Biography of Samuel White, 1902, Baker Co., Oregon: Surnames: White, Johnstone, Wisdom, Brown, Lawrence. *********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Transcribed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: W. David Samuelsen - November 2001 ************************************************************************ An Illustrated History of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties, pub. 1902 by Western Historical Pub. Co. of Chicago. page 258 SAMUEL WHITE Mr. White is a native of Griffin, Georgia being born on September 15, 1860, and the son of John Haywood and Jane Rebecca (Johnstone) White, natives, respectively, of Tennessee and Georgia. His father was captain of the Griffin Light Guards during the Rebellion, and after the war returned to his native town, where he resided until March, 1898, the time of his death. His mother is still living in that city. Our subject received his primary education in the public schools of his native town and then attended the University of Tennessee, after which he took up the study of law under the tuition of Frank L. Harralson, state librarian at Atlanta, Georgia, where he was admitted to the bar on Oct 6, 1881. He immediately began the practice of law in Atlanta, continuing the same until 1885, when he came to Oregon, locating at Grant's Pass for two years, then removed to eastern Oregon, choosing Baker City as his home, and here he has since continued in the practice of his profession with an ever increasing patronage and brilliant success. In the political school he is allied with the Democrats and is a prominent leader in that party, being chairman of the state Democratic central committee, where his keenness and wise political foresight is much valued. He is also captain of Company A, Oregon National Guards and in 1898 was elected district attorney and in 1900 was elected as his own successor. Thus is shown the appreciation of his constituency in his ability and faithfulness, which in every way is justly merited. In fraternal affiliations he is associated with the B.P.O.E., the A.O.U.W. and the W. of W. The marriage of Mr. White and Miss Ida Lawrence was solemnized in Baker City on October 8, 1890, and they became the parents of two children: John Haywood and Johnstone Lawrence. Mrs. White was the daughter of Judge A. J. Lawrence and a native of the Sandwich Islands, being born while her father was supreme judge in Honolulu. She died in 1892. Mr. White was married the second time, February 17, 1896, Mrs. Frances E. Wisdom becoming his wife at that time. Mrs. White is the eldest daughter of Albert H. Brown, who was formerly treasurer of the state of Oregon. He came to the coast in 1849 and to Baker City in 1862. She was born in Yreka, California, on July 2, 1861. Her father now resides in Portland. Mr. White was a resident of Pendleton for a time previous to locating in Baker City, and while there he was city attorney at the time W. F. Matlock was mayor. It is but right that we should say that Mr. White is possessed of rare capabilities and has manifested integrity and moral worth that stamp him as a man in whom implicit confidence may be placed and this he has gained in unstinted measure from his fellows.