Choctaw Nation - I.T. - Armstrong Cemetery USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. ******************************************************************************* *** Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory ARMSTRONG CEMETERY Transcribed by Sharon Postoak 1997 This cemetery established in 1904 by Mr. Pomroy, is located about nine miles ea st of Stringtown on property now owned by Clyde Williams. It is rather difficult to get to and i t is best to stop at Fugate Lumber Company about a mile west of the Williams house and ask direction s.It was canvassed November 24,1981 by Gwen Walker and Ruth Ishmael Armstrong, Fletcher Wade 1897-1952 Armstrong Cemetery Armstrong, Lula A. May 16,1897 March 30,1953 Armstrong Cemetery Armstrong, Walter Eugene Son of Otah and Willie Armstrong died about 1934 no st one Armstrong Cemetery Baker, Daniel died about 1908 no stone Armstrong Cemetery Baker, John Wesley born in 1800's died about 1908 no stone Armstrong Cemetery Beck, Lona wife of Bill Beck died about 1914 no stone Armstrong Cemetery Cook, Fannie Cook Annie twin babies handmade stone Armstrong Cemetery Duncan, Mrs. Died about 1914 no stone Armstrong Cemetery Duncan, Infant Daughter of Mrs Duncan Died 1914 age 3 weeks no stone Armstrong Cemetery Fincher, Paul See Jessie Fincher 1875-1932 Double stone Armstrong Cemetery Finc her, Jessie see Paul Fincher 1888-1949 Double stone Armstrong Cemetery Fincher, Raymond died about 1907 handmade stone Armstrong Cemetery Fisher, Infant Daughter of Ed and Mae no stone Armstrong Cemetery Fisher, Charles Edward son of Ed and Mae died about 1944 no stone Armstrong Cem etery Fisher, Vieginia Violet Daughter of Ed & Mae Fisher 15 years old no stone Armst rong Cemetery Hendershott, Jessie Died 1920 age 8 months no stone Armstrong Cemetery Ingram, Bradley No stone Armstrong Cemetery Ingram, Infant Daughter of Bradley & Thelma no stone Armstrong Cemetery Ingram, Nancy Jane Wife of Richard Ingram Born Jan. 3, 1867 Died March 15, 1934 Armstrong Cemetery Ingram, Richard Born Nov. 27,1863 Died Jan. 17,1945 Handmade stone Armstrong Ce metery Ingram, Thelma Wade No stone Armstrong Cemetery Jack, J.P. Born Jul. 18,1847 Died April 16,1916 Handmade stone ArmstrongCemeter y Leeper, Infant daughter of Olivia no stone Armstrong Cemetery Pomroy, Baby Girl 1904 This was the first burial here. Handmade stone Armstrong Cemetery Smith, Ava Murl Armstrong Wasson Aug. 14,1893 Feb 16,1922 Handmade stone Armstr ong Cemetery Tedford, Mack Infant son of Tom & Lizzie Tedford no stone Armstrong Cemetery Tedford, Tommy Infant son of Tom & Lizzie no stone Armstrong Cemetery Tedford, Telia Wife of Jep Tedford Buried Nov. 19,1919 no stone Armstrong Cemet ery Tisdale, Baby Girl Died 1926 no stone Armstrong Cemetery Wade, Infant Son Son of Henry Wade no stone Armstrong Cemetery Wasson, James Corbet Jul 4,1893 Jul 6,1914 no stone Armstrong Cemetery Wasson, Norman Wesley Jan 26,1913 April 9,1914 no stone Armstrong Cemetery Wilson, Marjee Wilson, Margaret Alice 1954-1970 FHM Armstrong Cemetery No stone Mrs. Fugate referred to this grave as that of The Stranger. She said a man rode into the area about 1905 and apparently died of natural causes while camped near the old Beetie Tedford Spring, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Beck and some others found the body which carried no identification and brought it to the cemetery and buried it.