Hood River County OR Archives Obituaries.....Rand, Everett Leonard January 29, 1907 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/or/orfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jeffery Bryant bryajw@bridgemail.com January 28, 2012, 8:06 pm The Hood River News-Letter, Hood River, OR., The Hood River News-Letter, Hood River, OR., February 2, 1907, page 1 DEATH SUDDENLY TAKES AWAY EVERETT RAND The friends of Everett Rand were most profoundly shocked to learn of his sudden death Saturday morning. Everett was fourteen years of age, was born and lived all his life in Hood River. When his parents moved to Portland, Everett stayed in Hood River to finish the school year among his friends, and made his home with his grandfather, Hon. E.L. Smith. He complained of not feeling well, Thursday evening and Friday, and during Friday night became worse. Local applications were applied to his head, which pained him most severely, and he became more easy and went to sleep. Saturday morning he was still sleeping and at noon, when his grandfather came home to luncheon and asked after Everett, he was told the lad had not yet come down from his room. Mr. Smith thought he should be called and have something to eat, when it was found that he had passed away. The physicians gave cerebral hemorrhage as the cause of his death. The funeral services were held at the residence of Mr. Smith on State street at 2 p.m. Monday, conducted by Rev. J.H. Baldridge of the Unitarian church, assisted by Rev. W.C. Gilmore of the Congregational church, when the large rooms of his residence were filled and a number were not able to obtain admittance. A large number of his friends, among them his classmates, went to the cemetery at Frankton to pay their last tribute of respect and affection to their departed schoolmate and friend. The pall bearers were of his classmates; Ray Early, Freddie Bell, Elwood Luckey, Audrey Blower, Howard Hartley and Roger Moe. Rev. T.L. Elliott, who baptized Everett when a child, endeavored to come to Hood River to conduct the services, but was prevented by the blockade of the railroad and river. The parents and other relatives have the earnest sympathy of the many friends in the entire valley and elsewhere. ----------------------------------- The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., January 31, 1907, page 2 SUDDEN DEATH OF EVERETT RAND The community was shocked Saturday morning to learn of the sudden death of Everett Rand, aged 14 years three month, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Rand, at the home of his grandfather, E.L. Smith. Since the removal of his parents to Portland, where Mr. Rand is employed in the store of Olds, Wortman & King, Everett had been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and finishing his schooling here. He was becoming much comfort and company for his grandparents, and the future for him was full of promise. In the past year Everett had passed quickly from a boy to a man's stature, and his very rapid growth may have made him weak to withstand the sudden attack which snapped his life cord without warning. Thursday evening he was taken with a severe bilious attack, after eating a hearty supper, but it was apparently not more serious than he had experienced occasionally, being subject to indigestion at time. Friday he stayed at home, but was feeling fairly well. That night he was taken with a terrific headache, complaining that the pain was so severe that he could hardly endure it. Dr. Watt was called after midnight and succeeded in relieving the pain and left medicine to be given in case of a renewal of the attack, but it was apparently not needed, as he soon expressed a desire to sleep, and the family retired. He was heard to get up once or twice shortly after that, and then went to sleep. When the family arose he was sleeping quietly, and was not disturbed. Dr. Watt called at 9:30 and he was apparently in a natural sleep, and all thought that the trouble was over. Mr. Smith came home shortly before noon, and upon inquiring, was told that the boy was still sleeping. ! Thinking that it was time he should awaken, Mrs. Smith went up to his room and discovered that he had passed away. Drs. Watt and Brosius were soon there, and it is their opinion that he died from congestion of the brain, in a convulsion. This is an acute form of the grip that is being met with occasionally, though not often resulting fatally. The news was broken to the family in Portland, and they arrived on the evening train. The sad affair has cast a gloom over the community and sympathy is extended upon all sides for the afflicted ones. The funeral was held at the Smith residence Monday afternoon. The school mates of the deceased were allowed to attend, one of the rooms dismissing for that purpose, and they were there in a body. Revs. Gilmore and Baldridge officiated. Dr. Eliot, who baptized Everett, and is an old friend of the family, expected to be present, but was unable to get here on account of the delayed trains. The floral offerings were many and very elaborate. The arrangements were in charge of S.E. Bartmess, and the pall bearers were Roger Moe, Elwood Luckey, Howard Hartley, Fred Bell, Raymond Early and Aubrey Blowers. The funeral services were opened with a song by Miss Hartley. The remains were interred in the Smith private burial lot at Frankton. ---------------------------------- The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., January 31, 1907, page 2 A CARD To all those who mingled their tears with our own, to the kind friends at Frankton who, without suggestion, removed the deep snow from the roads and around the burial lot in our private cemetery, and to each and everyone who came to us with precious sympathy and assistance during our bereavement, we extended the sincere thanks of stricken hearts. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rand, Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Smith, Hood River, Jan. 30, 1907. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/or/hoodriver/obits/r/rand4225gob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/orfiles/ File size: 6.2 Kb