Oklahomans in WWI - "Oklahoma Spirit of '17" - I surnames ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jane Boggess ==================================================================== Oklahoma Soldiers of WWI, I surnames from "The Oklahoma Spirit of '17"--Biographical Volume. Compiled by W. E. Welch, J. S. Aldridge, L. V. Aldridge. Historical Publ. Co., Oklahoma City, OK 1920. Name Rank Town/City County Biographical Info Spirit '17 IKARD, Lasson R. Sharpshooter Ardmore Carter Son M & Nellie Ikard; born Henrietta, TX Mar 1, 1895; graduate of the Ardmore HS; entered service Jun 1917; guard at Boston, MA, US Marine Corps; did not go overseas; discharged Boston, MA, Mar 1919. 401,y IKARD, E. Harrison Chickasha Grady Son of Mr & Mrs M F Ikard; born Apr 27, 1897, OK; educated in OK and KS A&M; entered service Apr 1918; Reserve Medical Corps, remaining in Manhattan, KS to attend school until called; discharged Feb 1919, Manhattan, KS.73,y IKARD, William Louis Chickasha Grady Son of Mr & Mrs M F Ikard; born Apr 1, 1895, TN; entered service Sept 17, 1917; trained Camp Travis, 360th Field Hosp; overseas France, Jun 41918; fought St Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne; discharged Camp Pike Jun 1919. 73,y INGRAHAM, Arthur P. Pvt Fairplay Osage Son of Mr & Mrs W D Ingraham; born Oct 29, 1900, OK; educated in schools of Osage C, OK; entered service Aug 7, 1918; trained Ft MCArthur, 19th Coast Art; was not called to the front; discharged Ft McArthur, Dec 15, 1919. 315,y INCE, Carl W. Elec Norman Cleveland Son of Mr & Mrs D G Ince; born Sept 26, 1898, Norman, OK; enlisted Jul 2, 1917; sent to Harvard for Radio Training, also New York; went across (4) times, first on Henderson; brought back wounded soldiers; transferred to Sub. Patrol, S P 406; transferred to Yarnell, covered President both trips; sent to Boston for final examination, was one of two men selected as best; Bugler at Harvard. 128,y INGRAM, William H. Oklahoma City Oklahoma Son of Mr & Mrs W. R. Ingram, 506 W. 14th St; born Healdton, OK, May 17, 1897; educated in Oklahoma City schools and Kemper Military Academy, Booneville, MO; entered service Aug 29, 1918, Camp Pike; trained Casual Co 66; later sent to Central Officer's Training School, ready to receive commission, before going overseas, when armistice was signed; discharge Camp Pike, Dec 7, 1918; attended Univ. of OK, at Norman, OK. 27,y INESTER, James A Pvt Sayre Beckham Son of John W. & Emma Inester; born Nov 27, 1893, Jacksboro, TX; educated in Sayre schools and Draughon's Business College, Oklahoma City; enlisted Sept 6, 1917; trained Camp Travis, 357th Inf, Medical Det, 90th Div; fought St Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne; discharged Jun 18, 1919, Camp Ike. 165,y INESTER, William L. Pvt Sayre Beckham Son of John W. & Emma Inester; born Nov 2, 1895, Jacksboro, TX; educated in Sayre schools and Hill's Business College, Oklahoma City; entered service Aug 25, 1918; trained Camp Pike, Personnel Detachment; discharged Feb 26, 1919; Post Adj of Glen Russell Martin Post, #146, Sayre, OK, American Legion. 165,y