Biography of C. M. Pearce, MD, 1902, Baker Co. Oregon: *********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Transcribed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: W. David Samuelsen - November 2001 ************************************************************************ An Illustrated History of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties, pub. 1902 by Western Historical Pub. Co. of Chicago. page 355 C. M. Pearce, M.D. Though a very young man, the subject of this review has already achieved much in the difficult profession he has chosen for his own, and he certainly gives great promise of becoming one of the leading physicians and surgeons in the west. A graduate of one of the most famous medical colleges in the United States, and gifted with great natural ability, he seems to have come int prominence all at once, without undergoing the novitiate so trying to young professional men, and already he and his partner are in possession of a large and lucrative practice. Dr. Pearce is a son of Thomas M. and Laura M. (Carter) Pearce, natives respectively of Iowa and Illinois, The father crossed the plains to the Willamette valley in 1850, and ten years he came to Clark's creek in eastern Oregon to engage in mining and in operating with a pack train between Umatilla Landing and Boise. The mother came with her parents via New York and Panama to California, and thence they removed to Oregon in 1861. In 1874 their marriage was solemnized, and on February 16, 1876, our subject was born. He received the advantages offered by the common schools of the county and by Baker City high school, and with this preparation entered Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia, from which he graduated in 1899. He then took a course in the Jefferson Medical College hospital and three months' training in the Philadelphia sanitarium for children, thereupon coming to Sumpter, Oregon, where he and Dr. Tape started the Sumpter general hospital. Dr. Tape later sold out to Dr. Anderson, our subject's present partner. They have a large practice, the natural result of their skill and care, for they are counted as among the leading physicians of the county. In fraternal affiliations Dr. Pearce is identified with the B.P.O.E. of Baker City; he also belongs to the W. W. Keen Surgical Society of Philadelphia. In Philadelphia, on September 19, 1899, Dr. Pearce married Miss Janette, daughter of James and Elizabeth Hurley, of that city. Mrs. Pearce is a graduate nurse of Jefferson Medical College hospital of Philadelphia, and renders her husband very material assistance in the supervision and management of his hospital.