Marion County OR Archives News.....Aurora January 12, 1888 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sheron Faynor August 5, 2010, 9:06 am Woodburn Independent January 12, 1888 Edw. B.Miller, of Clackamas county, is reported to be dangerously ill with Typhoid fever. Chas.Beck Jr., has resigned his position as clerk for Messrs. F. and J.Giesy and will become a "rancher". He has moved his family out to his farm situated about two and a half miles east of this place. Little Amy, youngest daughter of Fred and ?? Will has been very sick with fever, but she is doing much better . "What's up?" Three of our businessmen, Fred Will, the merchant Wm. Frey the blacksmith and Mike Bapds, the butcher, all departed on Thursday morning's train for a flying trip to the metropolis. Rev.J.E.Day delivered,last Sunday Eve., the first of his series of lectures upon Touches of History and his subject, Te Formation of the world was handled in a very succesful and able manner. Quite a large audience were in attendance, but there is room for more, and it is hoped that all that possibly can will avail themselves of this opportunity to hear these scientific instructions and very interesting lectures. All are invited. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb