Marion County OR Archives News.....Purely Personal January 8, 1890 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sheron Faynor September 10, 2008, 6:27 am The Capital Journal January 8, 1890 Gen.Odell returned to Poartland today. Chas.Johnson returned to his home in Scio today. Mrs.George H.Jones of South Salem is reported to be dangerously ill. Prof.E.B.McElroy, returned home today from a visit to the metropolis. A.Grant, of Jefferson, came down this morning and returned home at noon. Otto Krause is trying to enjoy himself these cold days by nursing a case of the mumps. Doug Minto, after a few weeks visit here, returned to Portland this morning on the overland. Wm.Collard, H.G.Sprague and Oliver Biers, of Brooks, are doing business in the city today. Alvin Bowman, the Journal's efficient pressman, is tussling with that peculiar of all diseases, the mumps. J.R.Phelps, brother Hon. Howard Phelps of the Salem Land Company, left this morning for Sacremento,Cal. Mr.W.E.Chandler arrived in the city this morning from Woodburn, where he has been the past week on a vacation. Miss NellieMorgan and Miss Katie Dearborn who were hurt while coasting Friday evening are reported as improving slowly. O.H.Cook, wife and family of two sons and two daughters, arrived yesterday from Nelson,Neb., and will make Salem their future home. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb