Delayed Birth Certificate Registration of Susan Francis Kellogg, 1875 Surnames: Kellogg, Ferguson GRANT CO. OREGON ********************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES(tm) NOTICE: ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************************************* Transcribed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: W. David Samuelsen - November 2001 ************************************************************************ Delayed Birth Certificate #DF79 Grant County, State of Oregon City of Prairie City. Child: Susan Francis Kellogg female, full term, legitimate-yes, birth date 9 Dec 1875 father: Amos Richard Kellogg, Prairie City white, 28 years old, born Canada, teacher in public school mother: Sarah Catherine Ferguson, Prairie City white, 22 years old, born in Missouri, housewife, at home registered 31 May 1941, J. H. Allen, Judge of Grant County filed 3 June 1941 with state