Obit of Churchill, Fred R. (c624) - Roger Mills County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Wanda Purcell 24 Apr 2002 Return to Roger Mills Archives: ========================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ========================================================================== Surnames: Churchill, Newby, Daniels, Lutz, McCurdy, Fay In the death of Fred R. Churchill, Roger Mills County saw one of its pioneers pass on. Fred Churchill was born at Garden Prairie, Iowa on April 16, 1875. He died in the Cheyenne hospital on February 29, 1956. Survivvors include two daughters, two sons, one step-daughter, one step- son, a brother and a sister. The daughters are Juanita Newby of Watsonville, California and Freda Mae Daniels of Reydon. The sons are Melvin of Rosamond, California, and Sylvester of Grimes. The stepchildren are Lucille Lutz of Rosamond, California and Wallace McCurdy of Clinton, Oklahoma. A brother, Vernon Churchill, resides at Durham and the sister, Mrs. Pearl Fay, lives in Sonora, California. Fourteen grandchildren also survive. Mr. Churchill had been a member of the Baptist church for many years. Funeral services were conducted in the Durham school auditorium with Rev. Sanford Cole and Harold Knight in charge. Burial was in the Fairview cemetery, Durham, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma under the direction of the Scroggins Funeral Home, Cheyenne. Fred Churchill came to the Durham community with his parents in 1892 and had resided in that community since that time. In the early days he was associated with his brother-in-law Bert Fay, in ranching business througout his entire life. Fred Churchill carried with him the characteristics of the pioneer, sturdy, genteel, and a willingness to endure any hardships for those whom he loved. Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Roger Mills Archives