Malheur County OR Archives Obituaries.....Neece, Oscar F. 1921 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer August 22, 2005, 6:52 pm Ontario Argus, Ontario, Oregon, May 5, 1921 Ontario Argus Ontario, Oregon May 5, 1921 Prominent Pioneer Passes Oscar F. Neece Dies At Home On Boulevard Following Long Illness-Was Rural Carrier For More Than Eight Years. Oscar Neece, a pioneer resident of Ontario died Sunday morning at 9 o'clock at his home on the Boulevard, from a complications of diseases induced by pernicious annemia. His condition had been serious for some time and his brother from Buhl, Idaho, and a sister from Dillon, Montana, were summonded to his bedside. He rallied and showed marked signs of improvement and hopes were entertained for his recovery and his brother and sister left for home. He was able to come to town last Thursday morning and had his teeth extracted in the hope of regaining his health . He took suddenly worse Sunday morning and passed away in a few hours, the immediate cause of his death being heart failure. Deceased was a native of Brookfield, Missouri and his early manhood was spent in that state. For more than twenty years he has been a resident of Ontario and vicinity. He was married to Minnie Thompson at Brookfield, Missouri October 16, 1900, who with six children, Lois, Harry, Paul, Marion, Dorothy and Leland survive him. One child, Herbert, died seven years ago, at the age of eight years. Other close relatives are four sisters, Mrs. M. Brown, Seattle; Mrs. Lewis Ray, Plattsburg, Missouri; Mrs. J. R. Cupp, Brookfield, Missouri; Mrs. J. T. Beardsley, Billings, Montana; and two brothers, Lloyd and Ely of Buhl, Idaho. Mr. Neece was a member of a pioneer family of the middle west, the Neece family being well known through central Illinois, and the Ely family very prominent in St. Louis. He worked several years as a clerk and for eight years held the position of rural carrier on Ontario Rural Route No. 1. Mr. Neece has been for many years a member of the Baptist church, being one of the organizers of the First Baptist church of Ontario. He was living on his farm two miles west of Ontario, where he has resided for a number of years, at the time of his death. Besides his wife and six children he leaves a large circle of friends who sympathize with the bereaved family in the sad loss of a devoted husband and father. The funeral will take place tomorrow, Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the Baptist church. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb