Ottawa CO., OK. - Newspapers: Fairland Newsboy, Friday, Sept. 16, 1904 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Submitted by: Judy Michaels March 29, 2002 *********************************************************************** Fairland Newsboy Friday, Sept. 16, 1904 This and That Mrs. F.M. CONNER visited in Vinita, Saturday. Prof. HENDERSON orders the Newsboy to his home. Fred WARREN renews his faith in the Newsboy’s future. Rainey EVANS and Andy MILLER are new Newsboy readers. B.M. GOINS and family returned from Maysville, Ark., Sunday. Miss Fay MILLER visited Mrs. N.J. BRADLEY of Miami, the first of the week. Mrs. Belt RAINEY left for home in Tulsa, Saturday after a visit with friends in Fairland. Ott SMITH was up from Vinita Monday and before returning, enrolled for the Newsboy. Station Agen SWEENEY moved in the Marshal property on South Main street last week. Henry HICKOX orders the good little Newsboy to his cousin, E.L. HICKOX of Friendship, New York. R.L. ROGERS, Frank ATKINSON and Sam BARGER are subscribers to the Newsboy since last issue. Rev. DUNCAN will not preach here next Sunday as he will be engaged in a protracted meeting. P.W. HAMMONDSA has been confined to his room a good part of the past week with afflicted eyes. Ellsworth MOORE has accepted a position with Conner-Campbell Mercantile Co. and the duties of the post office now fall on CARRELL his one self. Pink WALKER, one of our prosperous farmers north of town, made a business trip to Seneca last Saturday. Wm. ANGEL of Ogeechee had six head of cattle killed by the cars last Saturday. That’s what we call a butcher strike. W.B. HAMILTON returned from the World’s Fair Saturday with an ugly eye and minus a hat. Explanations are in order. Mammy LANFORD, accompanied by J.D. CROCKETT and wife of Afton, visited W.O. LANFORD and wife at Parsons, Kas., Sunday last. Ed COWELS of near Echo was in town Saturday and enrolled for the Newsboy. Ed is erecting a new home on his allotment. Looks rather suspicious. Rev. Robt. SIMONS of Chetopa, Kas., preached at the Christian church last Sunday and Sunday night. Rev. HANER is in Marshfield, Mo., holding a revival. E.C. MALONE, who moved with his family to San Angelo, Tex., several months ago, returned last week to remain. Verily there is no place like the B.I.T. The Welch Star says: Miss Della JAMES of Fairland, was the guest of Mrs. E.N. WILLIAMSON Sunday, while enroute to the Banner school northeast of town where she will teach this winter. Dick CROZIER had business at Vinita yesterday. R.A. YOUNGER the photographer from Afton is here to remain until Tuesday Morning. Jas. SUMMERVILLE orders the Newsboy for himself and a copy to his brother at Chillicothe, Mo. I.W. YANCY and wife of Oklahoma, stopped off yesterday on their return from the World’s Fair, for a short visit. R.R. ROBERTS, another good farmer south of town, subscribes for the Newsboy this week. Out of the 49 grand and petit jurors drawn for the October term of court, Fairland gets 1, vis, Crawford CONNER, a petit juror. Ben CHANDLER of Ogeechee is a grand juror. G.W. ROUTH and family and Robt. ROBERTS left yesterday for Vale, Oregon, where they will make their home. Sorry to lose such good neighbors and citizens.