Obit of Brown, David L. - Roger Mills County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Wanda Purcell 30 Oct 2005 Return to Roger Mills County Archives: ========================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ========================================================================== Surnames: Brown, Russell Originally posted at: Preceded by the American Legion and men of the armed forces, friends and neighbors assembled in the Baptist church Sunday afternoon to pay tribute to the memory of Captain David L. Brown, as a squadron of army planes flew directly over the church. Inside, the front of the church was lined with flowers given by friends as an expression of appreciation for the service Captain Brown, who was killed in India November 29, 1944 had rendered to his country. Mrs. L.L. Males played strains from the "Army Air Song", after which Rev. R.O. Stewart led in prayer. A vocal selection was given by a quartette, followed by a reading by Mrs. Vesta Vessels, principal of the Cheyenne high school, and principal when David "Buddy" Brown graduated from this school in 1933. Mrs. Geraldine Dearing, a member of the Class of 1933 lighted a candle and presented a potted plant in memory of a fellow classmate. R.C. Outhier, County Agent, and county agent when Buddy Brown was employed in the office, gave a summary of Buddy's life and paid a fitting tribute to him. Rev. Lancaster, pastor of the Baptist church gave the memorial address citing the fact that Capt. Brown had been awarded the air medal with clusters, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Silver Star for meritorious service. Rev. Lassiter stated that the memorial was also an appreciation of the service the men of this country are rendering in the name of peace and freedom. Following the closing prayer by Redv. C.E. Cotton, the sounding of taps by K.W. Ballard, ended the service. Captain David L. Brown, reported by the War Department as killed in India where he piloted a B-24 Liberator and was serving as squadron commander, is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Brown, one brother, Donald Brown, of Cheyenne, and one sister, Mrs. Lyn Russell of Sapulpa, Oklaholma. Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK 16-Dec-1944 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Roger Mills Archives