OBITUARY: I. E. Sayer, Jackson County, Oregon ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************************************* Transcribed and formatted for use in USGenWeb Archives by Elizabeth Corethers 24 Jan 2003 *************************************************************************** Southern Oregon Mail, Friday, 9 Sep 1892, p. 4 A SUDDEN DEATH. I. E. Sayer, accompanied by his wife, two children and brother, arrived in this town last week overland from Bloomfield, Iowa. Their destination was Suislaw Bay, where they were to take up government land and make a home. The cold hand of death has cut the program short. Mr. Sayer was a painter by trade and had been suffering for some time from lead poison, and about the time of their arrival here he was taken suddenly worse and died Sunday about 12 o'clock. The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church, of which he was a member. The burial took place in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. The deceased was an ancient member of the order of I.O.O.F. and K. of P., and the local members of these lodges, on hearing that these immigrants were almost destitute, took the case in hand and saw to it that the dead had a decent burial and the living sufficient to keep the wolf from the door during their stay in Medford at least. This case is a practical illustration of the beautiful in secret societies. Here the principle of "Brotherly Love," as taught within the secret portals, has been given to the world by eager and willing hands and hearts, and one can truly say that an instance of this kind aids us to forget personalities of a greater or less magnitude.