Obit of Harris, Homer Lee - Logan County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Wanda Purcell 16 Oct 2005 Return to Logan County Archives: ========================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ========================================================================== Surnames: Harris, Brown Originally posted at: Homer Lee Harris was born in Logan County, Oklahoma, January 4, 1899, passed away in an Elk City hospital, November 28, 1923 at the early age of 24 years, 10 months, 24 days. Homer had lived in Roger Mills County and near or in Cheyenne since a small boy having moved here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Haris in 1907. He went to school in the Cheyenne public school and graduated from the High School of this city with the class of 1916. In school Homer was one of those unusual characters who had the ability to mix with boys and to participate in all of their activities but yet to keep himself pure and clean. He was, even as a boy, held in highest esteem by all of his companions and admired by all who knew him. In 1921-22 he served as president of the Alumni of the Cheyenne High School, the highest honor that could be bestowed upon him by the school body. During the World War Homer, answered the call of his country and volunteered his services and was assigned to the Students Army Training Corps. After his discharge shortly after the Armistice was signed he entered an Oklahoma City business college. After completing his course he accepted a position with the Cheyenne State Bank with which institution he remained. This bank was nationalized about a year ago and H.L. Harris became its cashier. His has the distinction of having been the youngest bank cashier in Oklahoma. The business ability of Homer Harris was unusual and in spite of his extreme youth he was capable of transacting business in a manner that was a marevel to those older and experienced. In his passing the First National Bank of Cheyenne has lost not only an efficient cashier but one who possessed he great ability to make friends for the institution. As cashier of the bank it was his privilege to become acquainted with large number of people and it is said of him that in all of his business dealings he never made an enemy. H.L. Harris' business activities were not confined to the banking institution alone for he was serving as city clerk at the time of his death, an office to which he was elected at the last city election. He was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodman of America, and the Benevolent Order of Elks, and the Eastern Star Chapter. In these fraternities he took great interest and was a living exponent of the cause of each. In May 1915 Homer professed faith in Christ and united with the Methodist Church of this city and was at the time of his passing away secretary- treasurer of the Board of Stewards. He was a consisten and faithful member of thew church and was a member of the Friendly Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday School at the time of his departure from this life. His help and influence will be greatly missed in the activities of the Methodist Church of this city for he never failed to respond when called upon to perform any church duty no matter how small or great the task. He has had the prayerful interest of the church during the past eight years and as he walked among men shouldering the responsibilities of life, performing little deeds of kindness and acting benevolently towards all, none could doubt that his spirit had been touched by that commond bond that runs in all mankind and make all men brethern---the spirit of the meek and lowly Nazarene. Just a little more than four months ago Homer L. Harris was married to Miss Buford Brown one of the most loved young women of our city. During this shor time it seemed that all that this earth had to offer to make happiness was bestowed upon this young couple, until just nine days prior to his death when the fatal accident occurred. The heart of the town goes out to her in sympathy in this trying hour of affliction. Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist Church in this city in the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day in the presence of one of the largest crowds that ever assembled at a funeral in this city. Rev. Grimes, pastor, of the Methodeist church preached the funeral sermon. At the grave burial services were conducted by the Masonic fraternity followed by the ceremonial of the Knights of the Ku Klu Klan, after which his body was laid to rest beneat a floral covered mound. The floral offering was one of the greatest ever bestowed upon any of our townsmen. Besides the floral offerings of individuals, the Masons, Eastern Star Chapter, Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, American Legion, the Bank and the Friendly Bible Class each rendered tokens of respect with flowers in the form of emblems and wreaths. Besides a heart broken wife, the deceased leaves his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Harris of Yale, Oklahoma, a sister, Miss Florence Harris of Yale, and a brother, Oscar Harris of Oklahoma City, all of whom were present at the funeral. Two uncles from Guthrie, Oklahoma were also present at the funeral. Others from a distance attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Higgins of Erick; Mr. Leland Brown of Amarillo, Texas; Mrs. Morine Morton of Elk City; Mr. and Mrs. R.N. Higgins of Sayre, and I.C. Thurmond of Oklahoma City. The hearts of the people of Cheyenne have been deeply touched by what seems the untimely death of this young man and the entire town, not only sympathizes, but mourns with the relativews. One of the foremost citizens of the town has passed from among us; the fraternal organizations have given up one of the most beloved members; the church has lost one of its ardent supporters and one lived Christianitry; the fathetr and mother a dutiful and loving son; the brother and sister a loving companion, the heartbroken wife a devoted and loving husband; and all mankind a friend. Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, Ok 27-Nov-1923 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Logan County Archives: