Ottawa Co., OK. Fairland News, ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. All rights reserved Submitted by: Judy Michaels *********************************************************************** Transcribed by Judy Michaels The Fairland News, Fairland, Ottawa County, Oklahoma. Friday, April 5, 1912 Ogeeche News Mrs. Walt WILMOTH is seriously sick. [Transcribers note: This is Eliza MATHIS WILMOTH] Mrs. A.B. WHIPKEY has been quite ill. Mrs. Jack ENGLAND has been quite poorly. Mrs. T.A. ELLIOTT’s brother is visiting her from Columbus, Kans. J.E. McFARLAND has lost four horses, and one of his best milk cows. Mr. And Mrs. Clyde HELM called on A.J. McFARLAND Sunday evening. Mr. And Mrs. R.L. ROGERS spent Sunday with J.L. ENGLAND and family. Miss Edith SKELTON has returned from Seligman, Mo., where she has been going to school. Quite a crowd gave Mrs. HELM a surprise birthday dinner last Sunday. They had a nice time. Local News Miss Nellie UMPHENOUR visited home folks near Afton over last Sunday. Mr. And D.W. VANN returned Tuesday morning from Kansas City, wheerre they had been to have a cork limb fitted for Mrs. VANN. Fernado BARRETT and wife came in last Wednesday from Merrian, Ill., to remain here while Mr. BARRETT erects Mr. WEIR'’ new building. He is a brother-in-law of Mr. WEIR. Miss Olive ROACH of Miami visited friends in Fairland over Sunday. Willy MELTON of Afton was up between trains last Tuesday morning. Mrs. D.W. FREEMAN returned last Friday night from her visit at Maysville, Ark. Mrs. Charley COOLEY came in last Sunday morning from her home at Merriam, Kas. Mrs. CAMPBELL came up from Vinita last Saturday to visit her son, Scotty, and family. Mrs. Dr. CLARK and little son came in Monday evening to make their abode in Fairland. Henry HICKOX returned last Saturday from Kansas City, where he had been for some time taking medical treatment. He looked much better on his return. S.V. ROBERTS returned last Saturday from Virginia, where he had been for the past six months. Like everybody else, he couldn’t stay away from good old Fairland. Howell RITTER left yesterday for Bartiesville. Miss Kathleen LINCOLN is home from Springfield this week visiting her friends. Col. BUSH returned from his trip to Kentucky, Wednesday, looking hale and hearty. Mrs. J.J. McKINNIE, of Whitesville, Tenn. Came in yesterday to visit her daughter, Mr. Rev. DAVIS. [don’t know which part of this is wrong] Mrs. Susie LEWIS returned to her home at Ramonia yesterday after a visit with her father, Dr. BYRD. Her sister, Miss Anna BYRD accompanied her home for a visit. C.A. RUBIN of Route 1 is a new name to go on our books this week. Mrs. Anna MORLAND went to Miami this morning to see her daughter. Mrs. R.M. PAGE and babies went to Seneca, Wednesday, to visit friends. W.H. NUNAMAKER and wife returned Tuesday from Neosho, where they had been to visit Mr. NUNAMAKER’s sisters, Mrs. BODKIN and family.