Biography of Arthur W. Ellis, 1902, Baker Co. Oregon: Surnames: Ellis, Spaulding. ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access and not to be removed separately without written permission. ************************************************************************ Transcribed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: W. David Samuelsen - November 2001 ************************************************************************ An Illustrated History of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties, pub. 1902 by Western Historical Pub. Co. of Chicago. page 849 Arthur W. Ellis Among the wealthy and prominent business men of Sumpter must be numbered the public spirited citizen whose name appears as the caption of this review. Formerly owner of the entire town site, he still retains large interests in its real estate, while he also has some very valuable mining properties, and is principal owner in the Columbia Brewing and Malting Company of Sumpter. Inquiry into the antecedents and former life of Mr. Ellis develops the fact that he is a native of Michigan, born November 22, 1865. His mother died when he was but three years old, and at seventeen the hand of an assassin left him fatherless also. He was privileged to enjoy but meager educational advantages, and whatever intellectual discipline he has has been acquired in the large school of life, and in the hard, practical battles thereof. He was engaged in various enterprises in different states until 1894, when he came out to Sumpter and purchased the town site, also the Ellis placer mines. For a time he operated the latter, reaping a rich reward for his labor, then he leased them to other parties and gave his attention to the lumber business. In course of time he sold his mill to Stoddard & McEwen, afterward investing a portion of the proceeds in a half interest in J. B. Stoddard's plant. In the fall of 1899 he sold this also, and since that time he has devoted his attention mainly to his mining and real estate interests, though in the spring of 1900 he bought a share in the brewery, of which he became manager the ensuing fall. Mr. Ellis was active in incorporating the town of Sumpter, of which he has ever since been a councilman, and in many other ways he has manifested his interest in the promotion of the general welfare and the upbuilding of his section of the county. Fraternally our subject affiliates with the W. of W., the Red Men and the Elks. He was married in Baker City, December 31, 1894, the lady being Miss Maude Spaulding, and to their union three children have been born: George A., deceased; Madge E., and Edwin E.