Obit of Morris, Walter G. - Roger Mills County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Wanda Purcell 28 Jan 2005 Return to Roger Mills County Archives: ========================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ========================================================================== Surnames: Morris, Sesse Originally posted at: Walter G. Morris was born in Swindon, England, March 2, 1852 ansd died at his residence in Cheyenne, O.T. February 6, 1905, aged 52 years, 9 months and four days. Mr. Morris came to this country in 1872 and worked at his trade in New York for several years, coming west in 1884. He was married to Miss Georgie Sesse, May 9, 1892 and during the year 1893 located at Cheyenne, where he engaged in the newspaper business, as manager of the Cheyenne Sunbeam. He purchased the Sunbeam shortly after taking charge of the same as manager and was editor and publisher of the paper until ther year of 1903, when he disposed of the plant to the preseant proprietor on account of ill health. Mr. Morris was well and favorably known to all the old residents of this county, and had the respect and esteem of all Honorablle and upright in all his dealings, generous to a fault, energetic and enterprising, he was one of the men who did much to make western Oklahoma the empire of the west. Mr. Morris had been in feeble health for the past two years, but bore his suffering with fortitude and resignation. He leaves a wife and four small children, besides a host of friends to mourn his loss. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon and the remains were interred in the Cheyenne Cemetery. ========= CARD OF THANKS I desire publicly and most profoundly to thank the friends who aided us in our recent bereavement. Every assistance and consideration which ready hands and sympathetic hearts could render was freely and abundaazntly given. For all this and for numberless words and actions expressing sympathy for us in our great sorrow, my gratifude overflows in depth too great for expression. Georgia Morris Cheyenne Sunbeam Feb-1905 ========= Originally posted at: On Monday morning, February 6, 1905, Walter G. Morris passed away. He had been sick for a number of years of pulimonary tubercculosis and many sharp attack had threatened his life. He was taken severly worse last week but partially rallied Sunday night rapidly progressed to disolution about 11 o'clock Monday morning. Impressive funeral services were held at the Methodist church Tuesday, after which he was buried at the Cheyenne Cemetery. He was born in Swindon, England, fifty-three years ago. He came to this country in 1872 and entered his trade, that of a printer, in New York where he labored a good many years. He came west in 1884 settling in Mobeetie, Texas from which place he came to Cheyenne in 1893. He has lived here since, owning and operating the Sunbeam until some eighteen months ago, when he retired on account of ill health. He marrried in 1892 to Miss Georgie Sesse whom he leaves a widow with five little boys. He was open and above board in life and character, subtiely and subterfuge finding no place in his thoughts or actions. The strictest and straightest integrity marked his dealings and his relations to affair and to men, and he had no sympathy and little patience with emntal or moral littleness or with personal or practical dishonesty. He was a man of much dignity and self poise. Reserved in his vearing his intimates were never numerous, considering the extent of his acquaintance; but those who knew him best and most intimately were his sincerest and most loyal friends. He was careful and systematic in his business. This characterist he preserved to the end, having made his will and wound up his business a few hours before his death. He lived his wife without tumoil and finished his course without excitement. Calm, careful, peaceful, patiewnt he lived and with equal evenness of demeanor he faced the grim messenger of death. He accepted the fortunes of life without elation and its misfortunes without repining, and with equal philosophy with the sme equanimity, he surrendered life's burdens and lay down to rest. The Sunbeam mourns the loss of him as its father. His was the brain and muscle to nurse and nuture the Sunbeam through many years of adversity and he live d to lean upon it in the days of prosperity. The town of Cheyenne mourns for an honored citizen. Through good and evil report he stood firmly for his town, holding her up with dignity and firmness in all her trials. The courty mourns a broad-minded citizen, who was constant and true to every duty of his citizenship as he saw it and who was faithful and efficient to the extent of his ability to every true reposed in him. The sympathy of the entire community is with the bevereaved. May they, and all of us, bear with patience the weight of affiction which life is sure to lay upon every heart; and pray memory always delight to keep green the virtues of him who surrendered without flinching to the dread summons of death and who in every relation earned the applause of "well done". Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK Feb-1905 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Roger Mills Archives