1860 Federal Census Indian Territory - Slave Schedule (INDEX: Surname BARN to BRO) ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES PROJECT NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ ************************************************************************ The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. All submissions become part of the permanent collection. Abstracted by Teri Padgett from public records. Edited and formatted by D. Joshua Taylor & Maggie Stewart, June 2002. Submitted by Teri Padgett August 14, 2001. This Census Was Proofread by Maggie Stewart . Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded. teri58@juno.com ____________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: For more information on Cherokee Nation, Please visit the Cherokee Nation, ITGenWeb page at http://www.rootsweb.com/~itcherok/ NOTE: For more information on Chickasaw Nation, Please visit the Chickasaw Nation, ITGenWeb page at http://www.rootsweb.com/~itchicka/ NOTE: For more information on Choctaw Nation, Please visit the Choctaw Nation, ITGenWeb page at http://www.rootsweb.com/~itchocta/ NOTE: For more information on Creek Nation, Please visit the Creek Nation, ITGenWeb page at http://www.rootsweb.com/~itcreek/index.htm NOTE: For more information onSeminole Nation, Please visit the Seminole Nation, ITGenWeb page at http://www.seminolenation-indianterritory.org/ ____________________________________________________________________________ This work follows all guidelines of the USGW Census Project, http://www.usgwcensus.org/. ____________________________________________________________________________ This is the 1860 Federal Census Indian Territory - Slave Schedule ____________________________________________________________________________ ========================================================================================================================================================================================================== NAMES OF SLAVE OWNERS AGE PG SH COL LN FOLDER FILE NAME DIVISION ========================================================================================================================================================================================================== Barnett, George 45 2 406A LEFT 35 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, George 28 2 406A LEFT 36 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, George 25 2 406A LEFT 37 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, George 10 2 406A LEFT 38 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Hoke Te 48 2 406A RIGHT 23 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Isabella 40 2 406A RIGHT 13 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Isabella 26 2 406A RIGHT 14 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Isabella 7 2 406A RIGHT 15 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Isabella 20 2 406A RIGHT 16 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Lavina 38 2 406A LEFT 39 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Lavina 26 2 406A LEFT 40 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Lavina 11 2 406A RIGHT 1 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Lavina 20 2 406A RIGHT 2 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Lavina 4/12 2 406A RIGHT 3 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Lavina 25 2 406A RIGHT 4 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Nancy 20 2 406A RIGHT 5 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Nancy 8 2 406A RIGHT 6 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Nancy 26 2 406A RIGHT 7 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Nancy 15 2 406A RIGHT 8 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Peggy 30 2 406A RIGHT 17 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Peggy 5 2 406A RIGHT 18 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Peggy 3 2 406A RIGHT 19 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Peggy 16 2 406A RIGHT 20 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Richard 38 15 412B RIGHT 4 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 48 2 406A LEFT 16 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 22 2 406A LEFT 17 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 21 2 406A LEFT 18 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 28 2 406A LEFT 19 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 26 2 406A LEFT 20 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 3 2 406A LEFT 21 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 36 2 406A LEFT 22 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 5 2 406A LEFT 23 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 4 2 406A LEFT 24 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 2 2 406A LEFT 25 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 6 2 406A LEFT 26 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 25 2 406A LEFT 27 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 5 2 406A LEFT 28 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 12 2 406A LEFT 29 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 4 2 406A LEFT 30 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 15 2 406A LEFT 31 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 12 2 406A LEFT 32 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 36 2 406A LEFT 33 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Timothy 3 2 406A LEFT 34 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Warnarke 60 4 407A LEFT 23 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Warnarke 59 4 407A LEFT 24 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Warnarke 55 4 407A LEFT 25 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Warnarke 24 4 407A LEFT 26 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Warnarke 1 4 407A LEFT 27 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Washington 30 2 406A RIGHT 9 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Washington 15 2 406A RIGHT 10 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Washington 10 2 406A RIGHT 11 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Washington 20 2 406A RIGHT 12 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnett, Washington * 40 24 402A LEFT 21 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Cole Barnwell, John 50 16 413A RIGHT 1 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, John 28 16 413A RIGHT 2 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, John 21 16 413A RIGHT 3 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, John 12 16 413A RIGHT 4 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 35 18 414A RIGHT 28 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 31 18 414A RIGHT 29 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 35 18 414A RIGHT 30 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 14 18 414A RIGHT 31 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 7 18 414A RIGHT 32 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 12 18 414A RIGHT 33 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 36 18 414A RIGHT 34 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 7 18 414A RIGHT 35 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 3 18 414A RIGHT 36 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 30 18 414A RIGHT 37 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 10 18 414A RIGHT 38 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 8 18 414A RIGHT 39 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 3 18 414A RIGHT 40 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 30 19 414B LEFT 1 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 28 19 414B LEFT 2 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 11 19 414B LEFT 3 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 10 19 414B LEFT 4 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 8 19 414B LEFT 5 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 3 19 414B LEFT 6 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Barnwell, Vicey 1 19 414B LEFT 7 creek/slave pg412b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bean, Jane, Ind. 30 25 429B RIGHT 17 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt the Tahlequah District in the Cherokee Nation Bean, Jane, Ind. 12 25 429B RIGHT 18 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt the Tahlequah District in the Cherokee Nation Bean, Jane, Ind. 9 25 429B RIGHT 19 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt the Tahlequah District in the Cherokee Nation Bean, Jane, Ind. 5 25 429B RIGHT 20 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt the Tahlequah District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Ellis, Ind 20 2 383A RIGHT 40 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Jeffrey, Ind 18 4 384A RIGHT 14 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Jeffrey, Ind 4 4 384A RIGHT 15 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 60 3 383B RIGHT 1 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 45 3 383B RIGHT 2 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 45 3 383B RIGHT 3 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 25 3 383B RIGHT 4 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 22 3 383B RIGHT 5 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 16 3 383B RIGHT 6 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 15 3 383B RIGHT 7 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 13 3 383B RIGHT 8 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 12 3 383B RIGHT 9 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 10 3 383B RIGHT 10 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 9 3 383B RIGHT 11 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 8 3 383B RIGHT 12 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 5 3 383B RIGHT 13 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 3 3 383B RIGHT 14 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 2 3 383B RIGHT 15 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Beck, Joseph, Ind 1 3 383B RIGHT 16 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, James M. Ind. 25 7 423B LEFT 4 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt None listed Bell, James M. Ind. 20 7 423B LEFT 5 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt None listed Bell, James M. Ind. 14 7 423B LEFT 6 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt None listed Bell, James M. Ind. 9 7 423B LEFT 7 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt None listed Bell, James M. Ind. 7 7 423B LEFT 8 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt None listed Bell, James M. Ind. 4 7 423B LEFT 9 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt None listed Bell, James M. Ind. 2 7 423B LEFT 10 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt None listed Bell, Lucien B, Ind 19 2 383A RIGHT 4 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Lucien B, Ind 16 2 383A RIGHT 5 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Lucien B, Ind 14 2 383A RIGHT 6 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Lucien B, Ind 13 2 383A RIGHT 7 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Lucien B, Ind 10 2 383A RIGHT 8 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Lucien B, Ind 4 2 383A RIGHT 9 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Lucien B, Ind 2 2 383A RIGHT 10 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Lucien B, Ind 1 2 383A RIGHT 11 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Lucien B, Ind 6/12 2 383A RIGHT 12 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Lucien B, Ind 30 2 383A RIGHT 1 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Lucien B, Ind 28 2 383A RIGHT 2 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Lucien B, Ind 22 2 383A RIGHT 3 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Sabra, Ind 55 1 382B LEFT 18 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Sabra, Ind 50 1 382B LEFT 19 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Sabra, Ind 48 1 382B LEFT 20 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Sabra, Ind 30 1 382B LEFT 21 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Sabra, Ind 26 1 382B LEFT 22 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Sabra, Ind 17 1 382B LEFT 23 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Sabra, Ind 6 1 382B LEFT 24 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Samuel, Ind. (Heirs) 30 8 424A RIGHT 26 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt the Saline District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Samuel, Ind. (Heirs) 22 8 424A RIGHT 27 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt the Saline District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Samuel, Ind. (Heirs) 22 8 424A RIGHT 28 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt the Saline District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Samuel, Ind. (Heirs) 15 8 424A RIGHT 29 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt the Saline District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Samuel, Ind. (Heirs) 8 8 424A RIGHT 30 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt the Saline District in the Cherokee Nation Bell, Samuel, Ind. (Heirs) 1 8 424A RIGHT 31 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt the Saline District in the Cherokee Nation Belvin, Leah 22 17 398B LEFT 32 choctaw/slave pg397b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Bemo, Harriett 24 9 409B LEFT 31 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bemo, Harriett 12 9 409B LEFT 32 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bemo, Harriett 1 9 409B LEFT 33 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Ben a hantubbee 27 20 400A RIGHT 33 choctaw/slave pg399b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Blue Benge, Anderson, Ind. 16 7 423B LEFT 21 cherokee/slave pg422b.txt None listed Benge, Martin, Ind. 30 34 426B LEFT 40 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Benge, William, Ind. 28 34 426B LEFT 26 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Benge, William, Ind. 12 34 426B LEFT 27 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Benton, Susan 4 14 412A RIGHT 18 creek/slave pg410a.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Benton, Tom 46 21 400B RIGHT 5 choctaw/slave pg399b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Jacks Fork Berryhill, Sam 19 20 415A LEFT 16 creek/slave pg415a.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Berryhill, Sam 14 20 415A LEFT 17 creek/slave pg415a.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Berryhill, Win nee 19 8 409A RIGHT 39 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bertholf, Thomas 48 1 405B LEFT 6 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bertholf, Thomas 46 1 405B LEFT 7 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Beshears, Alzira 27 17 398B LEFT 13 choctaw/slave pg397b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Beshears, Alzira 18 17 398B LEFT 14 choctaw/slave pg397b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Beshears, Tobias 21 13 396B LEFT 20 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Beshears, Tobias 17 13 396B LEFT 21 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Beshears, Tobias 14 13 396B LEFT 22 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Big John 28 25 402B LEFT 15 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Cole Big John 25 25 402B LEFT 16 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Cole Billy Ha Ke, a Seminole 62 3 406B LEFT 11 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 68 Two 385A LEFT 8 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 50 Two 385A LEFT 9 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 37 Two 385A LEFT 10 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 35 Two 385A LEFT 11 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 35 Two 385A LEFT 12 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 35 Two 385A LEFT 13 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 33 Two 385A LEFT 14 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 31 Two 385A LEFT 15 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 29 Two 385A LEFT 16 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 28 Two 385A LEFT 17 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 27 Two 385A LEFT 18 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 25 Two 385A LEFT 19 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 23 Two 385A LEFT 20 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 21 Two 385A LEFT 21 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 18 Two 385A LEFT 22 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 15 Two 385A LEFT 23 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 14 Two 385A LEFT 24 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 13 Two 385A LEFT 25 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 13 Two 385A LEFT 26 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 12 Two 385A LEFT 27 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 12 Two 385A LEFT 28 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 12 Two 385A LEFT 29 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 10 Two 385A LEFT 30 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 10 Two 385A LEFT 31 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 9 Two 385A LEFT 32 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 8 Two 385A LEFT 33 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 8 Two 385A LEFT 34 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 8 Two 385A LEFT 35 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 7 Two 385A LEFT 36 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 5 Two 385A LEFT 37 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 2 Two 385A LEFT 39 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 2 Two 385A LEFT 40 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 2 Two 385A RIGHT 1 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 2 Two 385A RIGHT 2 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 1 Two 385A RIGHT 3 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 1 Two 385A RIGHT 4 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Binum, Tennessee 5 Two 385A LEFT 38 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Bird, Young, Ind. 12 17 417B LEFT 39 cherokee/slave pg419b.txt the Flint District in the Cherokee Nation Birney, David 28 Eleven 389B LEFT 23 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 27 Eleven 389B LEFT 24 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 25 Eleven 389B LEFT 25 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 21 Eleven 389B LEFT 26 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 18 Eleven 389B LEFT 27 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 18 Eleven 389B LEFT 28 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 14 Eleven 389B LEFT 29 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 13 Eleven 389B LEFT 30 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 12 Eleven 389B LEFT 31 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 12 Eleven 389B LEFT 32 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 10 Eleven 389B LEFT 33 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 8 Eleven 389B LEFT 34 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 7 Eleven 389B LEFT 35 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 5 Eleven 389B LEFT 36 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 5 Eleven 389B LEFT 37 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 2 Eleven 389B LEFT 38 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 70 Eleven 389B LEFT 18 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 50 Eleven 389B LEFT 19 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 40 Eleven 389B LEFT 20 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 35 Eleven 389B LEFT 21 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Birney, David 35 Eleven 389B LEFT 22 chickasaw/slave pg389b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pontotoc, West of the State of Arkansas Bironi 19 Nine 388B LEFT 30 chickasaw/slave pg387a.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pickens, West of the State of Arkansas Bironi 16 Nine 388B LEFT 31 chickasaw/slave pg387a.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pickens, West of the State of Arkansas Bironi (In trust) 28 Nine 388B RIGHT 7 chickasaw/slave pg387a.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pickens, West of the State of Arkansas Bironi (In trust) 20 Nine 388B RIGHT 8 chickasaw/slave pg387a.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pickens, West of the State of Arkansas Bironi (In trust) 12 Nine 388B RIGHT 9 chickasaw/slave pg387a.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Pickens, West of the State of Arkansas Black Bird, Ind. 50 34 426B RIGHT 38 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Black Bird, Ind. 24 34 426B RIGHT 39 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Black Bird, Ind. 14 34 426B RIGHT 40 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blackburn, John D. 50 21 400B LEFT 1 choctaw/slave pg399b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Gains Blackburn, John D. 32 21 400B LEFT 2 choctaw/slave pg399b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Gains Blackburn, John D. 16 21 400B LEFT 3 choctaw/slave pg399b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Gains Blackburn, John D. 15 21 400B LEFT 4 choctaw/slave pg399b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Gains Blackburn, John D. 13 21 400B LEFT 5 choctaw/slave pg399b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Gains Blackburn, John D. 11 21 400B LEFT 6 choctaw/slave pg399b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Gains Blackburn, John D. 8 21 400B LEFT 7 choctaw/slave pg399b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Gains Blackburn, Samuel, Ind. 24 35 427A RIGHT 10 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blackburn, Samuel, Ind. 25 35 427A RIGHT 11 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blackburn, Samuel, Ind. 12 35 427A RIGHT 12 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blackburn, Samuel, Ind. 13 35 427A RIGHT 13 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blackburn, Samuel, Ind. 10 35 427A RIGHT 14 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blackburn, Samuel, Ind. 6 35 427A RIGHT 15 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blair, George, Ind. 40 34 426B RIGHT 31 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blair, George, Ind. 25 34 426B RIGHT 32 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blair, George, Ind. 22 34 426B RIGHT 33 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blair, George, Ind. 20 34 426B RIGHT 34 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blair, George, Ind. 16 34 426B RIGHT 35 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blair, George, Ind. 4 34 426B RIGHT 36 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blair, George, Ind. 2 34 426B RIGHT 37 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Blythe, Riley, Ind 11 4 384A RIGHT 12 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Blythe, Riley, Ind 7 4 384A RIGHT 13 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt the Delaware District in the Cherokee Nation Boggs, Wilson, Ind 14 32 381A RIGHT 33 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt Cannadian District in the Cherokee Nation Bond, Thos. G. 18 18 399A LEFT 34 choctaw/slave pg397b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Blue Bond, Thos. G. 16 18 399A LEFT 35 choctaw/slave pg397b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Blue Booker Oteel 35 23 401B LEFT 23 choctaw/slave pg399b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Atoka Bourland, Reubin 70 14 397A RIGHT 11 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Bourland, Reubin 30 14 397A RIGHT 12 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Bourland, Reubin 23 14 397A RIGHT 13 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Bourland, Reubin 16 14 397A RIGHT 14 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Bourland, Reubin 13 14 397A RIGHT 15 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Bourland, Reubin 12 14 397A RIGHT 16 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Bourland, Reubin 9 14 397A RIGHT 17 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Kiamitia Bowlegs, Billy (Heirs) * 29 3 406B RIGHT 14 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Billy (Heirs) * 7 3 406B RIGHT 15 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Billy (Heirs) * 4 3 406B RIGHT 16 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Billy (Heirs) * 28 3 406B RIGHT 17 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Billy (Heirs) * 4 3 406B RIGHT 18 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Billy (Heirs) * 1 3 406B RIGHT 19 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Billy (Heirs) * 57 3 406B RIGHT 20 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Billy (Heirs) * 27 3 406B RIGHT 21 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Billy (Heirs) * 31 3 406B RIGHT 22 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 60 3 406B LEFT 34 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 55 3 406B LEFT 35 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 34 3 406B LEFT 36 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 36 3 406B LEFT 37 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 38 3 406B LEFT 38 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 32 3 406B LEFT 39 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 28 3 406B LEFT 40 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 30 3 406B RIGHT 1 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 25 3 406B RIGHT 2 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 23 3 406B RIGHT 3 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 20 3 406B RIGHT 4 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 19 3 406B RIGHT 5 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 20 3 406B RIGHT 6 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 30 3 406B RIGHT 7 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 10 3 406B RIGHT 8 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 8 3 406B RIGHT 9 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 80 3 406B RIGHT 10 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 40 3 406B RIGHT 11 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 10 3 406B RIGHT 12 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Bowlegs, Susan Seminole 35 3 406B RIGHT 13 creek/slave pg405b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Boyd, James 50 27 403B LEFT 4 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 50 27 403B LEFT 5 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 45 27 403B LEFT 6 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 46 27 403B LEFT 7 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 32 27 403B LEFT 8 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 25 27 403B LEFT 9 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 32 27 403B LEFT 10 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 24 27 403B LEFT 11 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 22 27 403B LEFT 12 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 23 27 403B LEFT 13 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 20 27 403B LEFT 14 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 19 27 403B LEFT 15 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 17 27 403B LEFT 16 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 19 27 403B LEFT 17 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 12 27 403B LEFT 18 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 9 27 403B LEFT 19 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 9 27 403B LEFT 20 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 8 27 403B LEFT 21 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 6 27 403B LEFT 22 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 4 27 403B LEFT 23 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 1 27 403B LEFT 24 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 6 27 403B LEFT 25 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 3 27 403B LEFT 26 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 1 27 403B LEFT 27 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 6 27 403B LEFT 28 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Boyd, James 2 27 403B LEFT 29 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Brady, S. R. Ind. 37 28 431A RIGHT 32 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brady, S. R. Ind. 30 28 431A RIGHT 33 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brady, S. R. Ind. 28 28 431A RIGHT 34 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brady, S. R. Ind. 16 28 431A RIGHT 35 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brady, S. R. Ind. 15 28 431A RIGHT 36 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brady, S. R. Ind. 7 28 431A RIGHT 37 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brady, S. R. Ind. 34 28 431A RIGHT 38 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brady, S. R. Ind. 5 28 431A RIGHT 39 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brady, S. R. Ind. 3 28 431A RIGHT 40 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brashears, Ellen 5 25 402B LEFT 37 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Cole Brashears, Ellen 2 25 402B LEFT 38 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Cole Brashears, Ellen 13 25 402B LEFT 39 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Cole Brashears, Turner 80 26 403A LEFT 23 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Cole Breedlove, Mr. 21 27 403B RIGHT 20 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Breedlove, N. B. 28 27 403B RIGHT 18 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Breedlove, N. B. 23 27 403B RIGHT 19 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Brewer, John, Ind. 40 28 431A RIGHT 14 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brewer, John, Ind. 20 28 431A RIGHT 15 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brewer, John, Ind. 18 28 431A RIGHT 16 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brewer, John, Ind. 14 28 431A RIGHT 17 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brewer, John, Ind. 12 28 431A RIGHT 18 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brewer, John, Ind. 8 28 431A RIGHT 19 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brewer, John, Ind. 4 28 431A RIGHT 20 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brewer, John, Ind. 2 28 431A RIGHT 21 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brewer, (Widow) 11 11 395B LEFT 14 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Towson Brewer, Melton 16 11 395B LEFT 15 choctaw/slave pg395a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Towson Brewer, Perry, Ind 50 32 381A LEFT 14 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt Cannadian District in the Cherokee Nation Brewer, Perry, Ind 30 32 381A LEFT 15 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt Cannadian District in the Cherokee Nation Brewer, Perry, Ind 25 32 381A LEFT 16 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt Cannadian District in the Cherokee Nation Brewer, Perry, Ind 14 32 381A LEFT 17 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt Cannadian District in the Cherokee Nation Brewer, Perry, Ind 12 32 381A LEFT 18 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt Cannadian District in the Cherokee Nation Brewer, Perry, Ind 10 32 381A LEFT 19 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt Cannadian District in the Cherokee Nation Brewer, Perry, Ind 7 32 381A LEFT 20 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt Cannadian District in the Cherokee Nation Brewer, Perry, Ind 4 32 381A LEFT 21 cherokee/slave pg380b.txt Cannadian District in the Cherokee Nation Bridges, Samuel 24 27 403B RIGHT 16 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Bridges, Samuel 5 27 403B RIGHT 17 choctaw/slave pg402a.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Shullyville Brinton, Betsey 28 6 408A LEFT 12 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, Betsey 22 6 408A LEFT 13 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, Betsey 6 6 408A LEFT 14 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, Betsey 30 6 408A LEFT 15 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, Betsey 6 6 408A LEFT 16 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, Betsey 2 6 408A LEFT 17 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, Betsey 19 6 408A LEFT 18 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, Betsey 1/12 6 408A LEFT 19 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, George W. 59 6 408A LEFT 6 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, George W. 40 6 408A LEFT 7 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, George W. 24 6 408A LEFT 8 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, George W. 39 6 408A LEFT 9 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, George W. 8 6 408A LEFT 10 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brinton, George W. 14 6 408A LEFT 11 creek/slave pg407b.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brooks, Lotty 100 Three 385B RIGHT 13 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Brooks, Lotty 70 Three 385B RIGHT 14 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Brooks, Lotty 45 Three 385B RIGHT 15 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Brooks, Lotty 44 Three 385B RIGHT 16 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Brooks, Lotty 30 Three 385B RIGHT 17 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Brooks, Lotty 8 Three 385B RIGHT 18 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Brooks, Lotty 55 Three 385B RIGHT 19 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Brooks, Lotty 3 Three 385B RIGHT 20 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Tishomingo, West of the State of Arkansas Brooks, Mary 38 7 393B LEFT 20 choctaw/slave pg392b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Red River Brooks, Thomas J. 21 7 393B LEFT 18 choctaw/slave pg392b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Red River Brooks, Thomas J. 4 7 393B LEFT 19 choctaw/slave pg392b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Red River Brown, John W. Ind. 23 28 431A RIGHT 22 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brown, John W. Ind. 20 28 431A RIGHT 23 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brown, John W. Ind. 16 28 431A RIGHT 24 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brown, John W. Ind. 14 28 431A RIGHT 25 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brown, John, Ind. (Heirs) 16 28 431A LEFT 39 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brown, John, Ind. (Heirs) 15 28 431A LEFT 40 cherokee/slave pg429a.txt None Listed Brown, Cannon 96 21 400B RIGHT 2 choctaw/slave pg399b.txt the Choctaw Nation in the County of Jacks Fork Brown, Chearly 40 Four 386A LEFT 21 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Panola, West of the State of Arkansas Brown, Chearly 20 Four 386A LEFT 22 chickasaw/slave pg384b.txt the Chickasaw District in the County of Panola, West of the State of Arkansas Brown, Hannah 30 13 411B LEFT 9 creek/slave pg410a.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brown, Hannah 23 13 411B LEFT 10 creek/slave pg410a.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brown, Hannah 29 13 411B LEFT 11 creek/slave pg410a.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brown, Hannah 20 13 411B LEFT 12 creek/slave pg410a.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brown, Hannah 22 13 411B LEFT 13 creek/slave pg410a.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brown, Hannah 11 13 411B LEFT 14 creek/slave pg410a.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brown, Hannah 37 13 411B LEFT 15 creek/slave pg410a.txt the Creek Nation West of the State of Arkansas Brown, James, Ind. 50 35 427A LEFT 1 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Brown, James, Ind. 40 35 427A LEFT 2 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Brown, James, Ind. 35 35 427A LEFT 3 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Brown, James, Ind. 17 35 427A LEFT 4 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Brown, James, Ind. 16 35 427A LEFT 5 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Brown, James, Ind. 15 35 427A LEFT 6 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Brown, James, Ind. 12 35 427A LEFT 7 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Brown, James, Ind. 9 35 427A LEFT 8 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation Brown, James, Ind. 5 35 427A LEFT 9 cherokee/slave pg425b.txt the Sequaha District in the Cherokee Nation