Oklahomans in WWI - "Oklahoma Spirit of '17" - Mc surnames ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jane Boggess ==================================================================== Oklahoma Soldiers of WWI, Mc surnames from "The Oklahoma Spirit of '17"--Biographical Volume. Compiled by W. E. Welch, J. S. Aldridge, L. V. Aldridge. Historical Publ. Co., Oklahoma City, OK 1920. Name Rank Town/City County Spirit '17 McALISTER, Truman D. Cpl Marlow Stephens 386,y McBLAIR, Ernest H. Enid Garfield 187,y McCALL, James E. Pvt Wann Washington 372,y McCARTY, Grayson M. 1st Sgt Pauls Valley Garvin 336,y McCAUGHEY, Emmett Pvt Lindsay Garvin 323,y McCHARON, James B. Sgt Carter 135,y McCLAIN, George W Cpl Okmulgee Okmulgee 277,y McCLURE, Charles B. Sgt Pawhuska Osage 308,y McCLURE, Howard Sgt Pawhuska Osage 308,y McCONNELL, Floyd Willis 1st Cl Pvt Bartlesville Washington 245,y McCONNELL, W. C. Lt Holdenville Hughes 234,y McCORKLE, James Robert Chandler Lincoln 302,y McCREERY, Dr. Robert C. Major Beckham 163,y McDANIEL, R. P. Pvt Foss Beckham 397,? McDERMETT, Lee D. Beckham 169,y McDERMOTT, Eddie Pvt Guthrie Logan 109,y McDILL, John Ross Oklahoma City Oklahoma 53, McDIVITT, Bruce Sgt Pottawaomie 349,y McDIVITT, Harold H. W. Pvt Shawnee Pottawaomie 349,y McDIVITT, W. S. Pvt Shawnee Pottawaomie 349,y McGEE, John Cpl Pauls Valley Garvin 333,y McGEE, Will I. Pvt Pauls Valley Garvin 333,n McGHEE, Pleas T. Pvt Ardmore Carter 135,y McGOWAN, W. Leroy Holdenville Hughes 238y McGREGOR, Dr. Frank H. Major Temple Greer 226,n McKAY, J. V. Capt Lawton Comanche 223,y McKINNEY, Charles P. Sgt Maj Stephens 386,y McLEMORE, Ernest Addington Jefferson 197,y McLENNAN, Russell H. Pvt 1st Cl Moore Cleveland 130,n McLIMAN, Fred Guthrie Logan 77,y McLIMAN, Milton Hall Guthrie Logan 77,y MclNISH, Harry 0. Pocasset Grady 4,y McMEANS, Albert M. Marietta Love 102,y McPEEK, Paul J. Pvt Muhall Logan 109,y McPHERSON, Leon Oklahoma City Oklahoma 53, McQUEEN, I. R. Capt Oklahoma City Oklahoma 19,y McTAGUE, Benedict L. Pvt Okmulgee Okmulgee 275,y McVAY, Charles C. Sgt Enid Garfield 175,y McVAY, Leslie H. Pvt Enid Garfield 175,y