Estate of Littleton Berryhill, Tulsa Co. OK Submitted by David Morgan ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Following is a copy of the settlement of Littleton Berryhill's estate. I have deleted two paragraphs as they are repetitive: ESTATE OF LITTLETON BERRYHILL State of Oklahoma Tulsa County In the County Court in and for said County and State In the matter of the estate of Littleton Berryhill - Deceased Journal Entry and Decree Now on this 26th day of May 1909 the matter of the settlement and final account of WILLIAM W. DYMOND, former administrator of the estate of LITTLETON BERRYHILL, deceased, came on to be heard before the Honorable N. Gubser, Judge of County Court of Tulsa County, Oklahoma. William Dymond, former administrator appeared in person and by his attorneys, Mars and Mars, for himself as former administrator, and for ROBY B. BERRYHILL, as guardian, she being a minor and one of the heirs to said estate, and ADA GLENN appeared by her attorneys, Mars and Mars, she being a(n) heir to said estate; also THOMAS H. BERRYHILL, as administrator of the said estate representing himself and all the other heirs to said estate in person and by his attorney, C. W. Butterworth. It appearing from the files in this court that theretofore to wit: - On the 23rd of March 1908, William W. Dymond, then acting administrator of the estate of Littleton Berryhill, deceased, had filed in this court his final and annual report and resignation as administrator which said report was taken up by the court and examined, item by item, and after hearing the oral evidence introduced --- sentence missing here ---, erased on the face of the same was allowed and approved by the court. Wherefore, it was ordered, adjudged and decreed by the court that Thomas H. Berryhill, present administrator of the estate of Littleton Berryhill, deceased, be and he is hereby directed to pay to William W. Dymond, the amount of thirty seven dollars ($37.00) necessary expenses incurred by him and cash paid out by him incident to the administrator of the said estate which said amount, the court is pleased to allow the said administrator, Thomas H. Berryhill, to be charged against the assets of the said estate, said William W. Dymond accepting in open court the satisfaction and payment of the said amount by said Thomas H. Berryhill. There-upon came on for hearing the final report of THOMAS H. BERRYHILL, as administrator of the estate of LITTLETON BERRYHILL, deceased, and the matter of distribution of the assets belonging to said estate as well as the determination of the heirs to said estate, and the court having heard testimony from witnesses produced in open court, the court is of the opinion, being fully advised in the premises, should be and is hereby approved. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the court that the final account and report of Thomas H. Berryhill, administrator of the said estate of Littleton Berryhill, deceased, filed in this estate in open court the 15th day of May 1909, he and the same is hereby approved and due and legal notice of hearing and examination of the said report having been published as by law in such cases made and provided, be and the same is hereby approved by the court:- And it is further appearing to the court from the evidence produced in open court that there are no debts or claims against said filed with said administrator for payment. And that said Littleton Berryhill, at the time of his death was a single and unmarried man; that he died without leaving a will or making any disposition of his estate which consists of one hundred sixty (160) acres of land to wit:- The South half (s 1/2) of the south west quarter (s w 1/4) and the south west 1/4 (s w 1/4) and lots five (5), six (6), seven (7), and eight (8) andwest half of south east quarter (s e 1/4) of section fourteen (14) township nineteen (19) north - range eleven (11) east, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, and it further appearing to the court that the heirs of the said Littleton Berryhill, at the time of his death consisted of the following persons:- FIRST, Roby Berryhill, Ada Glenn, Belle Smith, Lizzy Crosby, being the children of FRANK BERRYHILL, deceased brother of Littleton Berryhill, and were entitled to an one sixteenth (1/16) interest each, in said estate-- SECOND, THOMAS H. BERRYHILL, a brother and the administrator of the said estate and one fourth(1/4) undivided interest in the said estate -- THIRD, Mary L. Berryhill, as the widow of Theodore Berryhill, deceased, and Maggie Howard, Dora Dymond and Flora Dymond, surviving children of THEODORE BERRYHILL, deceased, were each entitled to a one sixteenth (1/16) undivided interest in said estate - as the heirs and widow of Theodore Berryhill, deceased, a brother of Littleton Berryhill, deceased -- FOURTH, That MARY ANN SNYDER as sister of Littleton Berryhill, deceased, was entitled to one-fourth (1/4) undivided interest in said estate and the court further finds from the evidence after full investigation had in open court upon due and legal notice, and proof of publication of the same for the purpose of making final settlement and distribution of the estate of Littleton Berryhill, by Thomas H. Berryhill, administrator that said Littleton Berryhill left, surviving him neither father or mother, nor widow, but one brother, THOMAS H. BERRYHILL and one sister, MARY ANN SNYDER and two deceased brothers, as above stated, FRANK BERRYHILL and THEODORE BERRYHILL, whose heirs, as set forth were entitle to take the shares of Frank Berryhill and Theodore Berryhill, deceased. And it further appearing to the court that Thomas H. Berryhill, by purchase became the owner of all the shares and interest of said estate, except shares of Roby B. Berryhill and Ada Glenn. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the court that the said Thomas H. Berryhill, administrator of Littleton Berryhill, deceased, be and he is hereby and ordered to make final distribution of any and all assets of the estate belonging to said estate, which may be in his hands or under his control, as such administrator. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by the court that the heirs and distributees interested or entitled to a share in said estate are as herein after set forth and specifically named. FIRST, Roby B. Berryhill and Ada Glenn as heirs and children of Frank Berryhill, deceased, are entitled, as their respective shares in said estate to an undivided one sixteenth (1/16) interest each and it further appearing to the court from the evidence that Thomas H. Berryhill, is owner of the shares of the other heirs, and distributees in said estate, and he is ordered, adjudged and decreed by the court to be entitled to seven eights (7/8) undivided interested of the said estate -- And it further appearing to the court that there is no personal property belonging to said estate and that there are no debts against estate, it is ordered, adjudged and decreed by the court that after payment of the cost due and approved in this case by Thomas H. Berryhill, administrator, of Littleton Berryhill, deceased, be and he is discharged from further liabilities and his bondsmen upon the bond as administrator hereby released from all liabilities as such and this estate, is, by the court declared to be fully administered. In witness whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal of Office this 26th day of May, 1909 at Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. (signed) N. J. Gubser County Judge This Creek Indian Land allotment of Littleton Berryhill was located near Sapulpa, Oklahoma. Littleton is buried in the Sapulpa Cemetery. --- The Story of John Berryhill and Elizabeth Derrisaw and Their Descendants This is an unpublished manuscript done by Thelma Nolen Cornfeld before her death in 1996. Her daughter Barbara gave me permission to put her research online. David Morgan