Osage Nation, Oklahoma, Newspaper Article: The Osage Chief, Oct. 14th, 1904 Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sharon Hamilton sharkay@swbell.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Osage Chief Fairfax, Oklahoma Vol. 1 Friday, Oct. 14th, 1904 Front Page Local News …(additional untranscribed news here) Almo Ingraham and wife visited A. C. Hunsaker and family Sunday. W. F. Ballard and wife Started for St. Louis and the east Monday. A. C. Hunsaker moved his family to their new home in this city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vint of Kansas were visiting the Pontons the first of the week. Sol Smith's new residence in the west part of town is about ready for occupency. E. A. Bullock, wife and child of Ralston passed through here on their way to California Sunday. WANTED 50 men to cut wood on farm 2 ½ miles South of Fairfax. Wm. U. Bennett. Dr. Vadney has been on the pick list this week and has been confined to his room for several days. Midge Pohton went to Pawnee Monday where she will attend school this winter and take music lessons. At the close of business last Saturday night the Osage Bank at this place had cash on deposit $30,000. W. R. ?ewett of the big bend country was in town Wednesday and handed us the rocks on subscription. Hon. Jarome J. Crawford ex-governor of Kansas was the guest at our townsman L. A. Wismeyer over Sunday. The Fairfax Cash Store is the place to buy your silk braids and appliqué trimmings for your fall waists and dresses. Some of our boys made a hurry up trip to Ralston on a hand-car, last Friday night. Isn't it a little late in the season for snakes? …(additional untranscribed news here) S. B. Berry has begun the erection of a seven room dwelling. In addition to his present house this will make Mr. Berry a very convenient home for his large family, besides a valuable improvement to our little city. John Sherrell came into our office Monday somewhat elated over the fact that he had just shaved ex-governor Crawford of Kansas, who is on his way to Washington D. C. and had stopped off here to visit friends. Work on the new elevator progressing and the building about completed. The engine is set and the machinery just being put in place. A large corn crib is being built and the company will soon be ready to handle grain. Last week we got our dates mixed a little and said that Mrs. Tate and little daughter of Kaw City were here visiting Prof. Tate when in reality the kid was a boy. They all look alike to us in kilts, but we can tell em when they get a little bigger.