Fairland News, Friday, June 9, 1911 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ All rights reserved Submitted by: Judy Michaels *********************************************************************** Transcribed by Judy Michaels Fairland News, Fairland, Ottawa County, Oklahoma, Friday, June 9, 1911 BIRTHS It’s a great big girl baby that recently made its appearance at the home of Wm. ROBERTSON south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Y.E. McCLENDON are now papa and mamma. It’s a girl. WHO WOULDN’T BE PROUD Uncle Harve WESTON is one of the proudest men in the country and thereby hangs a tale. Last Saturday he came to town, driving his mules to his rickety old buggy. He tied up at his favorite post and went into a store to sell his butter and eggs. While he was doing his shopping some of his friends passed the hat and did a little soliciting on the streets and a new $90 buggy was purchased, rolled out and hitched up, and the old one removed. Imagine his surprise when he came out to get in. Then came a mixture of smiles, grins, tears and a feeble attempt at works. But its all right Uncle Harve. We’ve said it, time and again, and we still say it, we’ve got the best people in and around Fairland of any place on earth. Won’t you agree with us. ODD FELLOWS ELECT The Odd Fellows held their semi-annual election last Saturday night resulting as follows: H.T. CHASTAIN, N.G; G.C. GOODMAN, V.G; C.L. JONES, Sec; R.M. HALE, Trustee. COUNTY NORMAL IN SESSION The Ottawa County Normal Insitute opened here last Monday morning as announced in the News. county Sup’t. J.T. DAVIS, Prof. M.R. FLOYD and Miss Hazel MASON, of Miami, Prof. W.G. MASTERSON, of Vinita, and Prof. C.W. PRIER, of Fairland, constitute the faculty. The enrollment was not what was expected, nor is it what it should be if all the schools in the county get teachers this year. Only forty some odd have so far enrolled, which is not enough to supply the schools of the county if all were to teach, and there are some attending who do not expect to teach…………….. Most of the students are young and full of ambition and much good results are expected. The following is the enrollment to date: Gertrude ABBOTT, Cecil BOONE, Jessie CROCKETT, Sybil CONNOLLY, F.I. CRAI, Garland DUMMIT, Gertrude DOWTY, Lee DAVIS, Lisle DUMAS, Elizabeth FEHRENBACK, W.C. FLEMING, Luln HUTCHICON, Francis HALL, Della JAMES, Goldey JAMES, Sarah KELSEY, Clara KELSEY, C.E. LUNDY, Mae LOWE, Georgia McBRIAN, Anna MARTIN, Audrey MONTGOMERY, Eulah MAY, J.C. NOAH, Zola NEWPORT, R.A. PAYTON, Nellie RYCROFT, Karl SWEENA, Lovaine SCHENCK, Flora SHYROCK, Mary TUTHILL, Edna WILLIAMS, Theadore WHITE, Elsie WAGNER, Cora WORLEY, Sarah YOST. LOCAL NEWS M.T. MABREY had business at Miami, Monday. A.F. BABB of Route 2, is a new reader of the News. Sam BARGER, north of town is new subscriber to the little home paper. I.W. TESTERMAN and Barney SUTTON were Vinita visitors last Friday. W.J. THOMAS returned Saturday from a visit to Sarcoxie, Mo. Fred MILBOURN is erecting him a nice home in the east part of town. Miss Cladys CROCKETT returned Saturday from her visit near Seneca. Miss Dollie MILBOURN has been quite ill, but is now reported to be recovering nicely. R.M. FINKE was called to Miami the latter part of last week on account of the illness of his wife. Mrs. TESTERMAN went to Vinita the latter part of last week and brought her mother home with her. Grandma is in very poor health. Jerry NOEGAL had another runaway last Tuesday. He was bringing his binder to town to have some repairs made, and when inside the city limits his mules became frightened and came dashing into town at a faster rate of speed than Jerry likes to travel. They were stopped just as they reached Main street with Mr. NOEGAL swinging to the lines like a bull dog. Tom MABREY has bought himself a dandy automobile, the best that has ever struck the town. He is fast learning to "chaufer" and bids fair to become an expert. But, Tom, do be careful. HUDSON CREEK Harry FOLLIS is on the sick list. Coach EDENS visited home folks Sunday. Jesse HUDSON and family have the small pox. Frank and Julia ATCHINSON visited at Mr. EDENS Sunday. Louise JAMES visited her Aunt Mrs. JAMES Sunday and Monday. C. CONNER and family and Lee JAMES and wife spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N.C. JAMES