Josephine County OR Archives News.....G.P. MAN TAKES OWN LIFE WITH REVOLVER SHOT November 27, 1926 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ray Rhoads November 17, 2007, 12:08 pm The Grants Pass Daily Courier, Page1 November 27, 1926 G.P. MAN TAKES OWN LIFE WITH REVOLVER SHOT _____________ George Altpeter, 79, Found Dead in Home at 101 H St. by Neighbors’ Children ___________ Despondency Due Ill Health Believed Motive For Act Will and Money Found _______________ Despondency because of Ill health is believed the motive for the suicide by shooting last night of George Altpeter 79 of this city. The body was found this morning at the house at 101 H street, where he had resided for years, with a bullet wound directly over his heart. The exact hour of death is unknown as Mr. Altpeter lived alone. None of the neighbors heard the shot and the first knowledge of the act came this morning when one of the children of John Mock, a neighbor, went to the house to see if there were any errands to run. When there was no answer to the knock, the child entered and found the body. Mr. Mock notified the coroner immediately and an investigation was made. Position of the body indicated that Mr. Altpeter sat on the edge of the bed, placed the revolver directly against the body and fell over backward after the shot. There were powder burns on his clothing. Officers state that there was no evidence of robbery, as money was found in the pockets. The revolver was on the floor, just as it had dropped from his hand. Two empty cartridges were found on the floor, one showing signs of having been fired long before the other. The officers believe it had been in the revolver, a .32 calibre Smith and Weston, and was ejected as the other was put in the gun. According to Dr. J. C. Smith, Mr. Altpeter had been in ill health for a long time. Neighbors were in the habit of doing chores around the house when he was disabled by sickness. He had sufficient money for his needs, it is stated. There are no relatives in this country, according to the will found by the officers. The will further states that he was born in Offenbach, Germany April 4, 1847. He came to Grants Pass from San Francisco 40 years ago. He took up a homestead near the city and later moved into Grants Pass. While the old brewery was in operation, he worked in the establishment. He had not been able to work for the past six or seven years. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb