S | Oklahoma Louisiana Texas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | M254 | 22 | | 365 372 | McNeely Brice | Son | M W 4 S | Oklahoma Louisiana Texas | | English | none | | no no no | | | M254 | 23 | | 365 372 | McNeely Hanford | Son | M W 1 S | Oklahoma Louisiana Texas | | English | none | | no no no | | | M254 | =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== --- Year: 1910 State: Oklahoma County: Kiowa ED: 175 Sheet No: 54A Reel No: T624-1257 SD: 5 Division: Mountain Park Township (Part of) Sheet No:: 28B Enumerated on: May 23, 1910 by: Grant Mitchell Transcribed by Sue Couey for USGenWeb Archives Census Project, Copyright: 2008 =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== LINE | Street House | Dwell Famil | LastName FirstName | Relationship | Sex Co Age Ma Ye Bo Li | BirthPlace Father Mother | Immi Na | Languag | Trade Industry Emp | unE mo | Rea Wri Sch | Ow M F Sched | C B D | SNDX | REMARKS =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== 51 | | 368 375 | Miller Charles B | Head | M W 43 S | Iowa Tennessee Tennessee | | English | farm Farmer oa | | yes yes no | O M F 293 | | M460 | 52 | | 368 375 | Miller Aletha | Mother | F W 78 Wd 6 3 | Tennessee N Carolina Tennessee | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | M460 | =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== --- Year: 1910 State: Oklahoma County: Kiowa ED: 175 Sheet No: 54B Reel No: T624-1257 SD: 5 Division: Mountain Park Township (Part of) Sheet No:: 29A Enumerated on: May 21, 1910 by: Grant Mitchell Transcribed by Sue Couey for USGenWeb Archives Census Project, Copyright: 2008 =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== LINE | Street House | Dwell Famil | LastName FirstName | Relationship | Sex Co Age Ma Ye Bo Li | BirthPlace Father Mother | Immi Na | Languag | Trade Industry Emp | unE mo | Rea Wri Sch | Ow M F Sched | C B D | SNDX | REMARKS =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|=================== 1 | | 366 373 | Hook Iva | Head | M W 40 M1 14 | Kansas Onio W Virginia | | English | farm Farmer emp | | yes yes no | O F F 292 | | H200 | 2 | | 366 373 | Hook Maud E | Wife | F W 32 M1 14 7 6 | Kansas Indiana Illinois | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | H200 | 3 | | 366 373 | Hook Hattie | Daughter | F W 12 S | Oklahoma Kansas Kansas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | H200 | 4 | | 366 373 | Hook Minnie | Daughter | F W 11 S | Oklahoma Kansas Kansas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | H200 | 5 | | 366 373 | Hook Byron | Son | M W 9 S | Oklahoma Kansas Kansas | | English | none | | yes yes yes | | | H200 | 6 | | 366 373 | Hook Lorine | Daughter | F W 5 S | Oklahoma Kansas Kansas | | English | none | | no no no | | | H200 | 7 | | 366 373 | Hook Opal | Daughter | F W 3 S | Oklahoma Kansas Kansas | | English | none | | no no no | | | H200 | 8 | | 366 373 | Hook Merl | Son | M W 4/12 S | Oklahoma Kansas Kansas | | English | none | | no no no | | | H200 | 9 | | 366 373 | Lodge Henry L | Boarder | M W 23 S | Kansas Can/English Illinois | | English | Lumber Salesman w | yes 0 | yes yes no | | | L320 | 10 | | 366 373 | Carter Frazier | Boarder | M W 20 S | Oklahoma Tennessee Texas | | English | Odd Jobs Laborer w | yes 0 | yes yes no | 2 | 1 0 0 | C636 | 11 | | 366 373 | White Dora Lola | Sister | F W 42 D | Alabama Georgia S Carolina | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | W300 | 12 | | 367 374 | Halbert George W | Head | M W 24 M1 2 | Texas Texas Texas | | English | Haul Sand Teamster w | | yes yes no | O F H 15 | 4 x 3 | H416 | 13 | | 367 374 | Halbert Lizzie | Wife | F W 19 M1 3 | Texas Texas Texas | | English | none | | yes yes no | | | H416 | =====|==============|=============|=================================|==============|============================|========================================|=========|=========|=================================|========|=============|==============|=======|======|===================