The Townships and Ranges that comprise McIntosh County are Townships 8 through 12 and Ranges 13 through 18. The arrangement looks like this: T12R14 T12R15 T12R16 T12R17 T12R18 T11R14 T11R15 T11R16 T11R17 T11R18 N T10R13 T10R14 T10R15 T10R16 T11R17 T10R18 W + E S T09R13 T09R14 T09R15 T09R16 T09R17 T09R18 T08R13 T08R14 T08R15 T08R16 T08R17 T08R18 Knowing the township and range of the 1900 census makes it possible to determine which sections became part of the county.