Obit of Taylor, Stella Lee Killough - Roger Mills County, Oklahoma Submitted by: Wanda Purcell 19 Jun 2005 Return to Roger Mills County Archives: ========================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ========================================================================== Surnames: Taylor, Reynolds, Young, Lanferman, Killough, Turley Originally Posted At: Mrs. Taylor is Killed in Auto Accident. Mrs. J.E. Taylor Died as Result of Injuries Received in Automobile Accident Last Thursday TWO AUTOS RUN TOGETHER Mrs. Ed. Lanferman Seriously Injured. Ed Lanferman Injured And Two Others Critically Injured Mrs. J.E., Taylor, wife of the county assessor of Roger Mills county, died last Thursday morning, from injuries received that morning when the automobile in which she was riding was struck from the side by another automobile. Mrs. Taylor with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Lanferman, were riding in an auto being driven by Ed Lanferman south on the U.S. 283 detour, when a car headed east on State Highway 73 struck Ed Lanferman's car, The accident occured at the intersection of the detour of 283 with highway 73. There are no markers on the detour to indicate the intersection with another highway. Mrs. Taylor died shortly after she reached Sayre where an ambulance took the injured ones. The driver of he second car in the accident in the accident was L.O. Reynolds of Spavinaw, Okllahoma and riding with him was his sister, Mrs. G.M. Young of Oklahoma City. Both were injured by receiving bone fractures, although their injuries are not considered serious, according to reports. They were taken to an Oklahoma City hospital late Thursday. Mrs. Ed Lanferman is reported to be recovering from injuries she received in the accident. She is in the Sayre hospital. The extent of her injuries have not been definitely determined. Mr. Lanferman suffered a number of broken ribs and severe bruises. Funeral services for Mrs. J.E. Taylor were held last Friday afternoon in the Church of Christ church in Cheyenne with Evangelist L.D. Cummings of Panhandle, Texas, conducting the services, assisted by Rev. Gilpatrick of Sayre. Stella Lee Killough was born on January 10, 1877, near Quitman, Texas. With her family she moved to the plains country when a small child, where she lived and grew to womanhood nedar Hereford, Texas. She was married to J.E. Taylor November 19, 1895 and moved soon after their marriage to Roger Mills County where they have made their home these many years. Four children were born to this union. They are: Mrs. Mary Lanferman, Mrs. Virginia Turley, Earnest Taylor and Perry Taylor, all of Cheyenne. She is also survived by her husband, J.E. Taylor; one brother, Joe killough, Amarillo, Texas; two sisters, Miss Ann Killough and her twin sister, Mrs. Della Taylor, both of Kikland, Texas. Mrs. Taylor was converted and joined to Church of Christ about 25 years ago. She has remained a loyal member until her passing. She was a devoted wife and a loving mother. Interment in Cheyenne Cemetery, Cheyenne, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma. Cheyenne Star, Cheyenne, OK 27-Jun-1940 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Roger Mills Archives