Columbia County OR Archives Biographies.....Bonser, Alexander Hamilton August 21, 1857 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila L. Wakley June 18, 2009, 1:31 pm Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company ALEXANDER HAMILTON BONSER. Among the progressive and enterprising farmers of Columbia county stands Alexander H. Bonser, who owns a well improved and productive farm near Scappoose, where he is giving his attention to the breeding and raising of pure bred Ayrshire cattle and is meeting with notable success. Mr. Bonser was born at Willow Bar, Sauvie's island, Columbia county, Oregon, on the 21st of August, 1857, and is a son of Clinton and Mary A. (McQuin) Bonser, the former born in Greenup county, Kentucky, in 1829, and the latter in Missouri in 1840. His father crossed the plains to Oregon in 1852, traveling with ox teams and covered wagons in a large train of emigrants. He took up a donation land claim at Willow Bar, Columbia county, on which he lived until 1861, when he sold it and bought two hundred and three acres of the Michael Jones donation claim, three and a half miles south of Scappoose. One acre of this land was cleared, the remainder being in timber and brush, and on the place stood a log house, in which he lived for three years. In 1866 he erected a new house, in which he lived until his death, February 28, 1902. His wife died September 14, 1914. Mr. Bonser served in the Cayuse Indian war of 1855-56 under Captain Curtis. His wife was a daughter of A. H. McQuin, who was born in Yadkin county, Kentucky, in 1810, and died in Oregon in 1871. Before coming to Oregon he had followed the gunsmith trade, and in 1844 he came across the plains to this state, first locating where the city of Portland now stands. In 1849 he joined the gold rush to California, but returned to Oregon in the following year and took a donation land claim of six hundred and forty acres on Sauvie's island, Multnomah county. There he spent the remaining years of his life, engaged in farming and raising fine horses and cattle. To Mr. and Mrs. Bonser were born nine children, of whom four are living, namely: Alex; Robert C., county engineer of Multnomah county, who lives in Portland; Mrs. Eva I. Endicott, of Scappoose, who has two children, Polly Ann and Clinton B.; Mrs. Viola Edele Nash, of Portland; who has two children, Norwood and Mrs. Margaret Shepard, of Portland, who has a daughter, Viola, while Norwood Nash has a son, Edison Nash, fourteen years old. Alex H. Bonser received his education in the public schools of Scappoose, after which he helped his father on the home ranch until 1880. He then engaged in steamboating on the Columbia river until 1890. In 1906 he turned his attention to raising pure bred Ayrshire cattle, beginning in a small way, but exercising sound judgment in the selection of his stock, and now he is the owner of a fine herd of high-test pure bred registered cattle, of which he has a right to be proud. He owns a good farm of two hundred and sixty acres, on which he has made permanent and substantial improvements, and is now building a new house on the hill above the Columbia and Astoria highway, which runs through his land. The house is well situated, commanding a magnificent view of the valley. Mr. Bonser has always shown a readiness to cooperate with his fellow citizens in the advancement of all measures for the public good and has been a consistent advocate of good roads and the best educational facilities. Because of his ability, his industry and his commendable personal qualities, he well deserves the high place which he holds in the esteem of his fellowmen and is regarded as one of the solid and substantial men of his locality. Additional Comments: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. II, Pages 896-897 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb