1910 Census Alpha Listing, McClain County Oklahoma submitted by Herb Abrams 12 Jun 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surname Given Area PG LN McGuire Geo. R. Colbert 281 37 McGuire John W. Colbert 281 40 McGuire Ollie Colbert 280 99 McGuire Ottis O. Colbert 281 39 McGuire Sallie R. Colbert 281 38 McGuire Sam Colbert 281 7 McHortes Donnie Muncrief 219 9 McHortes Robert Muncrief 219 8 McHortes Vera Muncrief 219 10 McIntire Anna Goldsby 190 67 McIntire Bertha Hopping 205 2 McIntire Clif Goldsby 190 66 McIntire France Hopping 205 16 McIntire George Byars 137 34 McIntire Iris Byars 137 35 McIntire Lucy B. Hopping 205 19 McIntire Sallie O. Hopping 205 17 McIntire Sam W. Hopping 205 1 McIntire Thelma Hopping 205 3 McIntire Viola Hopping 205 18 McIntire William Byars 137 33 McIntosh Carrie Johnston 187 81 McIntosh Maud Johnston 189 2 McIntosh Robert Johnston 194 26 McKenzie Archer Turnbull 164 10 McKibans Josef L. Turnbull 158 66 McKineley Harlan Turnbull 160 65 McKineley Rosa L. Turnbull 160 67 McKineley Virgie Turnbull 160 66 McKinney Alice M. Colbert 279 45 McKinney Bessie Colbert 279 49 McKinney Charles Victor 300 88 McKinney Chas. Colbert 279 44 McKinney Daisy C. Colbert 279 51 McKinney Ella E. Colbert 279 46 McKinney Emmett L. Colbert 279 47 McKinney Hallie Wayne 308 99 McKinney Hiram S. Victor 300 86 McKinney James Colbert 279 42 McKinney John Victor 300 91 McKinney John H. Victor 296 20 McKinney Lelia B. Victor 300 87 McKinney Lillian Victor 296 22 McKinney Lizzie M. Victor 300 90 McKinney Lucil F. Victor 296 21 McKinney Marcus? Victor 300 92 McKinney Massie A. Colbert 279 50 McKinney Nancy Colbert 279 43 McKinney Oriel Victor 300 89 McKinney Virgie Victor 300 93 McKinney William J. Colbert 279 48 McKinnon Elbert A. Turnbull 155 19 McKinnon James A. Turnbull 155 17 McKinnon Nancy Turnbull 155 16 McKinnon Newton G. Turnbull 155 18 McKnight Deie? Muncrief 224 27 McKnight Effie Muncrief 224 22 McKnight G. E. Muncrief 224 23 McKnight James F. Muncrief 224 25 McKnight Luther Muncrief 224 28 McKnight M. E. Muncrief 224 26 McKnight Oca Muncrief 224 24 McKnight Tom Muncrief 224 21 McLaughlin Claud Wayne 311 46 McLaughlin Francis M. Perry 265 20 McLaughlin Fred Wayne 311 47 McLaughlin George R. Hopping 205 20 McLaughlin Laura Hopping 205 21 McLaughlin Luta S. Hopping 205 23 McLaughlin Maggy Wayne 311 48 McLaughlin Mattie F. Hopping 205 22 McLaughlin Myrtle Wayne 311 49 McLaughlin Nannie Wayne 311 45 McLaughlin Pete Wayne 323 45 McLaughlin Ruba Hopping 205 24 McLean Amanda Purcell 239 71 McLean Dr. J.B. Purcell 239 70 McLean Opal B. Purcell 239 72 McManus Ethel A. Goldsby 167 32 McManus Haskell Goldsby 167 33 McManus Roy D. Goldsby 167 31 McMillain Ethel Purcell 230 44 McMillan Dellvia Goldsby 175 17 McMillan Douglas Goldsby 175 19 McMillan Jewel Goldsby 175 20 McMillan Otis Goldsby 175 18 McMillan William S. Goldsby 175 16 McMillian Hattie Johnston 186 39 McMillian Henry Johnston 188 21 McMillian Nellie Johnston 183 73 McMillian Robert Johnston 184 66 McNabb Dan Wayne 315 18 McNabb Ella Wayne 315 12 McNabb Etta Wayne 315 13 McNabb Eulie Wayne 315 20 McNabb Goldie Wayne 315 19 McNabb Gordon Wayne 315 17 McNabb Grace Wayne 315 15 McNabb Lon Wayne 315 11 McNabb Milburn Wayne 315 16 McNabb Vasco? Wayne 315 14 McNeally Cora Muncrief 224 20 McNeally Lizzie Muncrief 224 19 McNeally Richard Muncrief 224 17 McNeally W. M. Muncrief 224 16 McNeally W. Olen Muncrief 224 18 McPherson Ernest J. Victor 302 31 McPherson Grover C. Victor 302 29 McPherson Roy Hopping 203 28 McPherson William C. Victor 302 30 McQuinn Ed Goldsby 171 14 McQuinn Nellie Goldsby 171 15 McQuinn Opal Goldsby 171 16 McRae Olis Byars 130 11 McSpadden Dora Purcell 251 61 McSpadden Grace Purcell 251 62 McWilliams Annie Goldsby 180 39 McWilliams John Goldsby 180 38 McWilliams Lee Goldsby 180 40 Meacham Bertie Wayne 318 7 Meacham Christopher Wayne 318 6 G. Meacham Thelma M. Wayne 318 8 Meacham Zelma M. Wayne 318 9 Meadow Eldon Byars 130 53 Meadow Iva T. Byars 130 52 Meadow James T. Byars 130 51 Meadows Carl F. Hopping 206 81 Meadows Clarence Perry 260 85 Meadows Gordon Hopping 206 84 Meadows James Hopping 206 83 Meadows Leona S. Hopping 206 82 Medford Fanny L. Hopping 212 59 Medford Tom A. Hopping 212 58 Meek Abner Colbert 286 28 Meek Minnie Colbert 286 29 Megil Sectoman Purcell 253 17 Meigs Howard Victor 298 14 Melton Annie J. Perry 271 19 Melton Keome Perry 271 20 Melton Lorene Perry 271 21 Melton Silas Perry 271 18 Melugin Dona Goldsby 181 75 Melugin Everett Goldsby 181 77 Melugin Herbert Goldsby 181 76 Melugin Laura Goldsby 181 73 Melugin Mattie Goldsby 181 74 Melugin Thomas Goldsby 181 78 Melugin W. D. Goldsby 181 72 Mendenhall A. M. Muncrief 219 5 Mendenhall Beulah Muncrief 219 6 Mendenhall Myrtle Muncrief 219 7 Menna Paul Purcell 253 54 Merrell Arthur Byars 133 71 Merrell Hera Byars 133 69 Merrell Herbert Byars 133 68 Merrell Marvin Byars 133 70 Merth Charles Wayne 323 38 Michael Bessie Hopping 211 50 Michael Blanche Hopping 211 49 Michael Dora Hopping 211 47 Michael Henry Hopping 211 48 Michael James H. Hopping 211 45 Michael Rena Hopping 211 46 Middlebrook Anne Purcell 248 42 Middlebrook Eugene Purcell 248 41 Middleton John S. Victor 296 51 Middleton Missouri A. Victor 296 52 Midgel Marcos Purcell 253 20 Midgett Chester Byars 144 98 Midgett Ethel Byars 145 2 Midgett Frances Byars 144 97 Midgett Fulton Byars 145 1 Midgett Ida Byars 145 3 Midgett Lucy Byars 144 ** Midgett Walter Byars 144 99 Midgett William A. Byars 144 96 Mikey Joe Victor 297 56 Miles Amos Hopping 201 32 Miles Anna Bell Hopping 201 30 Miles Belton Hopping 201 29 Miles Charles Purcell 245 98 Miles Dorothy Colbert 280 2 Miles E.W. Purcell 245 95 Miles Edgar Purcell 246 1 Miles Harrold Purcell 245 97 Miles Hattie Perry 269 9 Miles Helen Purcell 245 99 Miles John Purcell 245 ** Miles Kittie Perry 269 8 Miles Lee Anna Hopping 201 31 Miles Lucy Hopping 201 33 Miles Nelson Purcell 246 2 Miles O.M. Purcell 245 96 Miles Richard Perry 269 10 Miles Thomas Perry 269 7 Milford Andrew H. Hopping 205 69 Milford Andrew S. Byars 140 90 Milford Annie M. Hopping 205 70 Milford Eldridge Byars 140 95 Milford Floyd Byars 141 1 Milford Herman K. Hopping 205 71 Milford Jerrell Byars 140 96 Milford John Byars 140 93 Milford John H. Byars 140 97 Milford Laurel L. Byars 140 94 Milford Lesie? Byars 140 99 Milford Maudy Byars 140 ** Milford Susan Byars 140 91 Milford Thurmon T. Hopping 205 72 Milford William H. Byars 140 92 Mill Maude Purcell 250 76 Mill W.L. Purcell 250 75 Millar Adam A. Victor 289 33 Millar Ida Victor 289 34 Miller Alexander Byars 130 35 Miller Alice Purcell 242 36 Miller Allen Byars 138 26 Miller Allice Turnbull 158 87 Miller Ben Goldsby 166 5 Miller Clara Purcell 247 24 Miller Edna Goldsby 166 9 Miller Effie Byars 130 38 Miller Ella N. Perry 268 24 Miller Ellen Goldsby 166 4 Miller Emmett Goldsby 173 70 Miller Fern Turnbull 161 49 Miller Frances Hopping 198 38 Miller Frank Turnbull 158 88 Miller Frank Purcell 242 37 Miller George Goldsby 166 3 Miller Gertrude E. Perry 268 26 Miller Harbert C. Turnbull 153 70 Miller J.T. Purcell 249 99 Miller Jennie Goldsby 173 67 Miller Jess Purcell 249 69 Miller Joe Goldsby 166 6 Miller John Goldsby 166 7 Miller John O. Goldsby 166 1 Miller John R. Turnbull 158 86 Miller John T. Goldsby 169 67 Miller Joseph E. Goldsby 173 66 Miller Joshua Hopping 198 39 Miller Kan Goldsby 173 68 Miller Krueman Turnbull 161 50 Miller Leona Goldsby 173 71 Miller Lou Purcell 247 22 Miller Lucele Goldsby 173 72 Miller Luther Byars 130 37 Miller Lylit Turnbull 153 72 Miller Manda Purcell 249 ** Miller Martha Purcell 247 25 Miller Mattie Purcell 249 70 Miller Maudy Byars 130 36 Miller May Turnbull 158 89 Miller Melton Goldsby 173 69 Miller Milton? Purcell 247 23 Miller Mollie E. Turnbull 153 69 Miller Mr. Purcell 252 29 Miller Mrs. Purcell 252 30 Miller Mrs. Joe E. Purcell 237 30 Miller Nora E. Goldsby 166 2 Miller Oda Byars 130 39 Miller Oral Turnbull 161 47 Miller Orlin O. Perry 268 25 Miller Peter A. Perry 268 23 Miller Rip I. Turnbull 153 71 Miller Roy Turnbull 158 90 Miller Trinnia Byars 130 40 Miller Velena Goldsby 166 10 Miller Viola Turnbull 161 46 Miller Virdis Turnbull 158 91 Miller Virgle Turnbull 161 48 Miller W.H. Purcell 242 35 Miller William T. Turnbull 161 45 Miller Wilson Purcell 247 21 Milligan Purcell 239 91 Mills Arman? Byars 148 40 Mills Bessie Goldsby 177 54 Mills C. Purcell 248 38 Mills Claud L. Goldsby 177 53 Mills Cleo? Purcell 248 40 Mills Dalton Byars 148 37 Mills Edna Byars 148 39 Mills Ethel Byars 148 38 Mills Lura Goldsby 177 52 Mills Maggie Byars 148 41 Mills Nellie Purcell 248 39 Mills Thomas Byars 148 36 Mills William Goldsby 177 51 Millsap Albert N. Hopping 205 38 Millsap Dewey H. Hopping 205 40 Millsap Lillie B. Hopping 205 39 Millsap Lizzie Hopping 205 37 Millsap Lucy May Hopping 205 41 Millsap Napoleon B. Hopping 205 36 Millsaps Jesse L. Hopping 215 11 Millsaps Patrick J. Hopping 215 10 Milton George Victor 289 66 Milton Leona Victor 289 65 Milton Maudy Victor 289 64 Milton Tudie Victor 289 67 Mingus Dave Hopping 201 7 Mingus Lee Hopping 206 70 Mink Dorothy Purcell 244 75 Mink F.L. Purcell 244 73 Mink Leona M. Purcell 244 74 Mink Roxie Purcell 244 76 Minuitol Dominic Purcell 253 72 Minutta Erlina? Purcell 244 41 Minutta Henry Purcell 244 43 Minutta John Purcell 244 44 Minutta Judie Purcell 244 42 Minutta Meta Purcell 244 40 Minutta O.S. Purcell 244 39 Mirck C.C. Purcell 240 31 Mirck Charles Purcell 240 29 Mirck Dewie Purcell 240 28 Mirck H.M. Purcell 240 16 Mirck Hugh Purcell 240 25 Mirck Lillie Purcell 240 26 Mirck Lucy Purcell 240 22 Mirck Margaret Purcell 240 17 Mirck Rosie Purcell 240 21 Mirck Roy Purcell 240 23 Mirck Temmie Purcell 240 30 Mirck Vesta Purcell 240 32 Mirck Walter Purcell 240 27 Miser Commadore V. Hopping 204 75 Miser Dallas S. Hopping 204 35 Miser Etha M. Hopping 210 5 Miser Eula Hopping 210 3 Miser Garland O. Hopping 204 37 Miser George I. Hopping 210 2 Miser Grady G. Hopping 210 4 Miser Henry Hopping 209 83 Miser Hubert Hopping 204 77 Miser Jackson W. Hopping 209 82 Miser John H. Hopping 204 38 Miser Laura E. Hopping 210 6 Miser Lawrence V. Hopping 204 39 Miser M. C. Hopping 206 95 Miser Mary J. Hopping 209 81 Miser Myra C. Hopping 204 76 Miser Nettie Hopping 204 36 Miser Ova Hopping 204 78 Miser Sam W. Hopping 204 40 Miser Thomas A. Hopping 209 80 Mitchel Alex Purcell 234 21 Mitchel Joe Purcell 234 23 Mitchel Tom Purcell 228 10 Mitchel Virginia Purcell 234 22 Mitchel Will Purcell 234 24 Mitchell Ada Colbert 284 40 Mitchell Anna Colbert 284 38 Mitchell Annie Muncrief 221 26 Mitchell Bessie Turnbull 157 41 Mitchell Bridget Goldsby 177 69 Mitchell Bryan Turnbull 157 52 Mitchell Carlyle Goldsby 177 70 Mitchell Cecil Turnbull 160 63 Mitchell Clyde Turnbull 160 61 Mitchell Cora Purcell 245 55 Mitchell Curtis Colbert 284 39 Mitchell Dorothy Purcell 245 57 Mitchell Douglas Hopping 215 9 Mitchell Edna Turnbull 160 64 Mitchell Edward Turnbull 160 59 Mitchell Ernest Colbert 284 41 Mitchell F. P. Goldsby 177 68 Mitchell Fred Byars 132 62 Mitchell George Hopping 215 8 Mitchell Gertie Byars 144 4 Mitchell Gertrude Purcell 245 56 Mitchell Gillie B. Turnbull 157 45 Mitchell Haskell Turnbull 157 56 Mitchell Hazel Purcell 245 58 Mitchell Irene Byars 144 3 Mitchell James C. Byars 143 98 Mitchell Jessie M. Turnbull 157 42 Mitchell Jim Byars 144 2 Mitchell John H. Turnbull 157 39 Mitchell John R. Colbert 284 37 Mitchell John W. Hopping 208 15 Mitchell Johnson Turnbull 157 53 Mitchell Joseph Turnbull 157 55 Mitchell Lizzie Byars 132 63 Mitchell May Turnbull 157 54 Mitchell Mollie Byars 143 99 Mitchell Mort Turnbull 157 46 Mitchell Nancy Turnbull 157 43 Mitchell Nellie Turnbull 157 47 Mitchell Norma Muncrief 221 28 Mitchell Pearl Turnbull 160 60 Mitchell Peter J. Turnbull 157 49 Mitchell Rebecca J. Byars 143 97 Mitchell Ressie Turnbull 157 51 Mitchell Robert Byars 144 1 Mitchell Robert Colbert 284 42 Mitchell Robert Wayne 323 65 Mitchell Roscow Muncrief 221 27 Mitchell Ruby Turnbull 160 62 Mitchell Sallie Turnbull 157 50 Mitchell Sarah Byars 136 33 Mitchell Sarah Turnbull 157 40 Mitchell Son Byars 132 65 Mitchell Steve Byars 143 ** Mitchell Tandy? Purcell 245 54 Mitchell Virginia Byars 132 64 Mitchell Wade Goldsby 177 71 Mitchell Walter Byars 136 34 Mitchell William Byars 136 32 Mitchell William J. Turnbull 157 44 Mitchell Willie Purcell 245 59 Mize Carl Goldsby 170 45 Mize Cloe Goldsby 170 46 Mize Gabe Goldsby 170 43 Mize Lizzie Goldsby 170 47 Mize Maud Goldsby 170 44 Mobbs Jessie Hopping 199 45 Mobbs William Hopping 199 44 Mobes Calla Byars 134 28 Mobes Edwin Byars 134 29 Mobes Newton Byars 134 31 Mobes Thomas Byars 134 27 Mobes Vivian Byars 134 30 Moffus John Hopping 198 95 Moisant Alexina Perry 261 3 Moisant Diana Perry 261 5 Moisant Ida M. Perry 261 6 Moisant John Perry 261 2 Moisant Leo Perry 261 4 Moisant William Perry 261 7 Monett Lucile Purcell 231 33 Monett Oscar Purcell 231 32 Monroe Bertha H. Victor 297 65 Monroe Earl Victor 297 68 Monroe Ethel M. Victor 297 64 Monroe Homer L. Victor 297 69 Monroe Lizzie Victor 297 63 Monroe Mary G. Victor 297 66 Monroe Robert B. Victor 297 67 Monroe William W. Victor 297 62 Montague Cristal Victor 296 10 Montague Grover Victor 296 7 Montague Henry F. Victor 296 11 Montague Juliana B. Victor 296 6 Montague Leona E. Victor 296 8 Montague Myrtle Victor 296 9 Montano Nick Purcell 253 34 Montgomery Jerry Purcell 227 49 Montgomery Wife Purcell 227 50 Moody William C. Goldsby 169 70 Moon Alvin Johnston 185 15 Moon Andrew F. Perry 263 23 Moon Angeline Purcell 227 52 Moon Billie Purcell 227 51 Moon Clara Johnston 187 72 Moon Della F. Perry 263 21 Moon Flossie Johnston 194 12 Moon Ida C. Perry 263 20 Moon Jessie L. Perry 263 24 Moon Joe Purcell 228 14 Moon Opal Johnston 188 14 Moon Tishia Johnston 184 2 Moon William E. Perry 263 19 Moon William S. Perry 263 22 Moon William T. Johnston 189 6 Mooney Allie Wayne 322 82 Mooney Arthur Wayne 322 78 Mooney Bertie Wayne 322 77 Mooney Claude Byars 148 72 Mooney Eunice Byars 148 70 Mooney Eunice Wayne 322 80 Mooney George C. Wayne 322 75 Mooney Greenwood Byars 148 69 Mooney Jessie Wayne 322 81 Mooney Jewell Byars 148 73 Mooney Lois Byars 148 71 Mooney Mary Wayne 322 79 Mooney Mary C. Wayne 322 76 Moore Alice Victor 293 30 Moore Alma Purcell 237 74 Moore Andrew J. Victor 299 12 Moore Angeline Purcell 255 9 Moore Anna Goldsby 175 61 Moore Anna Purcell 237 20 Moore Annie L. Victor 299 15 Moore Arthur Goldsby 173 6 Moore Arthur Victor 299 10 Moore B.F. Purcell 237 19 Moore B.F. Purcell 237 73 Moore Bertha M. Hopping 213 66 Moore Bessie Hopping 213 65 Moore C.G. Purcell 234 ** Moore Caroline Purcell 235 1 Moore Charles Colbert 275 86 Moore Charley A. Wayne 316 6 Moore Charley H. Victor 293 67 Moore Charley W. Victor 297 88 Moore Clara F. Victor 299 11 Moore Clarence Colbert 275 85 Moore Clinton Goldsby 175 63 Moore Cora Goldsby 173 7 Moore Cora Hopping 213 59 Moore Cuslia? L. Victor 293 69 Moore David Victor 297 90 Moore Dora M Purcell 233 65 Moore Dovie Goldsby 173 9 Moore Edgar L. Victor 299 14 Moore Edith M. Wayne 316 7 Moore Elgin H. Johnston 187 42 Moore Elizabeth Victor 293 68 Moore Elizabeth Victor 297 89 Moore Ella Colbert 275 83 Moore Ella Victor 302 33 Moore Elmer Victor 302 34 Moore Emma Victor 287 5 Moore Emma Victor 287 5 Moore Emmett Goldsby 175 62 Moore Esther Purcell 235 2 Moore Etta Hopping 213 82 Moore Flora Goldsby 173 10 Moore Frank Purcell 235 4 Moore Frank Victor 302 35 Moore Garland Goldsby 173 8 Moore George Goldsby 175 60 Moore George R. Hopping 213 61 Moore George W. Victor 302 32 Moore Gladys M. Victor 287 6 Moore Gladys M. Victor 287 6 Moore Gracie Victor 297 94 Moore Henry F. Hopping 213 58 Moore James Johnston 188 3 Moore James Colbert 275 82 Moore John H. Victor 297 92 Moore Johnnie Victor 297 91 Moore Kerby Victor 297 95 Moore Ky Purcell 228 17 Moore Leola Hopping 213 60 Moore Lizzie E. Victor 293 31 Moore Lola Hopping 213 81 Moore Lucinda Victor 297 93 Moore Lucy Johnston 183 49 Moore Margaret L. Purcell 235 6 Moore Mary P. Victor 299 8 Moore Mattie Hopping 213 63 Moore Mattie Victor 297 96 Moore Maudy R. Victor 299 9 Moore May Johnston 187 14 Moore Metor? Wayne 316 8 Moore Myrtle Hopping 213 62 Moore Olive Victor 299 13 Moore Oscar Goldsby 168 99 Moore Ralph A. Purcell 235 3 Moore Roy V. Hopping 213 80 Moore Ruby Johnston 187 4 Moore Ruth E. Purcell 235 5 Moore Velma Hopping 213 64 Moore Wert E. Victor 293 32 Moore William B. Victor 287 4 Moore William B. Victor 287 4 Moore William H. Victor 293 29 Moore Willie Johnston 183 72 Moore Willie Colbert 275 84 Moore Winnie L. Victor 299 16 Morehead Clem W. Perry 265 38 Morehead Jack F. Perry 265 40 Morehead Ophelia Perry 265 39 Morehead Stella Byars 139 60 Moreland Alberta Hopping 206 34 Moreland Bennie Hopping 206 12 Moreland Berth Hopping 202 96 Moreland Clara C. Hopping 206 35 Moreland Ed G. Hopping 206 10 Moreland Elizabeth Hopping 206 15 Moreland Ethel Hopping 202 97 Moreland Florence Hopping 206 11 Moreland Floyd Hopping 202 98 Moreland Herman B. Hopping 206 14 Moreland Louie Hopping 206 36 Moreland Nettie Hopping 206 28 Moreland Newsome Hopping 206 33 Morgain James Purcell 245 77 Morgan Albert Goldsby 176 8 Morgan Alice Goldsby 193 2 Morgan Annie? Byars 140 62 Morgan Carrol Goldsby 172 94 Morgan Catherine Goldsby 175 73 Morgan Charlotte Goldsby 175 72 Morgan Chester Goldsby 176 5 Morgan Davis Johnston 185 60 Morgan Donald Goldsby 175 70 Morgan Dora Goldsby 176 3 Morgan Earnest N. Goldsby 176 2 Morgan Etta Goldsby 176 7 Morgan Floyd Goldsby 193 13 Morgan Helen Goldsby 193 3 Morgan Henry Byars 140 63 Morgan Isabell Goldsby 176 1 Morgan James Goldsby 176 6 Morgan James Goldsby 193 16 Morgan Jennie Goldsby 175 69 Morgan John Goldsby 175 68 Morgan Joseph Goldsby 193 15 Morgan Lee Goldsby 174 93 Morgan Leonard Goldsby 193 17 Morgan Louisa W. Goldsby 172 93 Morgan Louise Goldsby 193 6 Morgan Lucy Goldsby 193 7 Morgan Mable Goldsby 193 14 Morgan Mary Goldsby 175 71 Morgan Raymond Goldsby 193 5 Morgan Robert Goldsby 193 1 Morgan Walter Goldsby 176 4 Morgan William Goldsby 172 92 Morgan William Goldsby 193 4 Morris Alabama Wayne 320 14 Morris Allie Goldsby 171 10 Morris Arthur Goldsby 177 25 Morris Bertha Johnston 185 47 Morris Bettie Johnston 187 93 Morris Carey W. Wayne 312 44 Morris Charles Johnston 183 71 Morris Claud Johnston 184 74 Morris Claud Purcell 251 73 Morris Dave O. Wayne 323 34 Morris David C. Victor 297 10 Morris David C. Victor 297 13 Morris Desia L. Wayne 312 43 Morris Elery Purcell 251 76 Morris Elsie Purcell 251 75 Morris Emily F. Hopping 198 64 Morris Ervin Goldsby 177 27 Morris Everett Goldsby 177 28 Morris F.P. Purcell 249 85 Morris Fannie Purcell 251 72 Morris Fern Purcell 251 78 Morris George Johnston 186 22 Morris George Purcell 243 2 Morris George Jr. Purcell 243 5 Morris George W. Wayne 312 37 Morris Grace Purcell 243 3 Morris Hal Purcell 249 89 Morris Henry F. Hopping 198 63 Morris Jessie Johnston 187 40 Morris Jimmie Hopping 198 65 Morris John Turnbull 164 21 Morris John D. Wayne 312 41 Morris John D. Wayne 320 12 Morris Julia Johnston 195 1 Morris Kate Purcell 249 86 Morris Larina M. Wayne 312 38 Morris Laura Purcell 251 77 Morris Mary Purcell 236 44 Morris Mary J. Wayne 320 13 Morris Maud E. Victor 297 11 Morris Mildred Purcell 243 4 Morris Mount Johnston 194 3 Morris Nancy Purcell 243 6 Morris Pearl Goldsby 177 29 Morris Roby Purcell 249 88 Morris Stella Goldsby 177 26 Morris Sumner A. Wayne 312 39 Morris T.M. Purcell 251 71 Morris Tessie Wayne 312 42 Morris Thelma Johnston 187 32 Morris Vane Johnston 183 79 Morris Virgie J. Wayne 312 40 Morris Walter Johnston 184 62 Morris Walter Purcell 251 74 Morris William Johnston 184 43 Morris William C. Victor 297 12 Morris Yancy Johnston 188 42 Morrison Francis Perry 259 3 Morrison James Goldsby 180 97 Morrow Annie Turnbull 157 34 Morrow Arthur Turnbull 157 37 Morrow Bernadine Turnbull 157 38 Morrow Bertha Turnbull 157 35 Morrow Clayton Turnbull 155 97 Morrow Clifton Turnbull 157 36 Morrow Elizabeth Hopping 200 37 Morrow Francis M. Turnbull 157 33 Morrow Jessie Turnbull 155 98 Morrow Jessie D. Hopping 200 39 Morrow Lee E. Hopping 200 38 Morrow Tom Goldsby 176 84 Mosely Bell Byars 141 98 Mosely Bessie Byars 141 ** Mosely Grady Byars 142 1 Mosely James M. Byars 141 97 Mosely John Byars 142 4 Mosely Lee Byars 142 2 Mosely Pearl Byars 141 99 Mosely Ross Byars 142 3 Mosely Samuel W. Byars 142 5 Mosley Clarence Wayne 309 35 Mosley Daisy Byars 144 67 Mosley Ernest Wayne 309 34 Mosley Gladus S, Wayne 312 76 Mosley Hattie Byars 144 66 Mosley James C. Wayne 312 73 Mosley Jet Wayne 309 37 Mosley Jettie Wayne 309 36 Mosley Lela Wayne 309 32 Mosley Leo Purcell 244 19 Mosley Mary Byars 144 70 Mosley Mary Purcell 244 18 Mosley Mary J. Wayne 312 74 Mosley Mrs. F.P. Purcell 238 9 Mosley Not names Wayne 309 38 Mosley Richard C. Wayne 312 75 Mosley Roesia Purcell 238 10 Mosley Roy Purcell 244 17 Mosley Rufe Wayne 309 31 Mosley Russell Wayne 309 33 Mosley Silas Byars 144 65 Moss Ada B. Victor 307 22 Moss E.W. Purcell 254 14 Moss Ed Purcell 248 18 Moss Fred B. Victor 307 21 Moss Joseph Byars 144 60 Moss May Byars 144 61 Moss May E. Victor 307 24 Moss Roy L. Victor 307 23 Moss Sheba C. Victor 307 25 Moss William F. Victor 307 26 Moton Mary Purcell 251 23 Moton Mr Purcell 251 22 Motsinbocker Gold M. Perry 265 47 Motsinbocker James O. Perry 265 46 Motzenbarger Emma Purcell 239 10 Motzenberger Harry Purcell 239 14 Motzenberger Willie D. Purcell 239 15 Moudy Oscar Colbert 282 85 Moury Burford Purcell 246 51 Moury Cynthia Purcell 246 46 Moury F.C. Purcell 246 44 Moury Frank Purcell 246 47 Moury Lula Purcell 246 50 Moury Mary Purcell 246 45 Moury Neva Purcell 246 48 Moury Wade Purcell 246 49 Mullens Bessie Byars 140 86 Mullens Walter A. Byars 140 85 Mullins Cecil Turnbull 152 58 Mullins John W. Turnbull 152 53 Mullins John W. Turnbull 152 56 Mullins Lottie Purcell 249 41 Mullins Mamie Turnbull 152 57 Mullins Mattie Turnbull 152 54 Mullins Myrtle Turnbull 152 55 Mullins Ola Purcell 249 42 Mullins Tom Purcell 249 43 Mundy Lula Byars 138 14 Muney Lula Turnbull 165 6 Muney Luther Turnbull 165 5 Munsey Buford Colbert 279 88 Munsey Earnest Colbert 279 86 Munsey Huston Colbert 279 85 Munsey Jerushia Colbert 279 84 Munsey Molly Colbert 279 83 Munsey Myrtle Colbert 279 89 Munsey Theophilus Colbert 279 87 Munsey Zackeria G. Colbert 279 82 Murphy Audry Wayne 320 40 Murphy Calvin Goldsby 170 16 Murphy Emma Wayne 320 39 Murphy Ethel Perry 263 83 Murphy Harvy Perry 263 85 Murphy Herbert Wayne 320 38 Murphy Loyd Perry 263 82 Murphy Mary Perry 263 84 Murphy Melinda Perry 263 80 Murphy Robert Perry 263 81 Murphy William A. Perry 263 79 Murray Alma Byars 145 52 Murray Andrew Byars 145 50 Murray Benjamin A. Hopping 214 65 Murray Bonnie Hopping 214 69 Murray Clarence J. Hopping 214 70 Murray Claud Muncrief 218 57 Murray Della Byars 145 51 Murray Drew Muncrief 218 54 Murray Edward Hopping 214 64 Murray Estella Hopping 212 64 Murray Eugene W. Purcell 226 20 Murray Floyd Byars 145 54 Murray Hazel G. Hopping 214 71 Murray Henry C. Hopping 212 63 Murray J.A. Purcell 226 21 Murray Leudie B. Hopping 214 67 Murray Lila F. Hopping 214 63 Murray Luther Byars 145 53 Murray Marvin G. Hopping 214 66 Murray May Byars 145 55 Murray Sampson Muncrief 218 58 Murray Velma C. Hopping 214 68 Murray William J. Hopping 214 62 Murrell C. B. Goldsby 176 64 Murrell Carrie Goldsby 176 70 Murrell George H. Goldsby 176 67 Murrell Henry H. Goldsby 176 68 Murrell James K. Goldsby 176 66 Murrell Lenard W. Goldsby 176 69 Murrell Mattie Goldsby 176 65 Murry David Goldsby 169 24 Murry Edward Goldsby 169 23 Murry Ella Goldsby 169 28 Murry Frank Goldsby 169 26 Murry George Goldsby 169 25 Murry Georgia Goldsby 169 22 Murry Joe R. Goldsby 169 21 Murry Willie Goldsby 169 27 Mustang Capitolia Hopping 200 40 Mustrono Dominic Purcell 253 41 Myeno Mary Purcell 239 60 Myers Anna Purcell 243 69 Myers Charles Jr. Purcell 250 10 Myers Chas. Purcell 250 6 Myers Cleo S. Victor 297 72 Myers Dorsy C. Victor 297 73 Myers Frederick Muncrief 221 98 Myers Ida L. Victor 297 8 Myers Iriphence? Muncrief 221 97 Myers Jack Muncrief 221 96 Myers Joe Purcell 243 68 Myers Joe Jr. Purcell 243 71 Myers Lloyd T. Purcell 250 9 Myers Lotus Purcell 243 70 Myers Nellie M. Purcell 250 7 Myers Nora Victor 297 71 Myers Ora Victor 297 9 Myers Rachel L. Victor 297 87 Myers Robert C. Purcell 250 8 Myers Thomas J. Victor 297 7 Myers William S. Victor 297 70 Myler? M. Purcell 248 28 Myres Frank Wayne 309 25 Naccaro Faleria Purcell 253 11 Nail Aaron L. Wayne 308 12 Nail Gordon W. Wayne 308 9 Nail John Wayne 308 7 Nail John R. Wayne 308 10 Nail Mary Wayne 308 8 Nail Matilda J. Wayne 308 13 Nail Myrtle Goldsby 168 67 Nail Tom Goldsby 168 68 Nail Vivian Wayne 308 11 Neal Andrew Hopping 202 14 Neal Andrew Hopping 202 21 Neal Earl Hopping 201 87 Neal Elbert M. Hopping 202 18 Neal Ivy Hopping 201 86 Neal Laura B. S. Hopping 202 16 Neal Lonnie Hopping 201 85 Neal Mrs. J.L. Purcell 242 9 Neal Ola May Hopping 202 17 Neal Ora Hopping 202 19 Neal Pearl Hopping 201 88 Neal Polly Hopping 202 20 Neal Sarah M. Hopping 202 15 Neal William H. Hopping 201 84 Needham Alfred Colbert 279 25 Needham Alice Purcell 237 99 Needham Cora Colbert 279 19 Needham Edith Colbert 279 24 Needham Eva Colbert 279 23 Needham James A. Colbert 279 18 Needham Ova Colbert 279 20 Needham P.F. Purcell 237 98 Needham Roaton Colbert 279 21 Needham Ruby Colbert 279 22 Needham Ruth Purcell 237 ** Neeley Irma Colbert 275 41 Neff Allen Victor 301 66 Neff George Victor 301 69 Neff Katie Victor 301 68 Neff Mabelle Victor 301 70 Neff Susan Victor 301 67 Neighbor Annie Goldsby 175 35 Neighbor Grover Goldsby 175 34 Neighbors George Goldsby 176 83 Neill Jno Purcell 237 51 Nelms Bertha L. Hopping 208 71 Nelms Dee Hopping 208 77 Nelms Ethel L. Hopping 208 69 Nelms Flora Hopping 208 30 Nelms Florence Hopping 208 76 Nelms Georgia I. Hopping 208 70 Nelms Homer D. Hopping 208 72 Nelms Jennie Hopping 208 26 Nelms Lela Hopping 208 29 Nelms Nolan B. Hopping 208 78 Nelms R. B. Hopping 208 75 Nelms Thomas L. Hopping 208 25 Nelms Vessie B. Hopping 208 73 Nelms William C. Hopping 208 68 Nelms Willie E. Hopping 208 74 Nelson Edna Purcell 230 88 Nelson Joe Wayne 313 12 Nelson John A. Wayne 317 12 Nelson John T. Perry 266 63 Nelson M. Clyde Purcell 230 87 Nemecek Andrew Wayne 316 36 Nemecek Andrew Wayne 321 40 Nemecek Catherine Wayne 316 45 Nemecek Ermia Wayne 321 38 Nemecek George Wayne 316 42 Nemecek Georgia Wayne 321 39 Nemecek James J. Wayne 316 40 Nemecek Janie Wayne 316 41 Nemecek Joe Wayne 316 38 Nemecek Joe Wayne 321 35 Nemecek Katie Wayne 316 44 Nemecek Lillie Wayne 321 37 Nemecek Marie Wayne 316 37 Nemecek Matilda Wayne 321 36 Nemecek Merril A. Wayne 316 39 Nemecek Tomie Wayne 316 43 Nemecek Wilmeth Wayne 321 41 Nettles Emmett F. Goldsby 170 97 Nettles Lee W. Goldsby 170 95 Nettles Rosa E. Goldsby 170 96 Nevins M. V. Goldsby 182 2 Nevins R. T. Goldsby 182 1 Newbern Emma Byars 150 4 Newbern Jewell Byars 150 5 Newbern Saint Clare Byars 150 3 Newberry Grace Byars 131 61 Newberry Joseph Hopping 201 19 Newberry Nora Byars 131 60 Newberry Thomas A. Byars 131 63 Newberry Thomas H. Byars 131 59 Newberry Thurston Byars 131 62 Newkirk James E. Perry 263 88 Newkirk James H. Perry 263 86 Newkirk Sarah A. Perry 263 87 Newman A.C. Purcell 251 81 Newman Albert Purcell 251 84 Newman Anna Purcell 249 2 Newman Arthur Purcell 251 86 Newman Jim Purcell 249 1 Newman John L. Purcell 251 83 Newman Lennie Purcell 251 85 Newman Martha S. Colbert 278 70 Newman Melissa Purcell 251 82 Newman Robt. Colbert 279 80 Newman Sallie Colbert 279 81 Newton Burnard Purcell 246 18 Newton Clarence Purcell 246 21 Newton Damian Purcell 246 19 Newton Emma A. Victor 290 73 Newton Harlin Purcell 246 17 Newton John Purcell 246 16 Newton Letha Purcell 246 20 Nichols Albert Purcell 228 39 Nichols Ameysmith? Victor 300 64 Nichols Annie? Victor 300 65 Nichols Augustus S. Victor 300 63 Nichols Bertie Byars 140 29 Nichols Claude Byars 128 15 Nichols Corry Victor 300 66 Nichols Etta Turnbull 165 16 Nichols Fay Byars 137 84 Nichols Garlan Turnbull 165 19 Nichols Georgia Purcell 228 40 Nichols Grace Byars 128 16 Nichols Grady Byars 140 28 Nichols Hazel Byars 140 30 Nichols Irvin Byars 128 14 Nichols Jackson L. Byars 128 12 Nichols James A. Turnbull 158 18 Nichols James M. Byars 137 82 Nichols Jewell Turnbull 165 17 Nichols Luther Turnbull 165 15 Nichols Martha Byars 137 83 Nichols Martin Turnbull 165 18 Nichols May Byars 140 27 Nichols Mrs. M.E. Purcell 228 38 Nichols Nancy Byars 128 13 Nichols Nellie Byars 128 17 Nichols Philanda Byars 140 1 Nichols Rollin Byars 140 26 Nichols Wanda N. Byars 139 ** Nichols William H. Byars 139 99 Nickels Benjamin J. Wayne 310 34 Nickels Hattie Wayne 310 37 Nickels Kay Wayne 310 38 Nickels Lillie M. Wayne 310 39 Nickels Lonnia B. Wayne 310 36 Nickels Sara L. Wayne 310 35 Nickerson Helen Purcell 238 83 Nickson L.M. Purcell 248 1 Niemann Charles E. Victor 296 80 Niemann Gladys W. Victor 296 84 Niemann Juanita Victor 296 83 Niemann Lennie Victor 296 79 Niemann Linnie Victor 296 86 Niemann Mabel M. Victor 296 82 Niemann Mamie E. Victor 296 85 Niemann Odria Victor 296 81 Niemann William H. Victor 296 78 Nigro Michail Purcell 253 70 Nithe Crandford Perry 268 77 Nithe Sandford Perry 268 76 Nix Gertie Turnbull 158 56 Nix John T. Victor 287 1 Nix John T. Victor 287 1 Nix Milkey A. Victor 287 2 Nix Milkey A. Victor 287 2 Nix Thomas J. Turnbull 158 55 Noble Ernest Byars 147 23 Noble Eunice Byars 147 24 Noble Gladis Byars 147 22 Noble Lillie Byars 147 21 Noble Thomas Byars 147 20 Noel Eura Purcell 235 84 Norman Babe Byars 141 56 Norman Maudy Byars 141 55 Norris Dinkis? Victor 293 59 Norris Freda Johnston 186 3 Norris George N. Victor 293 56 Norris George W. Johnston 183 93 Norris Jesse Victor 293 60 Norris Leona Victor 293 57 Norris Leonard Purcell 247 35 Norris Myrtle Purcell 247 36 Norris Nelson Johnston 186 94 Norris Ocha? Victor 293 58 Norris Para Lee Johnston 183 88 Norris Willis Johnston 187 12 North Cressie D. Hopping 204 9 North John G. Hopping 204 5 North John R. Hopping 204 8 North Lillie L. Hopping 204 7 North Mattie A. Hopping 204 6 North Millie G. Hopping 204 11 North Ressie D. Hopping 204 10 North Willie B. Hopping 204 12 Norvell Hugh V. Turnbull 161 29 Norvell Lissie Turnbull 161 30 Nowlin Alberta Johnston 187 45 Nowlin Alta Johnston 188 50 Nowlin Delbert Goldsby 179 58 Nowlin Donnie Goldsby 179 60 Nowlin Earl A. Johnston 186 99 Nowlin Earnest Goldsby 179 61 Nowlin Ferd Johnston 195 4 Nowlin Grace Johnston 195 20 Nowlin Julia Goldsby 179 56 Nowlin Lou Johnston 185 78 Nowlin Maud Johnston 183 25 Nowlin Myrtle Goldsby 179 57 Nowlin Ollie Johnston 189 44 Nowlin Pate Johnston 183 74 Nowlin Robert Johnston 183 36 Nowlin Roy Johnston 184 87 Nowlin Rupert Goldsby 179 59 Nowlin Thomas Goldsby 179 55 Nowlin Thomas Goldsby 179 62 Nowlin William Johnston 185 9 Nowlin Winnie Johnston 187 56 Nudham Alice Byars 147 97 Nudham Dove Byars 147 96 Nudham Ella Byars 147 98 Nudham James Byars 147 ** Nudham Joe Byars 148 2 Nudham Jonnie Byars 148 1 Nudham Lois Byars 147 99 Nudham Omar? Byars 148 3 Nunn Annie Purcell 246 13 Nunn Baby Purcell 246 15 Nunn Beulah Purcell 246 12 Nunn E.R. Purcell 246 11 Nunn Earnest Purcell 246 14 O'Neal Cora Johnston 185 65 O'Neal No Name Johnston 186 16 O'Neal Olga Johnston 185 75 O'Neal Othal Johnston 183 27 O'Neal Waster J. Johnston 186 26 Oerry Curtis Purcell 234 64 Oerry Norvel Purcell 234 66 Oerry Ophelia Purcell 234 65 Oerry Robert Purcell 234 62 Oerry Vernon Purcell 234 63 Offeet Delia Perry 263 10 Offeet Emery Perry 263 9 Offeet Hester Perry 263 11 Ogelsby Aaron Hopping 199 25 Ogelsby James H. Hopping 199 23 Ogelsby James R. Hopping 199 20 Ogelsby Jessie E. Hopping 199 22 Ogelsby Leonna Hopping 199 24 Ogelsby Minnie Hopping 199 21 Ohagan Pearlie Perry 261 35 Ohl Horace L. Perry 266 9 Ohl Laura J. Perry 266 8 Ohl Lester Perry 266 10 Ohl Sidney S. Perry 266 7 Oleton? Rufus Purcell 242 15 Oliariaz Eredrino Purcell 253 26 Olive Berta Perry 265 65 Olive Gladis Perry 265 68 Olive Hettie Perry 265 67 Olive Jessie Perry 265 66 Olive Thomas G. Perry 265 64 Oliver Alta Byars 131 71 Oliver Ana M. Perry 267 ** Oliver Cinya N. Hopping 212 15 Oliver Clara A. Hopping 212 12 Oliver Dovie R. Hopping 212 11 Oliver Frank L. Hopping 212 14 Oliver Hiram E. Byars 131 69 Oliver Jackson C. Hopping 212 10 Oliver Jake Wayne 323 81 Oliver James H. Perry 267 99 Oliver Kay C. Perry 268 5 Oliver Kitty A. Byars 141 67 Oliver Lewis H. Byars 141 66 Oliver Lillie Byars 141 68 Oliver Raymond Byars 141 71 Oliver Riley C. Perry 268 3 Oliver Robert E. Perry 268 2 Oliver Robert M. Hopping 212 13 Oliver Sarah A. Byars 141 69 Oliver Ulessus L. Perry 268 1 Oliver Verda Byars 131 70 Oliver William W. Byars 141 70 Oliver Wynie W. Perry 268 4 Olsom Beatrice Byars 144 75 Olsom James Byars 144 73 Olsom Nannie Byars 144 72 Olsom Warren Byars 144 71 Olsom William Byars 144 74 Orr Ada Wayne 310 96 Orr Ada I. Purcell 241 68 Orr Agnes Johnston 188 85 Orr Alice Johnston 185 38 Orr Bell Johnston 186 31 Orr Bryan Johnston 188 12 Orr Charley Wayne 310 89 Orr Elsworth Wayne 310 88 Orr Eva M. Johnston 186 30 Orr Frank Johnston 187 88 Orr James Johnston 194 14 Orr John Wayne 310 95 Orr Julia E. Wayne 310 87 Orr Mary Wayne 310 90 Orr Oscar Purcell 241 67 Orr Thomas D. Wayne 310 86 Orton Jennie V. Turnbull 152 76 Orton Pattie Turnbull 152 77 Oserloh Birdie Byars 132 75 Oserloh Elbert Byars 132 72 Oserloh Ernest Byars 132 76 Oserloh Genevieve Byars 132 78 Oserloh Grace Byars 132 74 Oserloh James C. Byars 132 70 Oserloh Mary Byars 132 73 Oserloh Sarah J. Byars 132 71 Oserloh Vera Byars 132 77 Ottinger Austin H. Perry 267 94 Ottinger Daniel M. Perry 267 90 Ottinger Geremas F. Perry 267 93 Ottinger John C. Perry 267 92 Ottinger Masy A. Perry 267 91 Oumer? George W. Wayne 317 18 Oumer? Melinda Wayne 317 19 Ouodia Raphal Purcell 253 62 Overstreet Harris Wayne 323 58 Owen Catheline Goldsby 172 59 Owen Edna Goldsby 172 58 Owen Francis Goldsby 172 56 Owen Johnnie Goldsby 172 57 Owen Lawrence Purcell 245 31 Owen Leonard Purcell 245 30 Owen Marrie Goldsby 172 60 Owen Mary Goldsby 172 54 Owen Murtle Goldsby 172 55 Owen William F. Goldsby 172 53 Owens Albert Muncrief 218 15 Owens Allie Purcell 230 25 Owens Becky Purcell 249 95 Owens C.A. Purcell 249 94 Owens Cecil Purcell 249 97 Owens Charlie Purcell 249 98 Owens Harry Purcell 230 27 Owens Henry Purcell 230 24 Owens Herbert Muncrief 218 11 Owens Homer Muncrief 218 12 Owens Howard B. Muncrief 218 10 Owens Johnie Muncrief 218 13 Owens Maggie Purcell 249 96 Owens Nora E. Muncrief 218 9 Owens Paul Purcell 230 26 Owens Samuel Muncrief 218 14 Owens Samuel H. Muncrief 218 8 Owensby Ada P. Goldsby 175 22 Owensby Alvin B. Goldsby 175 24 Owensby Dora J. Goldsby 175 27 Owensby Elmer D. Goldsby 175 23 Owensby Grady S. Goldsby 175 28 Owensby May B. Goldsby 175 25 Owensby Thomas E. Goldsby 175 21 Owensby William O. Goldsby 175 26 Oxley Corrine Colbert 276 38 Oxley Jewell Colbert 276 39 Oxley Oneita Colbert 276 40 Ozment Clara Purcell 238 51 Ozment Fred Purcell 238 52 Ozment Irene Purcell 238 53 Ozment Matt Purcell 238 49 Ozment Minnie Purcell 238 50 Padgett Ada Wayne 308 23 Padgett Ed Wayne 308 22 Padgett Pearcy Wayne 308 26 Padgett Velma Wayne 308 25 Padgett William M. Wayne 308 24 Page Flora Hopping 203 75 Page James M. Hopping 203 71 Page Lennie Hopping 203 77 Page Nellie Hopping 203 72 Page Nora Hopping 203 74 Page Wesley Hopping 203 76 Page Zora Hopping 203 73 Pair Alonzo Johnston 187 ** Pair Alva Johnston 183 1 Pair Annie Johnston 188 59 Pair Charles Johnston 187 47 Pair Emma Johnston 187 30 Pair James Johnston 197 8 Pair Mamie Johnston 183 53 Pair Tabitha Johnston 189 46 Pair Thomas L. Johnston 183 12 Palmer Edris Wayne 311 77 Palmer Ellis Johnston 188 47 Palmer Etta Wayne 311 76 Palmer Frank Wayne 311 75 Palmer Loyd Johnston 188 48 Palmer Mable L. Hopping 214 59 Palmer Mary L. Hopping 214 58 Palmer Myrtice Johnston 183 47 Palmer Ola Johnston 184 83 Palmer Tyra Hopping 214 57 Palmer Wiley Johnston 187 76 Palmer William Hopping 214 60 Panick Ivy J. Hopping 211 95 Panick Lee R. Hopping 211 94 Panick Lottie C. Hopping 211 93 Panick Nola M. Hopping 211 91 Panick Robert C. Hopping 211 92 Panick William T. Hopping 211 90 Parker Bessie L. Wayne 311 89 Parker Catherine Wayne 311 83 Parker F. C. Goldsby 173 41 Parker Fred R. Wayne 311 88 Parker George C. Wayne 311 84 Parker Inez Perry 265 73 Parker John W. Wayne 311 82 Parker Joseph E. Wayne 311 85 Parker Lena E. Wayne 311 86 Parker Mary I. Wayne 311 87 Parker Ola G. Perry 265 72 Parker T.H. Purcell 230 31 Parker William C. Wayne 311 90 Parks Claud Colbert 281 88 Parks George Colbert 284 80 Parks Grace Colbert 284 81 Parks King C. Byars 129 9 Parks King R. Colbert 281 85 Parks Maggie Colbert 281 86 Parks Mattie Colbert 284 79 Parks Nellie E. Byars 129 10 Parks Perru Colbert 284 78 Parks Vivian Colbert 281 87 Parnell Bettie Byars 130 41 Parnell Charlie Byars 130 42 Parnell Donnie E. Hopping 205 14 Parnell Dooley Byars 130 46 Parnell Ethel A. Hopping 205 13 Parnell Galoin Byars 130 45 Parnell Ivy Hopping 205 12 Parnell Jessee E. Byars 131 48 Parnell Jessie Purcell 232 69 Parnell Johnnie B. Hopping 205 15 Parnell Kempa Purcell 232 68 Parnell Sallie Byars 131 49 Parnell Velena Byars 130 44 Parnell Verda Byars 130 43 Parnell Walter Byars 131 50 Parrish Ethel Purcell 239 13 Parrish J.B. Purcell 239 11 Parrish Sasha J.? Purcell 239 12 Parsons Barney Byars 135 72 Parsons Carlos Byars 135 53 Parsons Cecil Byars 135 74 Parsons Conley Byars 135 75 Parsons Emma Byars 135 54 Parsons John S. Byars 135 51 Parsons Mary E. Byars 135 52 Parsons Vernie Byars 135 73 Partridge Alice Purcell 239 66 Partridge Mary E. Purcell 239 64 Partridge Paul W. Purcell 239 67 Partridge Wm Purcell 239 63 Partridge Wm Jr. Purcell 239 65 Passey Fud? Purcell 249 63 Passey Glen Purcell 249 64 Passey John A. Purcell 249 62 Passey Kenneth Purcell 249 66 Passey Okla Purcell 249 65 Pastis Wm. P. Colbert 283 16 Pate A. Hopping 203 78 Patricia Sister Mary Purcell 235 63 Patrick Esther Turnbull 156 37 Patrick Lee Turnbull 156 38 Patrick Mrs. M.F. Purcell 243 13 Patrick Oscar Turnbull 156 39 Patrick William V. Turnbull 156 36 Patterson A.D. Purcell 234 17 Patterson Davie Muncrief 220 62 Patterson Dick Purcell 229 6 Patterson Dora Purcell 234 18 Patterson George Goldsby 176 86 Patterson Grace Purcell 243 23 Patterson Iris T. Hopping 210 20 Patterson James W. Hopping 210 19 Patterson Jere Goldsby 171 5 Patterson Leona? E. Victor 299 65 Patterson Lulu Muncrief 220 63 Patterson Mary L. Purcell 234 19 Patterson Milburn Goldsby 176 88 Patterson Pearl Goldsby 176 89 Patterson Roy C. Hopping 210 21 Patterson Sarah Goldsby 176 87 Patterson William A. Victor 299 64 Patterson William C. Victor 299 66 Patton Bertha E. Victor 294 97 Patton Gracie E. Victor 294 95 Patton James F. Victor 294 96 Patton John W. Victor 294 93 Patton John W. Victor 294 98 Patton Mamie B. Victor 294 99 Patton Mannie Victor 294 94 Patton Verta B. Victor 294 ** Paul Mary Wayne 319 47 Paul Smith Wayne 319 46 Paul Susan Hopping 201 17 Pautier Della Purcell 236 22 Pautier L.G. Purcell 236 21 Pautier Lucile Purcell 236 23 Pawley Forest L. Colbert 283 57 Pawley Russell D. Colbert 283 58 Pawley Walter R. Colbert 283 56 Paxton Baseil Wayne 313 87 Paxton Bunyan Wayne 313 85 Paxton Cora Wayne 313 84 Paxton Earl Wayne 313 88 Paxton Elsie Wayne 313 86 Paxton Hellen Wayne 313 90 Paxton Henry E. Wayne 313 83 Paxton Willie Wayne 313 89 Payden Wm Purcell 231 64 Payne Alford Wayne 319 7 Payne Bessie Colbert 280 92 Payne Daisy Purcell 240 39 Payne Dewie Wayne 319 5 Payne Dovie Wayne 319 8 Payne E.W. Purcell 240 38 Payne Earl Purcell 240 40 Payne Edith Johnston 183 56 Payne Ethel Johnston 183 45 Payne Eva Colbert 280 93 Payne Evaline Purcell 240 41 Payne George Wayne 311 7 Payne George H. Johnston 187 9 Payne Georgie Wayne 319 4 Payne Ida Colbert 280 94 Payne Jeff D. Wayne 311 5 Payne Jodie Wayne 319 6 Payne Johnson Colbert 280 89 Payne Laura Johnston 183 32 Payne Lela Colbert 280 95 Payne Lena Hopping 201 37 Payne Linton Purcell 240 42 Payne Lola Hopping 205 49 Payne Mary R. Hopping 201 38 Payne Mirandy P. Hopping 205 48 Payne Nettie Wayne 311 6 Payne Oscar Colbert 280 91 Payne Oscar Colbert 282 49 Payne Paralee Wayne 311 8 Payne Sallie T. Hopping 205 47 Payne Sealie Hopping 205 50 Payne Susie Colbert 280 90 Payne Thelma Colbert 280 96 Payne Thomas A. Wayne 319 3 Payne William T. Hopping 205 46 Payton Beecher Johnston 183 7 Payton Chester Johnston 194 25 Payton Della Johnston 188 ** Payton Mable Johnston 185 53 Payton Mattie Byars 140 79 Payton Otto Johnston 187 83 Payton Tom Wayne 323 30 Payton Wook? Byars 140 78 Peachlen Willie Hopping 199 96 Pearce Cal C. Hopping 204 84 Pedigrew Alvin Colbert 285 30 Pedigrew Elmer Colbert 285 31 Pedigrew Emmett Colbert 285 29 Pedigrew Hattie Colbert 285 27 Pedigrew Maudy Colbert 285 26 Pedigrew Ruby Colbert 285 28 Pedigrew William Colbert 285 25 Peltier A.M. Purcell 235 14 Peltier Elizabeth Purcell 252 12 Peltier Ella Purcell 241 75 Peltier George Purcell 236 36 Peltier George Purcell 241 78 Peltier Howard Purcell 235 16 Peltier Ila Purcell 241 74 Peltier John Purcell 241 72 Peltier John Jr. Purcell 241 77 Peltier Maye Purcell 241 76 Peltier Minnie Purcell 235 15 Peltier Nettie Purcell 241 73 Peltier Oliver H. Purcell 252 11 Peltier Raymond Purcell 236 39 Peltier Robert E. Purcell 236 37 Peltier Robert F. Purcell 236 34 Peltier Rose Purcell 252 10 Peltier Velma Purcell 236 38 Peltier Victoria Purcell 236 35 Peltier W.H. Purcell 252 9 Pena Romero Wayne 323 19 Pendley Bell Wayne 308 53 Pendley Ed Wayne 308 52 Pendley Ethel Wayne 308 56 Pendley Gracie Wayne 308 55 Pendley Ola Wayne 308 54 Penelley Earl Wayne 308 32 Penelley Edward Wayne 308 31 Penelley George W. Wayne 308 29 Penelley Susan A. Wayne 308 30 Penn Eugenia Purcell 235 37 Penn Eula Purcell 235 36 Penn L.E. Purcell 235 35 Penn Wallace Purcell 235 38 Penner Hugh Byars 144 50 Penner Lizzie Byars 144 49 Penner Omar? Byars 144 48 Peoples Amy Purcell 246 69 Peoples Bessie Purcell 246 67 Peoples James Purcell 246 68 Peoples Jim Purcell 246 63 Peoples John Purcell 246 65 Peoples Lula Purcell 246 70 Peoples Sarah Purcell 246 64 Peoples Willie Purcell 246 66 Percy Ellen M. Purcell 240 73 Percy Jno M. Purcell 240 72 Perkins Albert Wayne 317 39 Perkins Albert L. Victor 288 8 Perkins Albert L. Victor 288 8 Perkins Carry A. Victor 288 7 Perkins Carry A. Victor 288 7 Perkins Charley Victor 288 6 Perkins Charley Victor 288 6 Perkins Clarence D. Victor 288 10 Perkins Clarence D. Victor 288 10 Perkins Edna M. Wayne 317 42 Perkins Exie Wayne 317 38 Perkins Hattie L. Wayne 317 40 Perkins Lawrence Victor 288 9 Perkins Lawrence Victor 288 9 Perkins Moses Victor 288 5 Perkins Moses Victor 288 5 Perkins Nanie O. Victor 288 11 Perkins Nanie O. Victor 288 11 Perkins Richard? L. Wayne 317 37 Perkins Wallace Wayne 317 41 Perkinson Alice Perry 260 21 Perkinson Ben H. Perry 260 22 Perkinson Hiram Perry 260 20 Perkinson Hiram Jr. Perry 260 26 Perkinson James F. Perry 260 23 Perkinson Luelen Perry 260 29 Perkinson Mark R. Perry 260 28 Perkinson Mary M. Perry 260 24 Perkinson Nellie D. Perry 260 25 Perkinson Virgie M. Perry 260 27 Perrin Arvel H. Victor 291 79 Perrin Charley L. Victor 291 82 Perrin Charley W. Victor 291 77 Perrin Earl C. Victor 291 83 Perrin Fred H. Victor 291 84 Perrin Homer E. Victor 291 81 Perrin Ina L. Victor 291 80 Perrin Nancy K. Victor 291 78 Perry Benjamin Colbert 282 43 Perry Clemen A. Muncrief 221 35 Perry Corine Wayne 315 70 Perry Dove Purcell 244 15 Perry Elmer Colbert 282 45 Perry Ervin L. Wayne 315 69 Perry Eva Purcell 248 93 Perry F.A. Purcell 248 91 Perry Florence Purcell 248 94 Perry H.A. Purcell 248 90 Perry Henry Purcell 228 11 Perry Hester E. Colbert 282 40 Perry Ida Colbert 282 41 Perry Ida V. Muncrief 221 32 Perry Irvin D. Colbert 282 39 Perry James W. Muncrief 221 33 Perry Jode Muncrief 221 34 Perry John Colbert 282 44 Perry Joseph Muncrief 221 31 Perry Lila T. Purcell 244 16 Perry Lillie Johnston 195 15 Perry Luther Wayne 315 71 Perry Mildred C. Muncrief 221 36 Perry Minnie Goldsby 196 8 Perry Ned Purcell 244 14 Perry Ratchel Colbert 282 42 Perry Tol Goldsby 169 93 Perry Tom Purcell 248 92 Perry Willie Wayne 315 68 Perry Wm Purcell 245 39 Persia Becky Purcell 227 22 Persia Joe Purcell 227 21 Pesterfield Hugh O. Turnbull 154 31 Pesterfield James H. Turnbull 154 34 Pesterfield Josiah M. Turnbull 154 32 Pesterfield Nancy E. Turnbull 154 30 Pesterfield Sidney L. Turnbull 154 35 Pesterfield Walter H. Turnbull 154 33 Pesterfield William H. Turnbull 154 29 Pesterfield William L. Turnbull 154 36 Pete? Charley Byars 139 61 Pete? Kate Byars 139 63 Pete? Robert Byars 139 64 Pete? Sallie Byars 139 62 Peterman Ina Goldsby 175 54 Peterman J. K. Goldsby 175 53 Peterson Bonnie Purcell 228 8 Pett Effie Purcell 243 22 Pett W.W. Purcell 243 21 Pettie Dustie Goldsby 169 77 Pettigrew John B. Victor 289 79 Pettigrew Willie S. Victor 289 80 Pettis Alma Colbert 275 61 Pettis Audie Colbert 275 58 Pettis Bennie Colbert 275 60 Pettis Maggie I. Colbert 275 57 Pettis Ralph Colbert 275 62 Pettis Roy Colbert 275 59 Pettis Thomas F. Colbert 275 56 Petty Alma Byars 134 17 Petty Alva Byars 134 16 Petty Franklin Byars 134 13 Petty Martha Byars 134 14 Petty Palestine Byars 134 15 Pety John Colbert 276 9 Phillips Ada Purcell 227 91 Phillips Belle Purcell 238 12 Phillips Blanche Turnbull 158 70 Phillips Charles Purcell 227 92 Phillips Charlie Purcell 238 17 Phillips Daisy Purcell 238 14 Phillips Davis L. Purcell 227 89 Phillips Della Goldsby 181 62 Phillips Elizabeth Purcell 238 16 Phillips Emma Goldsby 181 69 Phillips Escodean? Purcell 238 13 Phillips Floyd Goldsby 181 64 Phillips Frank Goldsby 180 86 Phillips George P. Purcell 227 95 Phillips Georgia Turnbull 158 68 Phillips Gertrude Goldsby 181 71 Phillips Harold Purcell 227 96 Phillips Harry Goldsby 172 95 Phillips Hepsa Purcell 227 90 Phillips Ivan? Purcell 238 19 Phillips Jane Purcell 245 29 Phillips John W. Goldsby 180 84 Phillips L.D. Purcell 245 28 Phillips Lessie Turnbull 158 71 Phillips Levada? Purcell 238 15 Phillips Lillie Goldsby 180 87 Phillips Lola Turnbull 158 69 Phillips Louella Purcell 227 93 Phillips Nancy Goldsby 180 85 Phillips Oliver P. Goldsby 181 68 Phillips Pink Goldsby 181 70 Phillips R.L. Purcell 238 11 Phillips Virginia Purcell 238 18 Phillips W. E. Goldsby 181 61 Phillips Ward C. Purcell 227 94 Phillips William E. Goldsby 181 63 Philpot Alex Goldsby 190 19 Philpot Argie Goldsby 190 22 Philpot Hudie Goldsby 190 23 Philpot Johnston Goldsby 190 24 Philpot Juber Goldsby 190 20 Philpot Lillie Goldsby 190 21 Philpot Nellie L. Perry 267 84 Philpot Walter F. Perry 267 85 Philpot Walter S. Perry 267 83 Piatt A.C. Purcell 231 42 Piatt Myra Purcell 231 43 Pickens Alice Purcell 231 10 Pickens Annie Goldsby 181 49 Pickens Ethel M. Goldsby 181 52 Pickens H.H. Purcell 231 7 Pickens Henry Purcell 231 11 Pickens J.H. Purcell 231 9 Pickens James Goldsby 181 47 Pickens James F. Goldsby 181 50 Pickens Ruth Purcell 231 12 Pickens Sarah Purcell 231 8 Pickens Thomas A. Goldsby 181 51 Pickens Virginia Goldsby 181 48 Pickett Crutchfield Hopping 213 70 Pickett Gordon Hopping 213 71 Pickett James Hopping 213 67 Pickett Jodie Hopping 213 72 Pickett Lukey Hopping 213 69 Pickett Mollie Hopping 213 68 Pickett Tovola Hopping 213 73 Pierce Amy Purcell 252 32 Pierce Anis Muncrief 219 73 Pierce Chris Purcell 252 34 Pierce Cleo Muncrief 219 74 Pierce Earl Purcell 252 38 Pierce George Purcell 252 33 Pierce Julia Purcell 252 35 Pierce Mary L. Muncrief 219 76 Pierce Minnie Purcell 252 36 Pierce Tom Muncrief 219 72 Pierce W.C. Purcell 252 31 Pierce Willie Purcell 252 37 Pierce Willie R. Muncrief 219 75 Pike Ambrose Byars 142 76 Pike Bell Byars 142 75 Pike Daisy Byars 142 78 Pike Frank Wayne 309 66 Pike Henry A. Byars 142 74 Pike Orville Byars 142 77 Pinkerton Martha C. Hopping 214 80 Pinkerton William F. Hopping 214 79 Pitts Maggie May Purcell 248 21 Pitts Rebecca Purcell 248 20 Plager Ione T. Goldsby 180 26 Plager Jessie Goldsby 180 25 Plager John S. Goldsby 180 23 Plager Lasca Goldsby 180 27 Plager Lavinia Goldsby 180 20 Plager Lula Goldsby 180 22 Plager Odell Goldsby 180 24 Plager Thomas S. Goldsby 180 21 Plager William H. Goldsby 180 19 Plainer Miss Purcell 234 73 Plaster Clarence Colbert 279 92 Plaster Helen I. Wayne 313 61 Plaster Henry Colbert 279 90 Plaster Josephine M. Colbert 279 91 Plaster Martin Wayne 324 13 Plaster Mattie Wayne 313 60 Plaster William M. Wayne 313 59 Plumlee Cloe Johnston 188 91 Plumlee Frank M. Johnston 183 82 Plumlee Hulda J. Johnston 186 65 Plumlee Jessie Johnston 183 44 Plumlee Joel Johnston 184 80 Plumlee Ora B. Johnston 185 63 Plumlee Poyner Johnston 188 96 Plumlee Roy B. Johnston 183 51 Plumlee William P. Johnston 187 96 Poe Ila M. Turnbull 154 75 Poe Marvin Turnbull 154 76 Poe Maud M. Turnbull 154 74 Poe Tillmon L. Turnbull 154 73 Pointer Mack Perry 266 42 Pointer Mary E. Perry 266 41 Pointer William R. Perry 266 40 Polk Annie Purcell 229 39 Polk Bruce Perry 262 76 Polk Columbus M. Perry 262 74 Polk Ida Perry 262 75 Polk Isaac Purcell 229 40 Polk Jno Purcell 229 38 Polk Joseph Colbert 280 33 Pollard Alice Purcell 245 93 Polloc Eunice Purcell 238 60 Polloc W.T. Purcell 238 59 Pollock Herbert Colbert 279 78 Poole Angus Goldsby 170 89 Poole Jula Goldsby 170 90 Poole Lora Goldsby 170 91 Pope Annie Wayne 311 69 Pope Bethenia Wayne 311 65 Pope Maggie Wayne 311 67 Pope Oma Wayne 311 66 Pope Thomas Wayne 311 68 Porter Charles T. Johnston 194 24 Porter Eda Byars 139 26 Porter John Byars 139 27 Porter John W. Byars 139 25 Porter Laurin Goldsby 180 37 Porter Mary E. Johnston 184 96 Porter Waneatta Johnston 184 39 Posey Albert W. Hopping 210 59 Posey Bart W. Hopping 215 13 Posey Callie Hopping 210 60 Posey Charlie Hopping 211 16 Posey Elizabeth L. Hopping 210 67 Posey Goldie Hopping 211 15 Posey Ida Hopping 211 13 Posey James A. Hopping 210 62 Posey M. A. Hopping 211 11 Posey May Hopping 211 12 Posey Mollie K. Hopping 215 14 Posey Nettie B. Hopping 210 63 Posey Otto L. Hopping 210 65 Posey Rachel Hopping 211 14 Posey Roscoe F. Hopping 210 64 Posey Simon M. Hopping 210 66 Posey Stella M. Hopping 210 61 Postoci Nick Purcell 253 77 Powell Alice Victor 290 8 Powell Annie Goldsby 170 81 Powell Bell Goldsby 167 35 Powell Clarence Victor 290 5 Powell Cora B. Victor 290 6 Powell Elijah L. Victor 290 1 Powell Ella Goldsby 167 39 Powell George W. Victor 290 4 Powell Guy Hopping 212 4 Powell Harrison Victor 290 7 Powell Indiana Turnbull 158 8 Powell Jessie Goldsby 167 36 Powell Joe H. Goldsby 167 34 Powell Josie Goldsby 167 40 Powell Leona D. Victor 290 2 Powell Luther H. Victor 290 3 Powell Margaret Turnbull 163 10 Powell Mary E. Hopping 212 3 Powell Milton S. Turnbull 163 11 Powell Minnie Goldsby 170 82 Powell Oliver Hopping 212 5 Powell R.G.? Purcell 249 3 Powell Roy Goldsby 170 83 Powell Stella Goldsby 167 38 Powell Stella Purcell 249 4 Powell Thomas Turnbull 158 9 Powell William C. Hopping 212 2 Powell William F. Turnbull 163 9 Powell Willie Goldsby 167 37 Power Carl Wayne 316 63 Power Charley Wayne 316 61 Power Deane Wayne 316 66 Power Eula Wayne 316 67 Power Julia Wayne 316 62 Power Lillie Wayne 317 5 Power Louanna Wayne 316 97 Power Loyd Wayne 316 65 Power Nora Wayne 316 64 Power Steve W. Wayne 317 4 Power William Wayne 316 96 Powers B. F. Muncrief 220 44 Powers Bessie Muncrief 220 48 Powers Bill H. Muncrief 220 46 Powers Emma Muncrief 220 45 Powers J. W. Muncrief 220 51 Powers Mabel Muncrief 220 47 Powers Ora? Muncrief 220 52 Powers T. C. Muncrief 220 53 Pradee Juan Wayne 323 23 Prater Amanda V. Hopping 212 44 Prater Bascon Wayne 320 53 Prater Bertie Wayne 320 50 Prater Clarence Wayne 320 51 Prater Edward Wayne 319 27 Prater Edward J. Hopping 212 48 Prater Eula Wayne 319 29 Prater Everett Wayne 319 28 Prater Garnett Wayne 320 52 Prater Georgia Wayne 320 47 Prater Harve M. Wayne 319 25 Prater Jesse W. Hopping 212 46 Prater Jonas Wayne 320 49 Prater Malinda Wayne 319 26 Prater Maudie Wayne 320 48 Prater Myrtle J. Hopping 212 47 Prater Pearlie A. Hopping 212 45 Prater Thomas A. Hopping 212 49 Prater Thomas D. Wayne 320 46 Prater Tom A. Hopping 212 43 Pratt Arburn E. Goldsby 174 77 Pratt Bertie Goldsby 174 74 Pratt Dixie E. Goldsby 174 79 Pratt George B. Goldsby 174 73 Pratt George R. Goldsby 174 75 Pratt Gracie S. Goldsby 174 80 Pratt Joseph B. Goldsby 174 81 Pratt Leo Hopping 200 23 Pratt Lila Purcell 234 16 Pratt Reginald Goldsby 174 78 Pratt Virgil S. Goldsby 174 76 Prettyman Bert Hopping 206 59 Prettyman Birdie Hopping 206 39 Prettyman Clarence G. Hopping 206 38 Prettyman Fred Hopping 206 60 Prettyman Hanna Hopping 206 61 Prettyman Jessie Hopping 206 57 Prettyman John R. Hopping 206 55 Prettyman Mary Hopping 206 56 Prettyman Winnie Hopping 206 58 Price Abbie Purcell 232 39 Price Alonzo Wayne 308 94 Price Annie Johnston 195 21 Price Annie Wayne 308 90 Price Artie Colbert 283 15 Price Benjamin H. Victor 302 52 Price Bertha Hopping 204 53 Price Bessie Victor 293 16 Price Carley Johnston 183 46 Price Cassie Hopping 204 47 Price Charles J. Hopping 204 46 Price Charles W. Johnston 188 63 Price Chas. Colbert 283 14 Price Claud Wayne 308 95 Price Coleman Hopping 204 49 Price Della M. Turnbull 152 85 Price E.M. Purcell 227 65 Price Ed Purcell 232 38 Price Edna Hopping 204 55 Price Edward Purcell 248 73 Price Elmer Hopping 204 51 Price Eloisus Johnston 185 77 Price Emmett R. Turnbull 152 84 Price Estella Victor 293 26 Price Ethel May Victor 293 28 Price Etta Wayne 308 93 Price Eva Hopping 204 52 Price Hellen Wayne 308 96 Price Hugh Johnston 184 81 Price Isaac J. Victor 302 51 Price James Johnston 186 81 Price Jessie Hopping 204 50 Price John Purcell 248 71 Price John H. Victor 293 14 Price Johnnie Hopping 204 54 Price Lee Victor 293 27 Price Lela Johnston 186 60 Price Lela Hopping 204 48 Price Lola Johnston 186 47 Price Lydia A. Victor 293 15 Price Mary A. Purcell 227 66 Price Mattie J. Johnston 184 28 Price Mattie L. Johnston 185 94 Price Millie A. Victor 293 23 Price Missie? Purcell 248 72 Price Myrtle Johnston 184 19 Price Perry Hopping 204 56 Price Robert D. Victor 293 25 Price Sterling H. Victor 293 24 Price Tommie Wayne 308 91 Price Toy Wayne 308 92 Price Will P. Wayne 308 89 Price William S. Victor 293 22 Prichett Andy Wayne 308 36 Prichett George Wayne 308 39 Prichett Jim Wayne 308 41 Prichett Joe Wayne 308 38 Prichett Lyda Wayne 308 44 Prichett Martha Wayne 308 40 Prichett Nannie M. Wayne 308 37 Prichett Oscar Wayne 308 42 Prichett Ray Wayne 308 43 Prichett Violia Wayne 308 45 Priest Charley Muncrief 222 16 Priest Eula Muncrief 222 14 Priest Eva L. Muncrief 222 11 Priest George Muncrief 222 20 Priest Homer Muncrief 222 15 Priest J. C. Muncrief 222 9 Priest King Muncrief 222 17 Priest Maggie Muncrief 222 10 Priest Ola Muncrief 222 13 Priest Pearl Muncrief 222 18 Priest Robert Muncrief 222 12 Priest Ruby Muncrief 222 19 Prigman Doc H. Goldsby 171 14 Prigman Fred Goldsby 173 33 Prigman Louisa M. Goldsby 171 15 Prigman Pink Goldsby 173 34 Pritchett Bessie Turnbull 152 46 Pritchett Charles B. Turnbull 152 48 Pritchett George L. Turnbull 152 51 Pritchett James H. Turnbull 152 49 Pritchett Jessie W. Turnbull 152 50 Pritchett Lenzie Turnbull 152 44 Pritchett Robert L. Turnbull 152 52 Pritchett Samuel A. Turnbull 152 47 Pritchett Texana Turnbull 152 45 Probasco Effie Purcell 243 46 Probasco Gertride Purcell 243 47 Probasco Lizzie Purcell 243 44 Probasco Mary Purcell 243 45 Prueitt Elizabeth Purcell 252 99 Pruett Albert Muncrief 220 79 Pruett Bert Muncrief 220 81 Pruett Mary Muncrief 220 80 Pruett Nettie Muncrief 220 82 Pruitt Flossie Hopping 209 58 Puckett C. R. Colbert 275 79 Puckett Dick C. Victor 294 91 Puckett Franklin R. Victor 294 90 Puckett Georgia A. Victor 294 86 Puckett John P. Victor 294 87 Puckett Laymon Colbert 275 81 Puckett Lonnie? E. Victor 294 88 Puckett Lula Colbert 275 80 Puckett Mary L. Victor 294 89 Puckett Paul F. Victor 294 92 Puckett Richard C. Victor 294 85 Pugh Francis Purcell 230 20 Pugh Ida Purcell 230 22 Pugh Mason R. Purcell 230 19 Pugh Robert Purcell 230 21 Pulliam Lillian I. Goldsby 172 27 Purcell Ellen Wayne 318 26 Purdum B.F. Purcell 242 28 Purdum Charles Purcell 242 30 Purdum Eva Purcell 242 29 Purdum Paul Purcell 242 31 Pybas Bonnie D. Perry 271 35 Pybas Daisy E. Perry 271 32 Pybas Dora Perry 266 79 Pybas Dora Perry 271 30 Pybas Glen G. Victor 292 77 Pybas John W. Victor 292 74 Pybas Kenneth M. Perry 266 78 Pybas Kenneth M. Perry 271 29 Pybas Lee W. Perry 271 33 Pybas Lipscomb Victor 290 74 Pybas Lula A. Perry 271 36 Pybas Myrtle M. Victor 292 75 Pybas Nellie H. Perry 271 34 Pybas Pat J. Perry 271 31 Pybas Ruby F. Victor 292 76 Quackenbush Alice Goldsby 171 47 Quackenbush James E. Goldsby 171 46 Quackenbush Ray Goldsby 171 48 Quiat? A.G. Purcell 246 31 Quinton Dora Goldsby 190 58 Quinton Ira Goldsby 190 61 Quinton John Goldsby 190 57 Quinton John Goldsby 190 62 Quinton Lorenza Goldsby 190 59 Quinton Raymond Goldsby 190 60 Rackley B.H. Purcell 249 7 Rackley Corill Purcell 249 11 Rackley Fay Purcell 249 9 Rackley JoAnn? Purcell 249 10 Rackley Lanoire? Purcell 249 8 Radford Ephraim Byars 133 78 Radford Herbert Byars 133 81 Radford Ida Byars 133 79 Radford Ray Byars 133 82 Radford Willie Byars 133 80 Ragan Clara Johnston 184 75 Ragan Eva Johnston 189 49 Ragan Fred Johnston 184 34 Ragan Loyd Johnston 187 60 Ragland James Johnston 183 38 Ragland James W. Johnston 187 66 Ragland Jennie Byars 148 10 Ragland Margret Johnston 186 64 Ragland Mary Byars 148 9 Ragland William Byars 148 8 Rainbolt C.M. Purcell 235 8 Rainbolt W.H. Purcell 235 7 Raines Cleo Turnbull 155 35 Raines Ethel Turnbull 155 34 Raines Loyd Turnbull 155 36 Raines Sinda Turnbull 155 33 Raines Thomas B. Turnbull 155 32 Ramerez Bilteos Purcell 253 27 Ramerez Nicanore Purcell 253 24 Ramey Charles Turnbull 160 13 Ramey Docia Turnbull 160 7 Ramey Ella Turnbull 160 11 Ramey Irene Turnbull 160 12 Ramey John Turnbull 160 8 Ramey Mamie Turnbull 160 6 Ramey Mary M. Turnbull 160 5 Ramey Ola Turnbull 160 9 Ramey Ruth Turnbull 160 10 Ramey William J. Turnbull 160 4 Ramsey Abner L. Hopping 207 51 Ramsey Andrew Turnbull 152 4 Ramsey Cicero Hopping 202 34 Ramsey Clarence Turnbull 152 5 Ramsey Etson Turnbull 152 6 Ramsey Ira Turnbull 152 3 Ramsey James H. Colbert 276 25 Ramsey Josy W. Colbert 276 23 Ramsey Margaret M. Turnbull 152 2 Ramsey Millie Hopping 207 52 Ramsey Nettie F. Hopping 207 54 Ramsey Perry Byars 138 18 Ramsey Ray R. Hopping 207 53 Ramsey Robert Turnbull 152 1 Ramsey Rosy A. Colbert 276 24 Ranci Joseph Purcell 253 76 Randell James A. Victor 297 3 Randell Mary A. Victor 297 5 Randell Nancy M. Victor 297 2 Randell Rosy B. Victor 297 6 Randell Scott S. Victor 297 1 Randell William J. Victor 297 4 Randon Edgar L. Goldsby 171 6 Randon Florence C. Goldsby 171 8 Randon Frank J. Goldsby 171 3 Randon Franklin B. Goldsby 171 9 Randon Mable C. Goldsby 171 7 Randon Margaret Goldsby 171 4 Randon Mary P. Goldsby 171 5 Rankin Cyntha Hopping 210 1 Rankin Donna Wayne 315 22 Rankin Mable Wayne 315 25 Rankin Ralph Wayne 315 23 Rankin Reba Wayne 315 24 Rankin Walter B. Wayne 315 21 Rankins Deusie? Byars 146 59 Rankins Ellie Hopping 210 84 Rankins Hope Byars 146 60 Rankins Hubert Byars 146 61 Rankins Hugh K. Byars 146 56 Rankins Jane Byars 146 57 Rankins Lee Hopping 210 86 Rankins Lizzie Hopping 210 83 Rankins Oscar Byars 146 58 Rankins Paul Hopping 210 85 Rankins Warren Hopping 210 87 Rankins William J. Hopping 210 82 Rasner Ben Colbert 286 18 Ratley Alice Goldsby 178 78 Ratley Clarence Goldsby 178 80 Ratley Francis Johnston 186 76 Ratley James R. Johnston 189 19 Ratley John H. Goldsby 178 77 Ratley Nellie L. Johnston 183 16 Ratley Robert Goldsby 178 81 Ratley Robert Johnston 186 92 Ratley Willie Goldsby 178 79 Ratliff Eula F. Victor 304 7 Ratliff James Colbert 276 14 Ratliff James L. Victor 304 1 Ratliff John E. Colbert 276 10 Ratliff Johnnie Victor 296 40 Ratliff Lorena Victor 296 37 Ratliff Lottie G. Victor 304 4 Ratliff Loyd J. Victor 304 5 Ratliff Maggie A. Victor 304 3 Ratliff Maggie E. Victor 304 2 Ratliff Mary C. Victor 296 36 Ratliff Myrtle Colbert 276 11 Ratliff Myrtle Victor 296 38 Ratliff Pearl Victor 296 39 Ratliff Robert Colbert 276 13 Ratliff Ryan H. Victor 304 6 Ratliff William M. Victor 296 35 Ratliff Winters Colbert 276 12 Ray Albert Perry 260 90 Ray Claud Perry 262 31 Ray Cora Perry 260 94 Ray Eddie Perry 260 91 Ray Elmer Perry 262 9 Ray Gidion Purcell 251 49 Ray John C. Perry 260 86 Ray Joseph Perry 260 89 Ray Lula Perry 260 88 Ray Mary E. Perry 260 87 Ray Samie Perry 260 95 Ray Tavy Perry 260 92 Ray Willie Perry 260 93 Rayburn Arthur Turnbull 162 20 Rayburn Bessie Turnbull 162 23 Rayburn Floyd Turnbull 162 31 Rayburn Fredrick Turnbull 162 25 Rayburn Jessie Turnbull 162 22 Rayburn John Turnbull 162 21 Rayburn Lavelle Turnbull 162 27 Rayburn Lola Turnbull 162 32 Rayburn Loula Turnbull 162 24 Rayburn Luceill Turnbull 162 28 Rayburn Myrtle Turnbull 162 30 Rayburn Roxie Turnbull 162 26 Rayburn Sarah Turnbull 162 19 Rayburn William B. Turnbull 162 29 Rayel Ada Hopping 215 27 Rayel Beulah M. Hopping 215 28 Rayel Robert W. Hopping 215 26 Readis Cora E. Purcell 237 2 Readis James Purcell 237 3 Readis W.C. Purcell 237 1 Reaves Emma Wayne 316 24 Reaves James A. Wayne 316 25 Reaves William A. Wayne 316 23 Record Harriette Purcell 252 63 Redding Coil Turnbull 158 52 Redding Gertie Turnbull 158 51 Redding Hardy Turnbull 158 54 Redding John Turnbull 158 53 Redding Thomas S. Turnbull 158 50 Reden Jim Wayne 322 29 Reder? G.W. Purcell 249 71 Reder? George W. Purcell 249 74 Reder? Hattie M. Purcell 249 73 Reder? Maria Purcell 249 72 Redman Clinton L. Johnston 186 88 Redman Jacob B. Johnston 183 9 Redman Jay H. Johnston 185 89 Redman Kenneth E. Johnston 183 63 Redman Lucinia Johnston 192 15 Redmond Martin Hopping 206 96 Redmond Myrtle Hopping 206 97 Redwine Dona Wayne 313 7 Redwine Ira Wayne 313 11 Redwine Marion Wayne 313 6 Redwine Maudie Wayne 313 8 Redwine Stanley Wayne 313 10 Redwine Vera Wayne 313 9 Reed Charles Goldsby 181 95 Reed Clarence Hopping 212 40 Reed Fannie Goldsby 181 93 Reed Frank Goldsby 181 98 Reed George H. Hopping 199 54 Reed John H. Hopping 199 52 Reed Lucile Byars 129 59 Reed May Byars 129 58 Reed Mollie Goldsby 181 96 Reed Nancy C. Hopping 199 53 Reed Nellie Goldsby 181 97 Reed Oscar A. Byars 129 57 Reed Otis Goldsby 181 94 Reed Sam Goldsby 181 92 Reed Sam Goldsby 181 99 Reed Sylva Wayne 317 67 Reesor Argie Colbert 276 44 Reesor Lewis Colbert 276 47 Reesor Lola Colbert 276 45 Reesor Vernon Colbert 276 43 Reeves A.H. Purcell 226 31 Reeves Bently R. Purcell 226 34 Reeves Cora Johnston 188 46 Reeves Fred R. Purcell 226 35 Reeves Hattie Byars 138 48 Reeves Jack Johnston 185 29 Reeves James Byars 138 42 Reeves Jattie Byars 138 44 Reeves Lee Johnston 185 76 Reeves Marzy Johnston 194 21 Reeves Minnie Johnston 184 49 Reeves Misa Byars 138 50 Reeves Oleta Byars 138 49 Reeves Ollie M. Purcell 226 32 Reeves Opey? Byars 138 43 Reeves Ruby Byars 138 47 Reeves Tessie Byars 138 45 Reeves Thomas Johnston 188 67 Reeves Thomas M. Johnston 192 13 Reeves Willis Purcell 226 33 Reeves Winnie Byars 138 46 Reigh Guy Goldsby 177 80 Reigh Kate Goldsby 177 79 Reigh Robert Goldsby 177 78 Remedia Repenair? Wayne 323 20 Renolds Henry Wayne 323 56 Reters Augustus Purcell 252 68 Reters C.J. Purcell 252 66 Reters Elizabeth Purcell 252 67 Reters George Purcell 252 64 Reters Zalia Purcell 252 65 Reth? Cleo? C. Victor 299 89 Reth? Daniel Victor 299 87 Reth? Maggie M. Victor 299 88 Reynolds Alice Victor 289 73 Reynolds Bud Victor 289 75 Reynolds Clarence Byars 136 42 Reynolds Emet Byars 136 43 Reynolds Frank Victor 289 74 Reynolds George Victor 289 76 Reynolds Glen Byars 136 45 Reynolds Joyce Byars 136 44 Reynolds Julia A. Victor 289 77 Reynolds Nettie Byars 136 41 Reynolds Rufus Victor 289 78 Reynolds Thomas Byars 136 40 Rheinhart Fannie Byars 134 51 Rice Al Goldsby 179 32 Rice Alma? E. Purcell 244 25 Rice Amanda Colbert 286 21 Rice Ambrose Colbert 286 19 Rice Berket Wayne 317 97 Rice C.T. Purcell 244 23 Rice Edna V. Purcell 244 24 Rice Edward Colbert 286 23 Rice Frederick Johnston 186 67 Rice Isabel Colbert 286 20 Rice Leslie Wayne 317 ** Rice Lillie Johnston 185 59 Rice Lula M. Purcell 244 26 Rice Marvin Wayne 317 99 Rice Mattie Colbert 286 22 Rice Raymond Johnston 189 34 Rice Raymond Colbert 280 57 Rice Rosie Colbert 280 56 Rice Savina Wayne 317 98 Rice Townsend Colbert 280 55 Rich Lizzie Hopping 211 63 Rich Lula May Hopping 211 64 Richards Beula Byars 132 2 Richards Olis Byars 132 3 Richards Rufus Turnbull 157 31 Richards Samuel Byars 131 66 Richards Samuel Byars 132 1 Richards Sarah E. Byars 131 67 Richards Wat Byars 132 4 Richardson Audie Hopping 203 64 Richardson Bell Hopping 198 24 Richardson Charles Purcell 244 93 Richardson Charlie Hopping 198 25 Richardson Columbus Hopping 200 17 Richardson Daisy Hopping 200 21 Richardson Edward Purcell 244 94 Richardson Frances E. Hopping 203 67 Richardson Frank Byars 148 64 Richardson Frank Wayne 322 33 Richardson Gladys Hopping 200 22 Richardson Ida M. Hopping 200 18 Richardson Ila Hopping 203 69 Richardson Isom T. Hopping 198 55 Richardson James Hopping 198 58 Richardson John L. Hopping 198 57 Richardson Laverne Goldsby 190 29 Richardson Lela M. Hopping 200 19 Richardson Louise Hopping 198 56 Richardson Mary Purcell 244 92 Richardson Meo Purcell 244 91 Richardson Mollie Byars 148 65 Richardson Nancy Hopping 200 20 Richardson Neales Hopping 203 68 Richardson Oma Byars 148 66 Richardson Pearl Hopping 203 70 Richardson Ray W. Hopping 203 65 Richardson Stella Byars 148 67 Richardson Velma A. Hopping 203 66 Richardson William B. Hopping 198 23 Richardson William T. Hopping 203 63 Richeson Aben Purcell 234 46 Richeson Frank Purcell 234 48 Richeson Mattie Purcell 234 49 Richeson Sallie Purcell 234 47 Richie Albert A. Wayne 312 71 Richie Eliza J. Wayne 312 68 Richie Hattie D. Wayne 312 69 Richie Jimmy M. Wayne 312 70 Richie Lillie M. Wayne 312 72 Richie Sarah A. Wayne 312 67 Richie William F. Wayne 312 66 Richmond Brice Goldsby 172 81 Richmond Guy Goldsby 172 80 Richmond John Goldsby 172 78 Richmond Mollie Goldsby 172 79 Riddell Lona E. Hopping 209 97 Riddell Marvine E. Hopping 209 96 Riddle Edna Purcell 239 9 Riddle Georgie Purcell 239 7 Riddle T.H. Purcell 239 6 Riddle Willie D. Purcell 239 8 Rider Charlie Perry 267 3 Rider Dora A. Perry 266 98 Rider Earnest Perry 267 2 Rider Floyd B. Perry 266 ** Rider Maltie Perry 267 4 Rider Marion L. Perry 267 1 Rider Robert S. Perry 266 97 Rider Roy S. Perry 266 99 Ridgway Belle E. Colbert 278 32 Ridgway Edmund N. Colbert 278 31 Riggle Abe Goldsby 180 70 Riley Docia Hopping 212 77 Riley Joe Hopping 212 74 Riley Lelia Hopping 212 75 Riley Ruby Hopping 212 76 Rimner? Callie Wayne 317 50 Rimner? Ed J. Wayne 317 48 Rimner? Laura Wayne 317 51 Rimner? Leona Wayne 317 49 Ringgold Bennie C. Perry 266 73 Ringgold Elizabeth D. Perry 266 72 Ringgold Ivy I. Perry 266 75 Ringgold Novis B. Perry 266 74 Rippee Abe Byars 135 21 Rippee Drake Byars 135 20 Rippee Ethel Byars 135 22 Rippee Flora C. Byars 128 90 Rippee Georgia P. Byars 128 91 Rippee Goldie E. Byars 128 92 Rippee Jennie Byars 135 19 Rippee Loise Byars 135 23 Rippee Thomas E. Byars 128 89 Rippee William Byars 135 18 Rivett George W. Victor 289 27 Rivett James W. Victor 289 28 Rivett Nettie E. Victor 289 26 Rivett Paulina Victor 289 25 Roach Graves E. Wayne 323 90 Roach Kellie Purcell 237 35 Robb Frances M. Perry 265 31 Robb William H. Perry 265 30 Robbins Carl Byars 138 41 Roberson Calvin Wayne 310 76 Roberson Fannie Wayne 310 75 Roberson John B. Wayne 310 74 Robert Alton L. Hopping 209 88 Robert Bertha Hopping 209 87 Robert Cletus H. Hopping 207 75 Robert Hershel Hopping 207 74 Robert James L. Hopping 207 71 Robert John B. Hopping 209 86 Robert Maley M. Hopping 207 73 Robert Nora Hopping 207 72 Robert Oma Hopping 209 89 Robert Welecta Hopping 207 76