Bios.Tulsa,OK DICKERSON, William O. ======================================================================= USGenWeb NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free Information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ====================================================================== Posted by Earline Sparks Barger on Mon, 26 Oct 1998 Surname: DICKERSON, PROVANCE, YOUNKMAN WILLIAM O. DICKERSON Vol. 3, p. 1189-1190 William O. Dickerson has, during the past ten years, been associated with very many of the largest and most important real estate transactions at Tulsa. That he has attained more than usual success and demonstrated marked ability in this field is seemingly a refutation of the old adage that "the shoemaker should stick to his last," for his inclinations' as a youth led him to a widely different channel of activity. At the present time he devotes himself to transactions in real estate and oil properties, and his great capability and thorough knowledge of values, render him a valued medium for the successful carrying through of real estate deals. Mr. Dickerson was born in Russell County, Virginia, July 8, 1876, the seventh in order of birth of the nine sons of Oscar F. and Mollie Elizabeth (PROVANCE) Dickerson. He belongs to an old American family, which was founded in this country as early as 1630 by the original emigrant from England, and the title to the old family during the settlement of the colony, by the Colonial Government. Oscar F. Dickerson was born on the family estate in the Old Dominion, in 1848, and was reared to agricultural pursuits. He came West in 1888, on November 7th of which year he located at Wichita, Kansas, residing there two years and then moving to Grayson County, Texas, where he engaged in a variety of pursuits, including farming, the raising of cattle and the operation of a cotton gin. Mrs. Dickerson, who was born in Dandridge, Tennessee, died in 1900 at the age of fifty-two years, and at that time Mr. Dickerson began to make his home with his sons, with whom he lived until his death in 1910, when sixty-two years of age. Of the nine sons of the family, eight are still living. Mr. Dickerson was a democrat, but while he took an active interest in the success of his party was not an office-seeker. William O. Dickerson was educated in the public schools of Virginia, Kansas and Texas, and entered upon his career as a clerk in the store of F. R. Phillips, at Leigh, Texas, of which his brother, C. H. Dickerson, was manager. He continued thus engaged until 1904, at which time he became manager of the United States Government's Philippine exhibit, at the St. Louis Exposition, continuing in charge thereof for eight months. Subsequently he was connected with the Bank of Commerce, at Haileyville, Indian Territory, but in 1905 resigned this position to come to Tulsa and engage in the real estate and oil business, in which he has continued to the present, now having offices at No. 221 Iowa Building. Mr. Dickerson has achieved such a thorough knowledge of and proficiency in all points regarding business, that although still a young man he is generally considered an especially sound authority on real estate and oil matters. He is a democrat, although not a politician, and fraternally is affiliated with Tulsa Lodge No. 71, A.F. & A. M. While a resident of Texas, May 26, 1899, Mr. Dickerson was married to Miss Stella M. YOUNKMAN, who was born in Kansas, and to this union there have been born three sons and one daughter, namely: Harvard Glenn, David Edward, Mattie Elizabeth and Robert L. Transcribed by: Earline Sparks Barger, October 22, 1998