Obit of Baker, Ruby - Roger Mills County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Wanda Purcell 04 Feb 2007 Return to Roger Mills County Archives: ===================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ===================================================================== ::White Rose Cemetery--Reydon OK Surnames: Baker, Purcell, Conrad, Hooper, Devinne, Simpson, Estes, Swopes, Loskoski Originally posted at: The remains of Mrs. James M. Baker of Colorado, were sent to Reydon last week for interment in White Rose Cemetery, Reydon, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma. Mrs. Baker was the mother of Mrs. J.B. Purcell of this community, and was a pioneer of the Rankin district from 1902 until 1919. After the death of her husband she made her home with her daughter Mrs. Kitty Purcell until 1942 when she went to Colorado to live with her children there, Mrs. Georgia Conrad, of Lampaco and a son Sidney Baker of Maywood, California. She leaves fourteen grandchildren, and nineteen great grandchildren, one sister Mrs. Nettie Loskoski, San Diego, California. Mrs. Baker was born in Havana, Ill., 81 years and 8 months ago. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hooper of Frederick; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Devinne and Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Simpson and daughter of Woodward were here last week to attend the funeral service of their grandmother, Mrs. James M. Baker. Other granddaughters were Mrs. Eugene Estes and family and Mrs. Jack Swopes and son, Rev. Chas. Simpson delivered the funeral address, assisted by Rev. H. Woodward. Sayre Daily Headlight Journal, Sayre, OK 17-May-1946 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Roger Mills Archives