News articles: John A. Hunt, Deputy U.S. Marshal - Pittsburg County, Oklahoma Submitted by: William A. Hunt 19 Nov 2006 Return to Pittsburg County Archives: ========================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ========================================================================== The Hartshorne Sun, Thursday, November 1, 1906. "Bearing Fruit. "U.S. Marshal Pritchard and Deputies John Hunt and Crockett Lee swooped down upon some gamers in Hartshorne Saturday night, and made several arrests. "We don't know whether the Sun's crusade on gambling dens has had any effect or not but we not with pleasure that one resort has been disturbed, and the efforts of the officers to rid the community of all such will meet the unqualified endorsement of all good people people who desire to rear their families in a pure and wholesome atmosphere uncontaminated by questionable resorts." [Also] "The marshal force including John A. Hunt swooped down upon a hilarious crowd of whiskey-soaked galoots at a Polish wedding Sunday night and ran in a number of them." ========= The Hartshorne Sun, Thursday, November 29, 1906. "A Suspicious Character. "Deputy John Hunt arrested a suspicious character in Haileyville Saturday last and lodged him in jail at South McAlester. The man gave his name a Jim Lewis, and said he had been working with a grading outfit near Caney. He had on his person a .45 Colt revolver, No. 186,858, a box of dynamite caps, and a set of burglar keys. "He was arraigned before the U.S. Commissioner and his fine fixed at $100 and cost, in default of which he was lodged in jail." ========= The Hartshorne Sun, Thursday, January 3, 1907. "Deputy John Hunt arrested a Mexican in Wilburton the other day who is wanted for burglarizing Simpson & Wood's store in Alderson about a year ago." ========= The Hartshorne Sun, Thursday, June 6, 1907. "A Negro Killed. "Nathan Johnson Shoots Tom McKee With a Winchester. "Deputy U.S. Marshal John A. Hunt brought in from Gowen Sunday, Nathan Johnson charged with the killing of Tom McKee, which occurred at Gowen Saturday evening, a Winchester being used to ensure a good job. "The difficulty grew out of an old grudge, so the story goes, and concluding to permanently settle the affair, Johnson is said to have taken his Winchester and gone over to McKee's and shot him dead. "Johnson intended to make his getaway, but Deputy Hunt made the Negro's wife a talk telling her that if the killing was justifiable the chances are he would come clear; that it would be better for him to stand a trial than to be dodging the officers and finally be caught. "So it was not long till the Negro came in from the brush and surrendered and Hunt took him to McAlester and lodged him in jail. "McKee was an old resident of this section and is said to have preached the gospel as a blind while he peddled booze by the wholesale." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Pittsburg County Archives: