Malheur County OR Archives Obituaries.....Mills, Mrs. E. R. October 1918 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer April 8, 2006, 6:59 pm The Ontario Argus October 24, 1918 The Ontario Argus Ontario, Oregon Thursday, October 24, 1918 FORMER ONTARIAN IS SPANISH FLU VICTIM. W. J. Allison Dies at Old Home in Oklahoma—Daughter of Mrs. G. King Is Also Victim of Malady. Just a week after he had arrived from Ontario for a visit with his parents at Broken Bow, Oklahoma, W. J. Allison, formerly night marshal and well known here, died of Spanish Influenza last Monday. When he left here with his wife and three children Mr. Allison was the picture of health, in fact his robust 230 pounds proved one of the elements aiding the dreaded disease. Word of his death was conveyed to Mrs. Allison’s brother, Elmer Orcutt, on the heels of a letter telling of his slight sickness. Mr. Allison was a native of Oklahoma but for the past ten years had lived in Ontario and Vale, serving as night marshal there and as deputy sheriff. He had a host of friends in this section to whom news of his sudden death was a distinct shock. He was 32 years old and leaves his wife and three children; his aged father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Allison of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The fatal influenza brot grief to another Ontario home when Mrs. E. R. Mills, daughter of Mrs. G. L. King, died at her home in Kansas City, Kansas last Friday morning. Mrs. King who had received a wire Thursday telling of her daughter’s illness left on No. 18 Friday morning and but a few hours later a message was received by Judge King telling of his daughter’s death. The only information contained was that it was influenza. Mrs. Mellis was known to many Ontarians having visited here on several occasions. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb