Malheur County OR Archives Obituaries.....Tensen, Pieter 1955 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer December 23, 2005, 2:16 am Nyssa City Gate Journal Nyssa Gate City Journal Nyssa, Oregon Thursday, July 21, 1955 Pieter Tensen, Pioneer Leader In Farming Dies One of the Northwest's most colorful and determined advocates of modern farming methods was laid to rest in Nyssa last Saturday, after 55 years of constructive work to introduce modern farming methods to Malheur county. He is Pieter Tensen, a native of Holland who immigrated to the Nyssa area in 1900, who died last Thursday at the age of 83. Services were held at the Lienkaemper chapel, with the Rev. John Briehl officiating, and interment was in Nyssa cemetery. Citizens agree that Malheur county and the Nyssa community have lost one of the finest pioneers in our farming community. Moves From Holland Pieter Tensen moved to Nyssa, Oregon from Holland in 1900. His wife, Elizabeth, and two small sons made the long journey from their native land to this raw, new land. They settled on land southwest of Nyssa and immediately started farming. This land is still part of the fine farm Pieter Tensen developed in his lifetime. Folks point out that he brough with him a desire to make this new land one of the finest farming communities in the west. Through his foresight and desire to see that this land was made productive through the years, he developed practices in farming that have been recognized and used by other progressive farmers as standard practices. His farming experiences and the examples he set are considered invaluable contributions to our community. Starts County Project It was through the efforts of Pieter Tensen that a County Agent program was started in Malheur County. He was always active in Grange programs, triple A service, and farm rehabilitation work. Through his efforts red potatoes and head lettuce were first grown and shipped in Malheur County. He was active for many years on various community service boards, such as school board director, irrigation board director, and an appraiser for farm land. His Influence Felt The Nyssa community will miss Pieter Tensen but there is unanimous opinion that it will always be a better and richer farming community as a result of having the privilege of association with a man who had such industry and foresight. Pieter Tensen was born in Schellinghout, Holland on December 21, 1872. He is survived by his widow, Elizabeth Tensen, two sons, C. M. Tensen and Dick W. Tensen, and one daughter, Greta Broad. He was preceded in death by one son, Klaas Tensen. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Dick Groot of Jasper, Minnesota, two grandchildren and three step grandchildren. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb