City Man Dies in Car Wreck - Oklahoma County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Marti 07 Feb 2010 Return to Oklahoma County Archives: ===================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ===================================================================== ::NOT LISTED Surnames: Howell Originally posted at: Daily Oklahoman, The Oklahoma City, Oklahoma May 6, 1934 City Man Dies In Car Wreck Wife's Leg Broken; Others, Injured in Accident Near Sapulpa. Having escaped injury when his own car overturned with seven passengers, Aaron Howell, Oklahoma City filling station employee, was killed and five others were injured Saturday night when another car crashed into a group standing near the Howell car. The Howell ear, carrying Mr. and Mrs. Howell. their 3-year-old son, Merl. Mrs. J. T. Breece and her son. Brooks, and Mr. and Mrs. Morey Williams. the last four said to live at Edmond, overturned about three miles west of Sapulpa when it ran off highway No. 66. _No one was injured. A few moments later, Claude Harmony and W. T. Woodruff Sapulpa printing plant owners, were pushing another car with Harmony's. As they passed the Howell group which had attracted several spectators. Harmony's car seemingly got out of control and ran into the crowd. Howell was killed. Mrs. Howell suffered a fractured right leg. Mrs. Eva Pruitt, Harvey A. Pruitt and Henry Cox, spectators, were injured. All the injured were taken to the Sapulpa hospital. None was believed in serious condition. Woodruff was injured slightly. The Howell child was bruised. Howell's wife said he was employed at a filling station near Tenth street and Masson boulevard. The Howell family address could not be learned. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Oklahoma County Archives: