Washita Co., OK - Obits: Rev. James Estes ***************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Greg Moore USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ***************************************************** Rev. James Estes Buried Thurs. At Cordell, Okla Father of Local Pastor Pioneered In Church Work Death Came at Home of Daughter In Lubbock, Sept. 15, 1940 Seventy of his 91 years devoted to Texas Rev. Charles W. Estes returned Friday from Lubbock, and Cordell, Okla., where he was called by the death of his father, J. A. Estes, Thursday. James Andrew Estes, son of David and Polly Householder Estes was born near Knoxville, Tennessee September 11, 1849. At the age of five years his father died, and his mother with three children moved to Springfield, Missouri, where he grew to manhood. During his early teens he engaged in common labor and with others drove teams hauling freight from Rolla, Missouri to Springfield during the Civil War and much disturbance in that part of Missouri. He was present as a young man at the time a number of the noted outlaws were arrested and placed in prison. At the age of twenty-one, he came to Texas with a colony of people travelling in covered wagons, settling at Tehuacana, and shared in hauling the material to erect the old college buildings now standing, known as Tehuacana University of the Presbyterian Church, the beginning of the present Trinity University. He was married to Anna Mary Barron in the year 1872 in Hill County, Texas, and six children were born, two dying in youth and one son, Thomas David, accidentally killed while serving as an officer of the law at Coffeeville, Kansas in 1933. The three remaining children are; Rev. Charles W. Estes, Whitesboro, Texas, Arthur Haden Estes, Iowa Park, Texas, Mrs. Eva Mary Rice, Lubbock, Texas. His faithful companion, long time an invalid died August, 1885 in Hill County. He married to Mrs. Margaret Cunningham at Valley Mills, Texas, in 1888, and to this union three children were born; Rev. Samuel R. Estes, Wichita Falls, Texas, James Henry Estes, Chickasha, Oklahoma, and Rev. Howard Noble Estes, Plainview, Texas. This wife passed away December, 1939 at Cordell, Oklahoma. He leaves to mourn his departure the five sons and one daughter and step- daughter, Mrs. Olive Cunningham, Cordell, Oklahoma, also thirty-five grand children, and 37 great grand children, and one sister, Mrs. Sarah Gray, El Paso, Texas, age 95 years, and one half sister, Mrs. Jannie Conlon, Houston, Texas, with a host of other relatives in many parts. While yet a young man, he was converted and united with the Methodist Protestant Church, and spent many years as a licensed preacher. Through life he was active in church work in the old time camp meetings and known in many parts as an unusual Gospel singer. Wherever he lived, he always organized community Sunday Schools and encouraged church activities. He never sought to possess material things and never accumulated much of worldly goods, but surely he has much laid up in Heaven. In the year 1886, he moved to Meridian, Texas, and engaged in teaming and farming, and in the year 1906, located near Chickasha, Oklahoma. His family lineage extends to the direct descendant of Robert E. Lee through his grand mother, who was a niece of Lee. Her name was Lee. His life was one of devoutness, his home truly religious. He was ever faithful to God and the church. He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Eva M. Rice, Lubbock, Texas, September 18, 1940, at 91 years, one week. Burial was at Cordell, Okla., the following day. A large number of members of the family and friends gathered to pay respect to his long life. He leaves three sons now in the Gospel ministry and two grandsons candidates for the Gospel ministry. In each generation of his family at least one minister is named. Surely his name shall never fail.