Creek Nation, OK - Creek (Muscogee Letters) Submitted by David W. Morgan ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with the USGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Selected Creek Letters 1825-1829 Abstracted by Thelma Nolen Cornfeld 1924 - 1996 Placed on the WWW by David W. Morgan with permission 26 March 1825 Gena Ware My friend I have instructed my son John & Benj Derriso to get me fore or five hed of horses & to promis cattle of any discription for them being that I am in the Nation the people that is in my settlement might be afraid to trust me I wish you to stand my security as you kno me before I am in distress for horses at this time to collect my cattle with So soon as I collect them I will give choice to anyman that will be good enough to trust me of cows & calves steers or baron cows & so I wish you to stand my security to any bargains that they may make Nothing more but I remain Your Friend William McIntosh May 3, 1825 Line Creek, Fayette County To Col. D.G. Campbell Maj'r Jas Meriweather United States Commissioners Gentlemen When you see this letter stained with the blood (the last drop of which is now spilt - for friendship he has shown for your people) I know you will remember your pledge to us in behalf of your Nation, that in the worst events you would assist & protect us; And when I tell you that at day light on Saturday morning last hundreds of the hostiles surrounded our house and instantly murdered Gen'l McIntosh and Thomas Tustunnuggee by shooting near one hundred balls into them (Chilly and Moody Kinnard making their escape through a window) they then commenced burning and plundering in the most unprincipalled way - so that here I am driven from the ashes of my smoking dwelling, left with nothing but my poor naked hungry children who need some immediate ade from our White Friends, and we lean upon you, while you lean upon your government: About the same time of the morning that they continued the horrid act on Gen'l another party caught Col. Sam'l Hawkins and kept him tied until about 3 o'clock, when the Chief returned from our house and gave order for his execution in the same way, and refused to leave his wife any impliments to cover his body up with; so that it was left exposed to the fowls of the air and the beasts of the forrest and Jenny and her child are here in the same condition as we are this party consisted of Oakfuskies, Talledgas and Muckfaws tho there were others with them; the Chiefs that appeared to head the party were Intock chungo (of Mockfaw) and Minnowaway, but I know not where he was from, who said they were ordered to do it by the Little Prince and Hopthle Yoholo, and that they were supported and encouraged in it by the Agent and Chiefs that were left after the Big Wariors death, in a council at Broken Arrow, where they decreed that they would murder all the Chiefs, who had any hand in selling the land and burn and destroy and take away all that they had, and then send on to the President that he should not have the land. I have not heard of the murders of any others, but expect all are dead that could be catcht, but by reason of a great Freshett on the Chattahooche, they could not get Col. Miller or Hagy McIntosh, nor the Darisaus, and they and Chilly are gon to the Govornor, our country is in a most ruined state, so far as I have heard (tho by reason of the high waters - word has not circulated fast) all have fled from their homes in our parts and taken refuge among their White Friends & I learn they are now at Gen'l Wares (near his place) from 150 to 200 of them are afraid to go to their homes to get a grain of what little corn they have to eat, and if you and your people do not assist us, God help us, we must die, either by the sword or by the famine - This moment Gen'l Ware has come in & will in a few minutes start with a few men and a few Friendly Indians to try to get a little something for us to eat - I hope so soon as you read this you will lay it before the Govornor and the President -, that they may know our miserable condition and afford us relief as soon as possible. I followed them to their camp about 1 1/12 miles, to try to by of them something to cover the dead with but it was denied me; I tried also to get a horse to take my little children, and some provisions to last us to the White settlement, which was given up to me and then taken back, and had it not been for some White men, who assisted in burrying the dead and getting us to the settlement, we should have been worse off than we were, if possible. Before I close I must remark that the whole party so far as I know them were hostile during the late ware (sp). Peggy and Susanna McIntosh Col Campbell & Maj'r Meriwether ****** Washington (City) May 17, 1825 Sir, We have come to request our Father the President to protect us against a hostile party of Indians, as was promised by the Commissioners at the treaty of Indian Springs when we ceded our land to the United States. The Commissioners gave us a good talk from our Father the President: They told us that they were bound, by the compact of 1802, to procure our lands for the State of Georgia. We listened to the talk of our Father and did all he desired. We made a fair treaty for the sale of our lands which publickly passed the Senate and was ratified by our Father the President. Since then a hostile party has attacked the house of our father, General McIntosh and killed him and Etomme Tustunuggee. The Commissioners told us against any attempt to injure us; and also that you would send a garrison to Chatahouchie River to prevent any incrouchment on our lands, before wem ove west of the Mississippi. This never was done, and we did not ask for it, because it was not thought necessary. Now we need assistance and claim a performance of your promises. We ask to have revenge for our blood spilt by a hostile party of Indians, and that the murder of our father, General McIntosh and Etomme Tustanugge may be investigated and the ringleaders punished. Without your assistance we cannot settle our disputes. We ask you to investigate them and to aid in removing our difficulties. We now look for your protection as it was promised by the Commissioners, without it we cannot prepare to go West of the Mississippi - about one thousand troups will be necessary. If our Father the President does not protect his red children we shall be oppressed and many of us will be killed, we hoe he will not deny us his protection as promised by the Commissioners. We have trusted his promises and think he will not deceive us -- To Chilly McIntosh The Honorable Interlifkey X McIntosh James Barbour Ben Dourozow Secretary of War Jim X Dourozow ****** Washington (City) May 17th 1825 Sir, We beg leave to state that the authorized Agent for the U.S. for the Creek Nation, Col'n John Crowell, is not trusted by us & we do not think ourselves safe in his hands. Col'n Crowell has always been opposed to General McIntosh since 1823; when he tried to have him broke as Chief of the Creek Nation & threatened to destroy his property. He was offended at Gen'l McIntosh for refusing to give up a man named Stinson, without an order from the head chiefs of the Nation. Stinson was afterwards delivored into the Agent's custody & was tried for selling goods in the Nation without a license - of which he was acquitted by the Federal Courts in Georgia. Coln'n Crowell drew a knife & threatened to cut the throat of a man called Cells; who had been adopted by the Creek Nation. Col'n Crowell was opposed to the treaty at the Indian Springs & tried to prevent the Creeks from selling their land to the United States. He sent William Hambly, United States interpreter to the Council to say that he wanted to see the Chiefs but was jealous of the Commissioners. He told them that they should not give any long answers to the Commissioners, but only say "they had no land to sell". That the Commissioners would threaten but their threats would all end in words as soon as they heard from the government. Even after the Treaty was freely agreed to he did not cease his opposition. He sent a message by Wm. Hambly, the Interpreter, to tell some of the Indians that they shoul'd go away across the line that night or they wou'd be taken & shut up until they signed the Treaty. This party went off into the night as they were told. The next morning three men were sent after them to know why they had gone away. They told these men the message they had received from Col'n Crowell which was the reason for their going. One of these messingers is now in Washington. After Col'n Crowell returned from Washington a Council of the Nation was called. When the broken hour was out Chilly McIntosh & several of the friends of Gen'l McIntosh attended. They called on Col'n Crowell for rations, which were refused to the friends of Gen'l McIntosh but were furnished by Col'n Crowell to all others. Within eight days after this Council a hostile party attacked the house of Gen'l McIntosh & killed him & Etomme Tustenuggee. Col'n Hawkins & Gen'l Mitchell were equal & kind to all the Creek Nation and favoured its civilization. Since Col'n Crowell has been Agent he has ben good only to his friends & favorites & to effect his own purposes. Now Sir, we beg our Father the President to send an Agent who will be a friend to all the Nation equally, & one in whose hands we can feel safe to go West of the Mississippi. If Col'n Crowell is continued as Agent we fear the friends of General McIntosh will be sacraficed. signed; Chilly McIntosh The Hon'l signed; Interlefkey X McIntosh James Barbour signed; Ben X Darozou Secretary of War signed; Jim X Dourozou ****** The Savannah Republic - 26th of June 1825 FRIENDS AND BROTHERS: If after you hear our request and consider of it, you should think that we are not entitled to your consideration, generosity, or liberality, and that as we are about to leave you forever, and that you now have a legal claim and right to our late country - And that you owe us nothing, still we will remain strong in our former friendship to you. We do not ask of you anything as a matter of right, or of any legal claim we have on you, but merely desire to recommend ourselves to your generosity and charity. FRIENDS AND BROTHERS, we finally assure you that our attachment toward our old friends and neighbors shall never cease, and that we will carry with us the feelings of true and devoted friendship towards the State of Georgia, to the United States and the Legislature of Georgia. If we would be so happy as to experience any token of their regard, we will teach our children to remember it with gratitude, and cause it to be handed down to the succeeding generations of our Nation, that they may forever know that Georgia was their friend in the hour of distress. (signed) William McIntosh William Miller, his X mark Ahlyucky, his X mark Aubeckah, his X mark Ispogormothe, his X mark Hothe Mara Tustunuggee, his X mark Nustunnuggee, his X mark Hogy McIntosh, his X mark Jas. Dearosou, his X mark Chas Miller, his X mark Wolobock Hajo, his X mark Michothe Homothe, his X mark Chowgie Micco, his X mark Jno Harrod, his X mark Muree Homattogee, his X mark Samuel Hawkins April 12th 1825 ****** From the Head Men & Warriors of Coweta, To the Chief Men of Georgia: Friends, Our situation is not unknown to you & when the hand of sorrow has pressed heavily on us, we have been comforted by knowing that our white brothren felt for our troubles & wished us well. Our fathers formerly owned a large & beautiful country (---- torn---) with fish & game & every thing that they wished & we are now without a foot of land that we can call our home, or a place where we can keep our wives & children in safety. Our lands we have voluntarily sold to you in a number of fair & honorable treaties. In the late treaty held at Indian Springs, by the advice of our great father, we yielded to the wishes of the Georgians & gave up the last that remained of the land of our fathers, except the part in Alabama which is in the hands of our enemies, and we do not now object to a treaty which we voluntarily & deliberately signed. But in the day of our trouble we now call on our White neighbors & brothern of Georgia, to be our friends and protectors. When we signed the late treaty, we had a Chief under whose protecting hand we felt safe. He had wisdom to guide us thro' the many difficulties of a long journey to a distant land. He had courage to lead us, if we should be attacked by any of the powerful Nations in that far Western Country. McIntosh was our head & we were the body, & the hands & feet - But our head is now cut off; and we cannot move to that distant country & put ourselves in the hands of our enemies. The Nations who live there would watch an opportunity to destroy us, before we could have time to procure the aid of our great father. The people of our own nation have now become our deadly enemies. After killing McIntosh & several other distinguished Chiefs, they have driven us from our homes, plundered our property, & threatened our lives. They first became our enemies because in the late war, we were the friends of the whiteman; because we fought by the side of the white man & hazarded our lives, & spilt our blood in the same cause. They now threaten, & rob, & kill us, because we have followed the advice of our great father, the President & sold our land to the Georgians. We are not safe with them, even near our White friends in Georgia; and we cannot be so blind as to put ourseves in their power in a distant land. We have now no shelter left us, but in the bosom of our White neighbors. While we hold the treaty sacred, we earnestly request you not to leave us, & our wives, & our little ones to starve to death, or to fall by the hands of our enemies. We propose to you to allow us, out of the late purchase, a small spot where we can lie down in safety, & get a living by our own labour. We are but few in number, & expect to find our safety only in peaceful conduct among you. We are moderate in our desires, & do not wish for the best of your land. We will be satisfied with a tract of country, on the east of the Chattahoochee, extending from some point a few miles above the High Shoals, to the Horse Path, about forty miles in length, & extending about twenty miles east from that river. The larger part of this tract is poor & mountainous. In exchange for this settlement, we will give up our share of the purchase money under the late treaty held at Indian Springs. We wish to raise stock, cultivate the soil, & learn the useful arts of the White men. We will live quitely under our laws, & will faithfully perform any civil or military duties which you may tell us. In exchange for protection, we will fight with you against all yolur enemies. From being a powerful nation, we shall be only a handful of men. From owning a large & rich country, we will settle down on a narrow strip of mountainous land. but hereafter we will be content, if we can find safety & subsistence. We pray to the Great Spirit, to put kind & generous sentiment & feeling into the hearts of the people of Georgia; & to tell them not to let an unfortunate & afflicted people be entirely ruined by friendship for them. We trust that the head men of Georgia, after making a great state out of lands that formerly belonged to us, will leave to men who have long been their friends, a little corner in which they live. Attached memo: The foregoing M.S. of the Memorial of the McIntosh Party of Indians to the Legislative of Georgia in May 1825. The Copy was signed by the party, but was repressed at Milledgville. It was drawn up by Jno. A. Cuthbert, Esq., a Lawyer of high standing, formerly of Congress in his professional capacity, this manuscript being in his proper hand writing. T. P. Andrews Special Agent Milledgville - July 1825 ************** We the undersigned Chiefs & Warriors of the Creek Nation of the McIntosh Party authorized & appoint the following Chiefs & Secretary our lawful Delagation to go on to Washington City to arrange and settle with our Father the President - all matters concerning the late disturbances in the Creek Nation. To wit: Chilly McIntosh, Rowley McIntosh, Ben Derizo, Hothla Marta Tustunuggie, Cowoo Cochee Fmarthla, Nehar yar holar (of Coweta), Huspartee harjo, Alec Lassley (of Delitago), Arpekee Tustunuggee, Hoabb Lassayar Tustunuggee (of Broken Arrow), Benjamin Hawkins to be interpreter - John E. Denney Secretary. Creek Nation 26th October 1825 Joseph Marshall of Coweta Coness Emauthla of San Town Jacob Beaver of Coweta Tochee Lustee Emauthla of San Town Fock ken lusto Harjo of Coweta Concharte Hajo of San Town Mor har thocco Harjo of New York Ispico Hajo of Taladigo Nenihnnaras tochee of New York Daniel Laslee of Taladigo Oakfuskee Tustanuggee of Acorn Bluff Hotuckey Fmuthla of Broken Arrow Joseph Marshall of Acorn Bluff Tus hutchee Yarholar of San Town Nocososa Tustinuggee of Acorn Bluff Arpe kee Tustanuggee of Coweta Charwocla micco of San Town Coppy of the original signed in the Creek Nation Test: John E. Denney, Sec'y of the McIntosh Party ***************** The Savanna Republic -- November 22, 1825 General Gains I understand has gone on to Washington. Crowell who was here a day or two since with a deputation of hostiles, has also proceeded for the same place. A portion of the deputation of friendly Chiefs will go tomorrow for the same destination. The ______ of their _____ the death of McIntosh ____ their forlorn situation - their determination to obtain justice upon the murderers. Chilly McIntosh, Roley, Durasso, and Tustinnuggee, Speaker of the Nation, are among those here and bound to Washington - They are to be passed. ****************** Washington 10th Dec'r 1825 The undersigned Chiefs and Warriors of the Creek Nation make haste to announce to the Secretary of War for the information of the President of the United States that they have arrived in the the City of Washington as a Delagation from the Creek Nation with full powers. They are anxioous to lay before their Father a Statement of the situation and grievances and to ask his protection and they pray the Secretary of War to appoint a time when he will receive them. Chilly McIntosh Rowley McIntosh X Hothe marta Tustunuggee X Ben Derrozau X Cowacco chee Fmarthla X Nehar yar holar X of Coweta Arpehe Tustunuggee X Hothla po yar Tustunuggee X Hos par oc Harjo X of Broken Arrow Alec Lasley X of Deletago Benjamine Hawkins Interpreter ****************** Washington D.C. 26th Janurary 1826 Friend & Brother We have received from Col. McKenny a letter dated January 25th, 1826 in which he observes that he esteems it proper to correct an error into which he say we have fallen -- He tells us we were neither asked to sign the treaty which you have recently concluded with our adversaries, nor any notes that might be affixed to the same, but as that we had given an anamious but verbal consent to certain conditions on which we would emigrate to the Mississippi which had in all respects been complied with it was thought that it would look better, not for us to sign the treaty, or notes to be affixed to the same, but a seperate paper sustaining that assent with our names -- Sir, We are desireous of correcting the error of this statement & for purpose we are making the following ---- When we were first invited to talk to Gov. Cass whether we were willing to emigrate & and if so on what terms, we answered that we were willing to do so in terms of the Treaty of the Indian Springs -- It was the request from us if that Treaty was annulled, on what terms we would be disposed to go, & we answered saying that we would take time to consider, but still insisted on the validity of the former Treaty -- We then requested that the proposition of Gov. Cass should be given to us in writing, which was refused us -- If this our request had been complied with, no dispute wuld now occure, as to what had passed between us, we subsequently gave in our propositions and when we afterwards met Gov. Cass & Col. McKenney at the office of Indian Affairs & have read what they proposed, we thought it correct -- They then read to us from a small sheet of paper which we afterwards found when they read the Treaty was a different instrument from what we understood it to be, we then found that provisions were inserted in a Treaty made with our enemies, by which you had declaired that the Acts of our Great Chief & and other Chiefs of the Treaty of Indian Springs to be null & void & and by which you, as we understood, had departed from the terms which they had been recently read, by providing that the compensation for property & improvents in the ceded lands. They then required us to sign an instrument in the following terms. --- Washington Jan'y 24th, 1826 The undersigned Friends & Followers of the late Gen'l William McIntosh having red (sp) to them a Treaty concluded this day between James Barbour Secretary of war & the Delagation now in Washington, from the Creek Nation hereby subscribe their assent to such articles in said Treaty so far as they are interested. We refused this and the conference was broken up, they declaired that it was immaterial whether they (we) signed it or not -- We declined signing it, first because we believe it made us to declair that our great Chief & our other Chiefs had acted without authority in signing the Treaty of Indian Springs -- and second because the compensation for property & improvements was limited, to such as was in the ceded lands. No consideration will tempt us to degrade the memory of our great Chief nor to empeach the rightful acts of those who survived and our claim to compensation in our property is we think, not to be denied on principal of Justice -- Our Interpreter Hawkins at the close of the above conference took the paper they required us to sign - and on the way down to our logings told Gov. Cass that he had taken it to interpret to the Chiefs of the Delegation, which Gov. Cass said he might do, but told him not to show it to any body else -- It was for this purpose & this only that the paper was taken by Hawkins -- for we could not think of signing such a paper, aney more than we could recouncile it to our feelings to take by the hands the murderers of our Chief as they proposed to us -- We will add a single remark -- Col. McKenney addressed us simply as representatives of the friends & followers of the late General William McIntosh & speaks of our adversaries as "The Delagation of the Creek Nation". Now we think it necessary to distinctly say to you, that we are not mearly the Friends and Followers of Gen'l McIntosh, but that we are & have been for many years acknowledged Chiefs of the Creek Nation, and that we have not, nor have those whom we represent delagated any power to those whom he has distinguished as the Delagation of the Creek Nation. -- Witness We remain your John P. Denney Friends & Brothers Secretary to the McIntosh Party Chilly McIntosh Rowley X McIntosh Hathla Marta X Tustanuggee Ben X Derrozow Okin Occ a chee X Emartla Ni hi o hadu X Coweta Arreb ca X Tustanuggee Husput X Harjo Aleck X Lassley Benjamin Hawkins Interpreter ****************** Council House August 5th 1827 To The Honorable James Barbour Secretary of War Sir We have met Co. Brearley the agent of Indian Affairs for the Emigrating Party of Creek Indians. We have heard his talk and we are much pleased of the discription he has given us of our intended location over the mighty river & we are willing to go, but there are obstacles almost insurmountable throne in our way. We have run into debt & that no small amount, for necessaries which we were compelled to have. We cannot emigrate unless those debts are paid, & we think our Father the President has it fully in his power to assist his red brethern in the discharge of these debts. The Treaty of Washington we have been told & indeed we have always understood, that if there were three thousand of us to emigrate we were to receive the sum of one hundred thousand dollars on our arrival at our please (sp) of location, be lest in proportion to imigrants. Now Sir we are aware at least we believe, that there will not be as many as three thousand of us that will imigrate immediately, and we think it will make no difference with our Father the President to advance us the money that we are to receive on our arrival or some part thereof to discharge our just debts, if our Father will & we think he can, we will be ready to emigrate, but if he does not advance it to us we cannot removed. We owe just debts & we will not go away with not paying them. We have requested our agent to report to you moore minetely then we can our situation & circumstances. We are to meet at the Creek Agency the 15th September to enroll our names, as the emigrating Party and if our debts were paid we would be willing and ready to remove immediately. We trust and hope that our Father will comply with this our request. We also farther request our Father that appoint some proper & discreet person to assest the value of our improvement & pay us over the money immediately. We als further beg our Father the President that appoint John Grace a depudy agent for Indian affairs for the immigrating Party. The honor the indegrity and talent of John Grace in an officer we recommend that the said Grace be appointed a depudy agent for Indian affairs for the immigrating Party. We are respectfully yours Rowly McIntosh Tulsa X Harjo Chilly X McIntosh Has par toc X Harjo Arp if lar X Tustonuggee - Speaker Benjamin Derrisaw Holboboy ar X Tustanuggee Ishococa X Emarthla Conif X marthla War har locca X Harjo Benjamin Hawkins Interpreter ****************** I the undersigned of part Indian Blood, do certify that I was personaly present at my Father's Camp near Line Creek, then on our way to Arkansas - when an Indian Chief called Tuskeenhaw came there and used insulting languige to the family on account of our going to Emigrate - he said for a trifle he would cut our throats -- I not well understand the Indian languige - but what he stated was then interped by my brother and another Indian - who did understand him well - May 1st 1828 his Witness John X Berryhill John Reed mark ************ I the undersigned Indian of half blood do Certify that I was personaly present at the time when William I Wills and myself was at my mothers near Line Creek when two Indian Chiefs Tuskeenau and Jim Boy came there and in a very insulting manner talked about and objected to the Emigration -- and Tuskeenau drew a sword out of a cane and pointed it at Wills and signified he would kill him and at an other time and previous - the said two Chiefs was at this other hous the said I was rong for going and that I ought not to go and ordered me out of the hous - and used languge extreamly insulting - I can speak English and Indian and understand them well. I fully believe there hole objection was becaus we were about to Emigrate -- May 18th, 1828 John Reed ************** (On the way west, the Chilly Mcintosh Party stopped at Tuscumbia Alabama) "On our way to our location west of the mighty river -- passed through many villages, and arrived at Tuscumbia, where we camped for a few days, intending to take boats down the waters of the Tennessee, and so on to the Mighty River. Here we have remained several days, and have received all kind of hospitality and good treatment. The citizens of Tuscumbia have treated us like brothers and our old helpless women were furnished by the good women of the town with clothing. On Tuesday the 29th of November (1827) the Law of our Great Father above was explained to us; and our people were glad to hear it. As long as our nation remains upon the earth, we will recollect Tuscumbia." -- Chilly McIntosh ************** Western Creek Nation March 7th 1829 To Dear Father The President We the Chiefs Head men and Warriors of the Creek Nation now in Council assembled -- Petition the President of the United States to take into consideration the complaints which we lay before you - against Col. Brearley U.States Agent for the Creek Nation - It is with reluctance that we complain - and nothing but necessity - and repeated injustice compel us - we have been deceived by the Government - things which were promised to us are now denied us - We under stood by the Treaty that we were to receive on our arrival in the Territory of Arkansas at our place of residence Thirty dollars a head - beaver traps - guns - Brass Kittles - butcher knives and blanketts - and many others not paid for improvements - Col Brearley promised us - that fifty days after his departure from this place the money should be paid - his son and Capt. Thomas Anthony now acting as Sub Agent - were the two appointed to pay us at the expiration of the fifty days - we attended at the Agency for the purpose of receiving our money but we were disappointed - and received for answer that no instructions nor money had been left - by the Agent - We have lost all confidence in Col Brearley and we regard him no more as our Agent - We sincerely hope that our Father the President will send us a man - in whom we can place confidence - and who will do us justice - we will rely upon him as the choice he may make -- Father, you are well aware that the laws prohibit men who are in the employ of the government from speculating in any manner whatsoever -- Co. Brearley seems to put your laws to defyance - for he has to our knowledge purchased all the cattle and hogs - in the country - and he has sold and continues to sell to the Indians at a very extravagant advance - flour at (which we believe he received from the Asst. Com. of Subsistance at Cantonment Gibson) ten dollars pr. pound - also spiritious liquors - which are most strictly prohibited by the laws --- The first party that came were well furnished with beef & pork - this year Col Brearley has taken the contract - the contract was not let out as is generally done to the lowest bidder - but was taken by Col Brearley at three & half cents for beef - when there were persons offering to furnish us at two & two half cents per pound - Col Brearley having taken the contract and giving instructions to his son - to take out all the lard - and after selecting all the choice pieces for his own use the balance are issued to us - the lard taken from the hogs afterwards were sold to us for ten cents per pound -- Col Brearley never attends our Councils to advise us - We frequently called upon him - but generally found him intoxicated - so that no satisfaction could be obtained for the business which caused our visit - his Sub Agent Capt Anthony is far worse than himself - so as to render him totally unfit for business of any kinds - We could say much more about this Gentleman but we regard it as a loss of time -- Father we could say much more but we will trouble you no longer with our complaints - and we rest satisfied that you will pity our situation - that you will have justice done us for justice only we demand - We have to call your attention again on a subject which we can not pass over in silence --- The Emigration will certainly cease from the Old Nation should the news of the imposition practiced upon us reach their Ears - and the ill treatment which we received - the party that came by water came as far as Fort Smith and the boat there stopped and a great portion of their property was left and destroyed --- Col Brearley said he had got the people at their place of residence and they might get their property as they could. --- Accept Father the sincere wishes of your children for your health and prosperity --- We the undersigned do witness 1. Rolly McIntosh X the thru first and fifth 2. Chilley McIntosh X signatures to this paper. 3. Fosh at chee X Micco William X Miller Cantonment Gibson 5. Micco X Charta 9th March 1829 Benj'in X Deresaw Hothopay an X Tustonuggee N.G. Wilkenson Hothe marta X Tustonuggee Capt. 7th Infy Warhar thocco X haujo Concharta X John Stewart Samuel Miller Capt. 7th Infy Cowocco ochee X Emartha Cosar X opoie E.P. Hawkins Ar tus X opoie Lt. 7th Infy Ar pif har X tustonuggee John Randal Th. Johnston George Colbert Lt. 7th Infy Charles Miller Tho cho X Haujo Nebar X thocco E marthlo Hutkey O chun Yarholar Mosses Perryman Witnesses Sam'l Sells James Parker David McKillop John Berryhill Sr. Sam'l Hopwood Thos Posey John Berryhill Jr Andrew Berryhill Dan'l Christin Aleck Berryhill Sam'l Berryhill Edward Coulter William Berryhill Jas Edwards John Porter P.D. Austin Rich'd Robertson Edward Bradley Pleasant Berryhill Wm. I Wills Ben' j Lott Benj'n McGaha David Colvin Wm G. Jacobs John Self Jno Reed Baxter Self Jno Berryhill Stephen Hawkins ************ Western Creek Agency March 23'd 1829 Sir: At the request of the Officers of Cantonment Gibson I beg have to state they wish it to be distinctly understood by the President of the United States that they were only witnesses to the acknowledgement of the signatures of the Creek Indians who signed the Memorial respecting their grievances; as & also to disavow any participations, approval or belief that their charges and speculations are correct; they disapproved of the charges but could not refuse to sign as witnesses to the signatures -- Whereas Mr. Lott, old Sam'l Berryhill and many others refused to sign - old John Berryhill opposed the Memorial in Council but was forced to sign by the Chiefs -- The Steamboat Facility, Capt Pennanette arrived here three days since and is now aground at the Mouth of the Grand River where she will probably remain for some time. She has about 15 tons of freight (furs) on board belonging to Col Chouteau who is going down on ______ to New Orleans -- Lt. Dawson was married to Miss Baylor on Tuesday night last and she is still alive -- We have just finished the issue of Rations to the 6th of April - And I have the pleasure to say we are all in good health -- God bless you and may you prosper in all your arrangements. - To Col. D. Brearley Sincerely, your friend Thos. Anthony